SymbolLayerOptions interface

Options used when rendering geometries in a SymbolLayer.




Options used to customize the icons of the symbols.

See IconOptions for defaults.


Distance in pixels between two symbol anchors along a line. Must be greater or equal to 1. Default 250.


Specifies the label placement relative to its geometry.

`"point"`: The label is placed at the point where the geometry is located.

`"line"`: The label is placed along the line of the geometry. Can only be used on LineString and Polygon geometries.

`"line-center"`: The label is placed at the center of the line of the geometry. Can only be used on `LineString` and `Polygon` geometries

Default `"point"`.

Sorts features in ascending order based on this value. Features with lower sort keys are drawn and placed first. Default undefined.


The id or instance of a data source which the layer will render.


Required when the source of the layer is a VectorTileSource. A vector source can have multiple layers within it, this identifies which one to render in this layer. Prohibited for all other types of sources.


Options used to customize the text of the symbols.

See TextOptions for defaults.


Determines whether overlapping symbols in the same layer are rendered in the order that they appear in the data source, or by their y position relative to the viewport. To control the order and prioritization of symbols otherwise, use sortKey.

`"auto"`: Sorts symbols by `sortKey` if set. Otherwise behaves like `"viewport-y"`.

`"viewport-y"`: Sorts symbols by their y position if `allowOverlap` is `true` or if `ignorePlacement` is `false`.

`"source"`: Sorts symbols by `sortKey` if set. Otherwise, symbols are rendered in the same order as the source data. Default `"auto"`

Inherited Properties


An expression specifying conditions on source features. Only features that match the filter are displayed.


An integer specifying the maximum zoom level to render the layer at. This value is exclusive, i.e. the layer will be visible at maxZoom > zoom >= minZoom. Default 24.


An integer specifying the minimum zoom level to render the layer at. This value is inclusive, i.e. the layer will be visible at maxZoom > zoom >= minZoom. Default 0.


Specifies if the layer is visible or not. Default true.

Property Details


Options used to customize the icons of the symbols.

See IconOptions for defaults.

iconOptions?: IconOptions

Property Value


Distance in pixels between two symbol anchors along a line. Must be greater or equal to 1. Default 250.

lineSpacing?: number | PropertyValueSpecification<number>

Property Value

number | PropertyValueSpecification<number>


Specifies the label placement relative to its geometry.

`"point"`: The label is placed at the point where the geometry is located.

`"line"`: The label is placed along the line of the geometry. Can only be used on LineString and Polygon geometries.

`"line-center"`: The label is placed at the center of the line of the geometry. Can only be used on `LineString` and `Polygon` geometries

Default `"point"`.
placement?: "point" | "line" | "line-center"

Property Value

"point" | "line" | "line-center"


Sorts features in ascending order based on this value. Features with lower sort keys are drawn and placed first. Default undefined.

sortKey?: number | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>

Property Value

number | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<number>


The id or instance of a data source which the layer will render.

source?: string | Source

Property Value

string | Source


Required when the source of the layer is a VectorTileSource. A vector source can have multiple layers within it, this identifies which one to render in this layer. Prohibited for all other types of sources.

sourceLayer?: string

Property Value



Options used to customize the text of the symbols.

See TextOptions for defaults.

textOptions?: TextOptions

Property Value


Determines whether overlapping symbols in the same layer are rendered in the order that they appear in the data source, or by their y position relative to the viewport. To control the order and prioritization of symbols otherwise, use sortKey.

`"auto"`: Sorts symbols by `sortKey` if set. Otherwise behaves like `"viewport-y"`.

`"viewport-y"`: Sorts symbols by their y position if `allowOverlap` is `true` or if `ignorePlacement` is `false`.

`"source"`: Sorts symbols by `sortKey` if set. Otherwise, symbols are rendered in the same order as the source data. Default `"auto"`

zOrder?: "auto" | "viewport-y" | "source"

Property Value

"auto" | "viewport-y" | "source"

Inherited Property Details


An expression specifying conditions on source features. Only features that match the filter are displayed.

filter?: Expression

Property Value

Inherited From LayerOptions.filter


An integer specifying the maximum zoom level to render the layer at. This value is exclusive, i.e. the layer will be visible at maxZoom > zoom >= minZoom. Default 24.

maxZoom?: number

Property Value


Inherited From LayerOptions.maxZoom


An integer specifying the minimum zoom level to render the layer at. This value is inclusive, i.e. the layer will be visible at maxZoom > zoom >= minZoom. Default 0.

minZoom?: number

Property Value


Inherited From LayerOptions.minZoom


Specifies if the layer is visible or not. Default true.

visible?: boolean

Property Value


Inherited From LayerOptions.visible