RuleActionType enum

Type of action to take when the rule is triggered.


MakeRequired = 1

Make the target field required. Example : {"actionType":"$makeRequired","targetField":"Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity","value":""}

MakeReadOnly = 2

Make the target field read-only. Example : {"actionType":"$makeReadOnly","targetField":"Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity","value":""}

SetDefaultValue = 3

Set a default value on the target field. This is used if the user creates a integer/string field and sets a default value of this field.

SetDefaultFromClock = 4

Set the default value on the target field from server clock. This is used if user creates the field like Date/Time and uses default value.

SetDefaultFromCurrentUser = 5

Set the default current user value on the target field. This is used if the user creates the field of type identity and uses default value.

SetDefaultFromField = 6

Set the default value on from existing field to the target field. This used wants to set a existing field value to the current field.

CopyValue = 7

Set the value of target field to given value. Example : {actionType: "$copyValue", targetField: "ScrumInherited.mypicklist", value: "samplevalue"}

CopyFromClock = 8

Set the value from clock.

CopyFromCurrentUser = 9

Set the current user to the target field. Example : {"actionType":"$copyFromCurrentUser","targetField":"System.AssignedTo","value":""}.

CopyFromField = 10

Copy the value from a specified field and set to target field. Example : {actionType: "$copyFromField", targetField: "System.AssignedTo", value:"System.ChangedBy"}. Here, value is copied from "System.ChangedBy" and set to "System.AssingedTo" field.

SetValueToEmpty = 11

Set the value of the target field to empty.

CopyFromServerClock = 12

Use the current time to set the value of the target field. Example : {actionType: "$copyFromServerClock", targetField: "System.CreatedDate", value: ""}

CopyFromServerCurrentUser = 13

Use the current user to set the value of the target field.

HideTargetField = 14

Hides target field from the form. This is a server side only action.

DisallowValue = 15

Disallows a field from being set to a specific value.