ServiceOptions interface

Global properties used in all atlas service requests.




The authentication options used to customize how the map control authenticates with Azure Maps services. If these authentication options are specified then ServiceOptions.subscriptionKey should not be. Recommend using the atlas.setAuthenticationOptions function instead.


Disable telemetry collection This option may only be set when initializing the map. default: false (true for the Azure Government cloud)


The domain to use when requesting map tiles and other Azure Maps services. If the protocol is not specified https is assumed. Recommend using atlas.setDomain function instead.


Enable the accessibility feature to provide screen reader support for users who have difficulty visualizing the web application. This property is set to true by default.


Enable the fallback to the REST API geocoder for detecting location accessibility if extracting location from vector data fails. Disabling this option will prevent the generation of geocode API requests but may lead to a lack of location information for screen readers. default: true


Controls the duration of the fade-in/fade-out animation for label collisions, in milliseconds. This setting affects all symbol layers. This setting does not affect the duration of runtime styling transitions or raster tile cross-fading.


Defines a CSS font-family for locally overriding generation of glyphs in the 'CJK Unified Ideographs', 'Hiragana', 'Katakana' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges. In these ranges, font settings from the map's style will be ignored, except for font-weight keywords (light/regular/medium/bold). Set to false, to enable font settings from the map's style for these glyph ranges. The purpose of this option is to avoid bandwidth-intensive glyph server requests.


The map configuration defines the set of styles available to the map.


Maximum number of images (raster tiles, sprites, icons) to load in parallel, which affects performance in raster-heavy maps. 16 by default.


A boolean that specifies if vector and raster tiles should be reloaded when they expire (based on expires header). This is useful for data sets that update frequently. When set to false, each tile will be loaded once, when needed, and not reloaded when they expire. default: true


The session id to pass with requests. Recommend using atlas.setSessionId instead.


The style API version used when requesting styles and stylesets


The style definitions version to request when requesting styles from styleDefinitionsPath.


The customer subscription key used to authorize requests. This option may only be set when initializing the map. Recommend using the atlas.setSubscriptionKey function instead


If defined transformRequest will be called to provide custom request parameters for loading a tile.


True to validate styles before it's getting applied. Validation takes significant(few hundred ms) time to process styles during initial load.


Number of web workers instantiated on a page. By default, it is set to half the number of CPU cores (capped at 6).

Property Details


The authentication options used to customize how the map control authenticates with Azure Maps services. If these authentication options are specified then ServiceOptions.subscriptionKey should not be. Recommend using the atlas.setAuthenticationOptions function instead.

authOptions?: AuthenticationOptions

Property Value


Disable telemetry collection This option may only be set when initializing the map. default: false (true for the Azure Government cloud)

disableTelemetry?: boolean

Property Value



The domain to use when requesting map tiles and other Azure Maps services. If the protocol is not specified https is assumed. Recommend using atlas.setDomain function instead.

domain?: string

Property Value



Enable the accessibility feature to provide screen reader support for users who have difficulty visualizing the web application. This property is set to true by default.

enableAccessibility?: boolean

Property Value



Enable the fallback to the REST API geocoder for detecting location accessibility if extracting location from vector data fails. Disabling this option will prevent the generation of geocode API requests but may lead to a lack of location information for screen readers. default: true

enableAccessibilityLocationFallback?: boolean

Property Value



Controls the duration of the fade-in/fade-out animation for label collisions, in milliseconds. This setting affects all symbol layers. This setting does not affect the duration of runtime styling transitions or raster tile cross-fading.

fadeDuration?: number

Property Value



Defines a CSS font-family for locally overriding generation of glyphs in the 'CJK Unified Ideographs', 'Hiragana', 'Katakana' and 'Hangul Syllables' ranges. In these ranges, font settings from the map's style will be ignored, except for font-weight keywords (light/regular/medium/bold). Set to false, to enable font settings from the map's style for these glyph ranges. The purpose of this option is to avoid bandwidth-intensive glyph server requests.

localIdeographFontFamily?: string

Property Value



The map configuration defines the set of styles available to the map.

mapConfiguration?: string | MapConfiguration

Property Value

string | MapConfiguration


Maximum number of images (raster tiles, sprites, icons) to load in parallel, which affects performance in raster-heavy maps. 16 by default.

maxParallelImageRequests?: number

Property Value



A boolean that specifies if vector and raster tiles should be reloaded when they expire (based on expires header). This is useful for data sets that update frequently. When set to false, each tile will be loaded once, when needed, and not reloaded when they expire. default: true

refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean

Property Value



The session id to pass with requests. Recommend using atlas.setSessionId instead.

sessionId?: string

Property Value



The style API version used when requesting styles and stylesets

styleAPIVersion?: string

Property Value



The style definitions version to request when requesting styles from styleDefinitionsPath.

styleDefinitionsVersion?: string

Property Value



The customer subscription key used to authorize requests. This option may only be set when initializing the map. Recommend using the atlas.setSubscriptionKey function instead

subscriptionKey?: string

Property Value



If defined transformRequest will be called to provide custom request parameters for loading a tile.

transformRequest?: (url: string, resourceType: ResourceType) => RequestParameters

Property Value

(url: string, resourceType: ResourceType) => RequestParameters


True to validate styles before it's getting applied. Validation takes significant(few hundred ms) time to process styles during initial load.

validateStyle?: boolean

Property Value



Number of web workers instantiated on a page. By default, it is set to half the number of CPU cores (capped at 6).

workerCount?: number

Property Value
