Excel.Interfaces.ApplicationLoadOptions interface

Represents the Excel application that manages the workbook.


[ API set: ExcelApi 1.1 ]



Specifying $all for the LoadOptions loads all the scalar properties (e.g.: Range.address) but not the navigational properties (e.g.: Range.format.fill.color).


Returns the calculation mode used in the workbook, as defined by the constants in Excel.CalculationMode. Possible values are: Automatic, where Excel controls recalculation; AutomaticExceptTables, where Excel controls recalculation but ignores changes in tables; Manual, where calculation is done when the user requests it.

Property Details


Specifying $all for the LoadOptions loads all the scalar properties (e.g.: Range.address) but not the navigational properties (e.g.: Range.format.fill.color).

$all?: boolean;

Property Value



Returns the calculation mode used in the workbook, as defined by the constants in Excel.CalculationMode. Possible values are: Automatic, where Excel controls recalculation; AutomaticExceptTables, where Excel controls recalculation but ignores changes in tables; Manual, where calculation is done when the user requests it.

calculationMode?: boolean;

Property Value



[ API set: ExcelApi 1.1 for get, 1.8 for set ]