ContentFormat type

Defines values for ContentFormat.
KnownContentFormat can be used interchangeably with ContentFormat, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

wadl-xml: The contents are inline and Content type is a WADL document.
wadl-link-json: The WADL document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
swagger-json: The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenAPI 2.0 JSON Document.
swagger-link-json: The OpenAPI 2.0 JSON document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
wsdl: The contents are inline and the document is a WSDL/Soap document.
wsdl-link: The WSDL document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
openapi: The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenAPI 3.0 YAML Document.
openapi+json: The contents are inline and Content Type is a OpenAPI 3.0 JSON Document.
openapi-link: The OpenAPI 3.0 YAML document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
openapi+json-link: The OpenAPI 3.0 JSON document is hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.
graphql-link: The GraphQL API endpoint hosted on a publicly accessible internet address.

type ContentFormat = string