ExcelScript.ShowAsRule interface



 * The script changes the display for "Crates Sold at Farm".
 * The field shows each value's difference
 * from the value of the "Lemon" in the same row.
 * If the row has no value for "Lemon", the field shows "#N/A".
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
  // Get the PivotTable named "Farm Pivot".
  const farmPivot = workbook.getPivotTable("Farm Pivot");

  // Get the data hierarchy "Sum of Crates Sold at Farm".
  const farmSales = farmPivot.getDataHierarchy("Sum of Crates Sold at Farm");

  // Get the row hierarchy "Type".
  const typeField = farmPivot.getRowHierarchy("Type").getFields()[0];

  // Change the data hierarchy to show each value as the difference
  // from the value of the "Lemon" in that row.
  const rule: ExcelScript.ShowAsRule = {
    calculation: ExcelScript.ShowAsCalculation.differenceFrom,
    baseField: typeField,
    baseItem: typeField.getPivotItem("Lemon")

  // Set the name of the field to match the new behavior.
  farmSales.setName("Difference from Lemons of Crates Sold at Farm");



The PivotField to base the ShowAs calculation on, if applicable according to the ShowAsCalculation type, else null.


The item to base the ShowAs calculation on, if applicable according to the ShowAsCalculation type, else null.


The ShowAs calculation to use for the PivotField. See ExcelScript.ShowAsCalculation for details.

Property Details


The PivotField to base the ShowAs calculation on, if applicable according to the ShowAsCalculation type, else null.

baseField?: PivotField;

Property Value


The item to base the ShowAs calculation on, if applicable according to the ShowAsCalculation type, else null.

baseItem?: PivotItem;

Property Value


The ShowAs calculation to use for the PivotField. See ExcelScript.ShowAsCalculation for details.

calculation: ShowAsCalculation;

Property Value