DataDisksToAttach interface

Describes the data disk to be attached.



Specifies the caching requirements. Possible values are: None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite. The defaulting behavior is: None for Standard storage. ReadOnly for Premium storage.


Specifies whether data disk should be deleted or detached upon VM deletion. Possible values are: Delete. If this value is used, the data disk is deleted when VM is deleted. Detach. If this value is used, the data disk is retained after VM is deleted. The default value is set to Detach.


Specifies the customer managed disk encryption set resource id for the managed disk.


ID of the managed data disk.


The logical unit number of the data disk. This value is used to identify data disks within the VM and therefore must be unique for each data disk attached to a VM. If not specified, lun would be auto assigned.


Specifies whether writeAccelerator should be enabled or disabled on the disk.

Property Details


Specifies the caching requirements. Possible values are: None, ReadOnly, ReadWrite. The defaulting behavior is: None for Standard storage. ReadOnly for Premium storage.

caching?: CachingTypes

Property Value


Specifies whether data disk should be deleted or detached upon VM deletion. Possible values are: Delete. If this value is used, the data disk is deleted when VM is deleted. Detach. If this value is used, the data disk is retained after VM is deleted. The default value is set to Detach.

deleteOption?: string

Property Value



Specifies the customer managed disk encryption set resource id for the managed disk.

diskEncryptionSet?: DiskEncryptionSetParameters

Property Value


ID of the managed data disk.

diskId: string

Property Value



The logical unit number of the data disk. This value is used to identify data disks within the VM and therefore must be unique for each data disk attached to a VM. If not specified, lun would be auto assigned.

lun?: number

Property Value



Specifies whether writeAccelerator should be enabled or disabled on the disk.

writeAcceleratorEnabled?: boolean

Property Value
