VMInsightsInner Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.microsoft.azure.management.monitor.implementation.VMInsightsInner

public class VMInsightsInner

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in VMInsights.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
VMInsightsInner(Retrofit retrofit, MonitorManagementClientImpl client)

Initializes an instance of VMInsightsInner.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner getOnboardingStatus(String resourceUri)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.

Observable<VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner> getOnboardingStatusAsync(String resourceUri)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.

ServiceFuture<VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner> getOnboardingStatusAsync(String resourceUri, final ServiceCallback<VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner> serviceCallback)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.

Observable<ServiceResponse<VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner>> getOnboardingStatusWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceUri)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.

Constructor Details


public VMInsightsInner(Retrofit retrofit, MonitorManagementClientImpl client)

Initializes an instance of VMInsightsInner.


retrofit - the Retrofit instance built from a Retrofit Builder.
client - the instance of the service client containing this operation class.

Method Details


public VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner getOnboardingStatus(String resourceUri)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.


resourceUri - The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource, or scope, whose status to retrieve.


the VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner object if successful.


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation
ResponseWithErrorException - thrown if the request is rejected by server
RuntimeException - all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent


public Observable getOnboardingStatusAsync(String resourceUri)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.


resourceUri - The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource, or scope, whose status to retrieve.


the observable to the VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public ServiceFuture getOnboardingStatusAsync(String resourceUri, final ServiceCallback serviceCallback)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.


resourceUri - The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource, or scope, whose status to retrieve.
serviceCallback - the async ServiceCallback to handle successful and failed responses.


the ServiceFuture object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation


public Observable<>> getOnboardingStatusWithServiceResponseAsync(String resourceUri)

Retrieves the VM Insights onboarding status for the specified resource or resource scope.


resourceUri - The fully qualified Azure Resource manager identifier of the resource, or scope, whose status to retrieve.


the observable to the VMInsightsOnboardingStatusInner object


IllegalArgumentException - thrown if parameters fail the validation

Applies to