ProblemClassificationsClient Interface

public interface ProblemClassificationsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in ProblemClassificationsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract ProblemClassificationsClassificationOutputInner classifyProblems(String problemServiceName, ProblemClassificationsClassificationInput problemClassificationsClassificationInput)

Classify the right problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.

abstract Response<ProblemClassificationsClassificationOutputInner> classifyProblemsWithResponse(String problemServiceName, ProblemClassificationsClassificationInput problemClassificationsClassificationInput, Context context)

Classify the right problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.

abstract ProblemClassificationInner get(String serviceName, String problemClassificationName)

Get problem classification details for a specific Azure service.

abstract Response<ProblemClassificationInner> getWithResponse(String serviceName, String problemClassificationName, Context context)

Get problem classification details for a specific Azure service.

abstract PagedIterable<ProblemClassificationInner> list(String serviceName)

Lists all the problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.

abstract PagedIterable<ProblemClassificationInner> list(String serviceName, Context context)

Lists all the problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.

Method Details


public abstract ProblemClassificationsClassificationOutputInner classifyProblems(String problemServiceName, ProblemClassificationsClassificationInput problemClassificationsClassificationInput)

Classify the right problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.


problemServiceName - Name of the Azure service for which the problem classifications need to be retrieved.
problemClassificationsClassificationInput - Input to check.


output of the problem classification Classification API.


public abstract Response classifyProblemsWithResponse(String problemServiceName, ProblemClassificationsClassificationInput problemClassificationsClassificationInput, Context context)

Classify the right problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service.


problemServiceName - Name of the Azure service for which the problem classifications need to be retrieved.
problemClassificationsClassificationInput - Input to check.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


output of the problem classification Classification API along with Response<T>.


public abstract ProblemClassificationInner get(String serviceName, String problemClassificationName)

Get problem classification details for a specific Azure service.


serviceName - Name of the Azure service for which the problem classifications need to be retrieved.
problemClassificationName - Name of problem classification.


problem classification details for a specific Azure service.


public abstract Response getWithResponse(String serviceName, String problemClassificationName, Context context)

Get problem classification details for a specific Azure service.


serviceName - Name of the Azure service for which the problem classifications need to be retrieved.
problemClassificationName - Name of problem classification.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


problem classification details for a specific Azure service along with Response<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String serviceName)

Lists all the problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service. Always use the service and problem classifications obtained programmatically. This practice ensures that you always have the most recent set of service and problem classification Ids.


serviceName - Name of the Azure service for which the problem classifications need to be retrieved.


collection of ProblemClassification resources as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String serviceName, Context context)

Lists all the problem classifications (categories) available for a specific Azure service. Always use the service and problem classifications obtained programmatically. This practice ensures that you always have the most recent set of service and problem classification Ids.


serviceName - Name of the Azure service for which the problem classifications need to be retrieved.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


collection of ProblemClassification resources as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.

Applies to