DiskCreateOption type

Defines values for DiskCreateOption.
KnownDiskCreateOption can be used interchangeably with DiskCreateOption, this enum contains the known values that the service supports.

Known values supported by the service

Empty: Create an empty data disk of a size given by diskSizeGB.
Attach: Disk will be attached to a VM.
FromImage: Create a new disk from a platform image specified by the given imageReference or galleryImageReference.
Import: Create a disk by importing from a blob specified by a sourceUri in a storage account specified by storageAccountId.
Copy: Create a new disk or snapshot by copying from a disk or snapshot specified by the given sourceResourceId.
Restore: Create a new disk by copying from a backup recovery point.
Upload: Create a new disk by obtaining a write token and using it to directly upload the contents of the disk.
CopyStart: Create a new disk by using a deep copy process, where the resource creation is considered complete only after all data has been copied from the source.
ImportSecure: Similar to Import create option. Create a new Trusted Launch VM or Confidential VM supported disk by importing additional blob for VM guest state specified by securityDataUri in storage account specified by storageAccountId
UploadPreparedSecure: Similar to Upload create option. Create a new Trusted Launch VM or Confidential VM supported disk and upload using write token in both disk and VM guest state
CopyFromSanSnapshot: Create a new disk by exporting from elastic san volume snapshot

type DiskCreateOption = string