A/B Testing API


Deprecation Notice
The Marketing version 202304 (Marketing April 2023) and below has been sunset and the unversioned APIs are going to be sunset soon. We recommend that you migrate to the versioned APIs as well as migrate to the new Content and Community Management APIs to avoid disruptions. See the Migration page for more details. If you haven’t yet migrated and have questions, submit a request on the LinkedIn Developer Support Portal.

The A/B Testing API measures the performance of two campaigns with equal audiences and budgets to test one variable, such as creative content / ad format, targeting, or placement. The testing tool then selects a winner (if any), or verifies that the performance difference between the variants is insignificant or inconclusive. You can optimize for the following KPIs:

  • Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)
  • Cost Per Video View (CPV)
  • Cost Per Message Sent (CPMS)


Currently, A/B Testing experiments can be created to compare 2 campaigns.

Experiments can be configured to automatically stop based on predefined criteria. For example, the experiment can be automatically stopped if a winner is picked at a defined confidence level. The confidence level can be defined when you create the experiment. You can also automatically stop the experiment based on a stop time that you define.

Members within the user’s target audience are randomly selected to see either variant of an experiment. Once selected, they will never see the other variant for the duration of the experiment. You can direct traffic unevenly by defining the trafficWeight field.


All API calls documented here require the header for the latest Rest.li protocol: X-RestLi-Protocol-Version: 2.0.0. Refer to the Protocol Versions page to learn more about Rest.li Protocol 2.0.0.


Permission Description
rw_ads Manage and read an authenticated member's experiments. Restricted to experiments belonging to ad accounts in which the authenticated member has one of the following ad account roles.
r_ads Read an authenticated member's ad accounts. Restricted to experiments belonging to ad accounts in which the authenticated member has one of the following ad account roles.

See Account Access Controls for more information on ad account roles.


If you are using legacy permissions, please refer to the Marketing Permissions Migration page for requesting legacy permissions.

Best Practices

Although we cannot guarantee that your experiment will be conclusive — i.e., we cannot guarantee that we will be able to either (A) identify a winner or (B) confirm that there is no winner. However, we have provided a series of best practices that may increase your chances of getting a conclusive test result.

Check for Experiment Warnings

Validation on potential experiment configuration issues can be pulled through the validateExperimentSetup Rest.li action. These warnings aim to alert you of issues that may compromise the results of your experiment.

Warnings can be fetched even before experiment is saved. We recommend always checking validation setup and addressing any warnings before the experiment is saved. The following flow is recommended to manage warnings:

  1. Create or edit an experiment setup.
  2. Call validateExperimentSetup Rest.li action and fetch the experiment’s validation result for any errors/warnings.
  3. Resolve any warnings that is unintended in experiment setup, and then save or update the experiment.

Set a High Confidence Level

While we permit setting confidence levels as low as 51%, the best practice is to use higher confidence levels. We recommend confidence levels of at least 90%.

Schedule Long Running Experiments

We allow experiments to run for up to 90 days. The longer an experiment is run, the more conclusive and reliable the results will be.

Set Proportional Budgets

An experiment has the most power if the campaigns that it is comparing are weighted equally. The more you skew the traffic weight, the less power you’ll have. To ensure that you're weighted equally, we recommend that you create two new campaigns for your A/B test. However, if you do leverage uneven traffic weight, then the campaign’s budgets should be proportional to their weights.


We prohibit creating experiments of the following types:

  • Experiments that have the goal of manipulating / altering member’s moods or emotions.
  • Experiments designed to intentionally deliver a negative member experience.
  • Experiments that involve sensitive categories, including race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, health, age, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation and union membership.


AdExperiment Schema

Field Type Description
account sponsoredAccountUrn The sponsoredAccount URN identifying the owner of the experiment. This field is create only.
autoStop String An enum describing the configuration on when to stop the experiment and its campaigns. Possible values are:
  • AUTO_STOP_AT_END_DATE - Default value. Stop the experiment once it reaches its end date, and automatically pause all campaigns within the experiment.
  • AUTO_STOP_AT_WINNER - Stop the experiment once a winner has been declared or the experiment reaches its end date, and automatically pause all campaigns within the experiment.
  • AUTO_STOP_DISABLED - Stop the experiment once it reaches its end date, but allow the campaigns to keep running. The traffic split no longer applies to the campaigns after the experiment is stopped.
cells Array of AdExperimentCells A list of cells to compare under the experiment. This field must contain 2 cells. The array isn’t editable after the experiment has started, the cell names and descriptions can be updated.
confidence integer An integer percent defining the confidence level of the experiment. For example, a value of 90 requires the experiment result to reach a confidence level of 90% to be considered valid.
description String The description of this experiment.
This is an optional field. Its length must not be more than 1000 characters.
endedAt Epoch timestamp in milliseconds The experiment’s actual end time. NULL until the experiment ends. The system may terminate the experiment before the scheduled end time. This field is read only.
executionState String An enum describing the execution state of the experiment. This field is read only. Possible values are:
  • RUNNING - Experiment is running.
  • PENDING - Experiment will start in the future, for example, the user has created the experiment, but the start date is set to future.
  • ON_HOLD - Experiment is temporarily suspended.
  • STOPPED - Experiment is stopped. However, it can run again in the future, for example, user extends the scheduledEndAt field.
  • ENDED - Experiment is ended. It becomes immutable and cannot run again.
id long The ID uniquely identifying the experiment. This field is read only.
keyMetric String A single metric defining the winning criteria - usually a cost-per-action metric such as cost-per-click. Possible values are:
  • CPC - Cost per click
  • CPM - Cost per thousand impressions
  • CPV - Cost per video view
  • CPMS - Cost per message sent
name String The name of this experiment. Does not have to be unique in account.
This is a mandatory field. Its length must not be more than 100 characters.
scheduledEndAt Epoch timestamp in milliseconds The experiment’s end time, as suggested by the user. Should be greater than the start time. Also, experiment cannot be set to run for more than 90 days (i.e. end time - start time <= 90 days).
scheduledStartAt Epoch timestamp in milliseconds The experiment’s start time, as suggested by the user. Setting a start time in the past will cause the experiment to start right away.
terminationReason String A message explaining why the experiment was moved to an ENDED state by LinkedIn. This field is read only. Our system will automatically end experiments for the following reasons:
  • It has been 90 days since the experiment’s start date.
  • The experiment hit an erroneous condition.
userIntendedState String An enum describing the available states for the user to select in order to control the experiment. Possible values are:

AdExperimentCell Schema

An AdExperimentCell contains a reference to an existing ads entity (e.g. a sponsoredCampaign URN) to be used in the experiment. It also contains metadata, such as the cell name and what percentage of traffic should see this cell.

Field Type Description
name String The name of this cell. Does not need to be unique. This is a mandatory field. Its length must be less than 100 characters.
description String A memo of what this cell is about. This is an optional field. Its length must be less than 500 characters.
reference.campaign SponsoredCampaignUrn The ads entity that this cell is associated with.
trafficWeight integer An integer defining the percentage of traffic that will receive the cell treatment. The sum of all traffic weights in the experiment must equal 100.

Create Experiments

New experiments can be created by issuing a POST to the below URL. Experiments can be created individually.

POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments

User must have one of the following ad account permissions in order to create an experiment:



An experiment must meet the following conditions. Otherwise, it will be rejected.

  • All required fields are present.
  • The start date is before the end date.
  • The experiment run time (i.e., end date - start date) is less than or equal to 90 days.
  • The confidence level is between 51 and 99.
  • Each individual cell’s trafficWeight value is between 1 and 99.
  • The sum of all cells’ trafficWeight values is equal to 100.
  • Any campaign included in a cell is not part of any other active or future experiments with overlapping run dates.
  • The experiment includes 2 cells with distinct campaigns from the same campaign group (and, therefore, from the same account).

Before creation, you may check the validity of your experiment’s configuration by using the validation API. This endpoint will return warnings and errors indicating when something in your experiment may skew the results. Please refer to Validate Experiments for more information on warnings and errors that you may encounter.

Sample Request

POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments
  "name": "Experiment 1",
  "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123",
  "keyMetric": "CPC",
  "confidence": 90,
  "scheduledEndAt": 1562964400000,
  "scheduledStartAt": 1561964400000,
  "userIntendedState": "ACTIVE",
  "autoStop": "AUTO_STOP_DISABLED",
  "cells": [
      "name": "cell1",
      "trafficWeight": 50,
      "reference": {
        "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123"
      "name": "cell2",
      "trafficWeight": 50,
      "reference": {
        "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:345"

Successful creation requests will return a 201 status with a full response body of the successfully created experiment along with its id.


Following are expected exceptions from the Create end point.

Code HTTP Status Message Error Detail Type
ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND 422 The ad account does not exist. AdExperimentValidationDetail
ACCOUNT_ALREADY_RUNNING_BRAND_LIFT_TEST 422 Account provided has a brand lift test with overlapping schedule. A/B test cannot run concurrently with a brand lift test. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_ALREADY_SCHEDULED 409 There is an already existing experiment with overlapping schedule containing same campaign. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_BID_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_MINIMUM 422 You must set a higher bid price than minimum for this campaign type. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_GROUPS_DIFFERENT 422 The campaigns in the experiment belong to different campaign groups under the same account. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_GROUP_DYNAMIC_BUDGET_OPTIMIZATION_MUST_BE_DISABLED 422 You should disable Campaign Group Dynamic Budget Optimization for valid A/B test. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND 422 The campaign does not exist. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_NOT_SERVABLE 422 System does not allow campaign to be served. For example, campaign is canceled. This cannot be reverted by the user. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGNS_FROM_DIFFERENT_ACCOUNT 422 The campaigns referenced in the experiment belong to two separate accounts. AdExperimentValidationDetail
DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS_IN_CELLS 422 Both cells reference the same entity. AdExperimentValidationDetail
FORBIDDEN 403 User has no access.
INVALID_CONFIDENCE_VALUE 422 Experiment’s confidence value must be >= 51 AND <= 99. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_END_TIME 422 Scheduled end time is not valid. It cannot be in the past or more than 180 days in the future. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_NO_OF_CELLS 422 The experiment must contain exactly 2 cells. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_SCHEDULE 422 Experiment’s schedule is not valid. Experiment cannot be scheduled to run for more than 90 days. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_START_TIME 422 Scheduled start time is not valid. It has to be positive. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION 422 The user is attempting to make a state change that is not allowed. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_SUM_OF_WEIGHT_OF_CELLS 422 The sum of traffic weight of cells must equal 100. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_WEIGHT_OF_CELL 422 A cell has an unexpected traffic weight. It must be >= 1, and <= 99. AdExperimentValidationDetail
MULTIPLE_VALIDATIONS_FAILED 422 Multiple errors occurred during the input validation. Please see errorDetails for more information. AdExperimentErrorDetail
SCHEMA_MISMATCH 422 Input does not match schema. AdExperimentValidationDetail
SET_OR_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED 422 The request is attempting to either set or modify a field(s) which is not allowed. AdExperimentValidationDetail

Validate Experiments

Experiments can be validated for potential configuration issues that could compromise the results of the experiment. For example, if a Sponsored Campaign in an experiment was running while the experiment was on hold, this could skew the experiment results.

The validation status can be retrieved at any time during and after the creation of an experiment.

Possible Validation Warnings

For the full list of possible validation warnings and errors, see Validation Error Code.

AdExperimentValidationResult Schema

Field Type Description
experimentId long The ID of the experiment.
items Array of AdExperimentValidationResultItems An array containing all of the validation result items.
validatedAt Epoch timestamp in milliseconds The time when the validation was run.

AdExperimentValidationResultItem Schema

Field Type Description
code String The error code of the validation result item.
detail AdExperimentValidationDetail Additional data associated with a single validation error of experiment.
level String An enum describing the level of a validation result item. Possible values:
message String The message of the validation result item.

AdExperimentValidationDetail Schema

Field Type Description
associatedEntity SponsoredCampaignUrn, SponsoredAccountUrn Urn of the entity because of which validation error happened.
pathErrors array of InputError A list of InputError where each InputError contains information about the pathSpec and error in it

Validate Endpoint

These warnings are retrievable through a sub-resource to check the validity of an experiment.

POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments?action=validateExperimentSetup

This endpoint returns an AdExperimentValidationResult object. This object contains an array of objects called AdExperimentValidationResultItem that provide details on what may be misconfigured. The schemas of these 2 objects are defined above.


When a new experiment (which is not stored) is sent for validation, the id field cannot be present in the request body. When an existing entity or modified version of existing entity is sent for validation, id must be present in the request body.

Sample Request

POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments?action=validateExperimentSetup
  "adExperiment": {
    "name": "Test1",
    "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:1234567",
    "keyMetric": "CPC",
    "confidence": 90,
    "scheduledEndAt": 1562119781530,
    "scheduledStartAt": 1561119781530,
    "userIntendedState": "ACTIVE",
    "autoStop": "AUTO_STOP_DISABLED",
    "cells": [
        "name": "cell1",
        "trafficWeight": 50,
        "reference": {
          "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:12345"
        "name": "cell2",
        "trafficWeight": 50,
        "reference": {
          "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:22345"

Sample Response

  "value": {
    "items": [
        "code": "CAMPAIGN_STARTS_TOO_EARLY",
        "level": "WARNING",
        "detail": {
          "associatedEntity": {
            "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:12345"
        "message": "The campaign is scheduled to run before the experiment scheduled start time."
    "validatedAt": 1557857848554

Validation Error Code

Error Description Level Impact
AB_TEST_BUDGET_BELOW_RECOMMENDATION While conclusive results are never guaranteed, you can increase the likelihood of a conclusive test result by increasing your test budget to $5,000 WARN
AB_TEST_CANCELED Due to your particular test setup, your test results and statistical strength can continue to fluctuate up or down for a number of days after your scheduled end date. For the most accurate readout, wait until your test has completed and this period has passed. WARN
AB_TEST_DURATION_BELOW_RECOMMENDATION While conclusive results are never guaranteed, you can increase the likelihood of a conclusive test result by running your test for at least 3 weeks. WARN
AB_TEST_DURATION_BELOW_REQUIREMENT Each variant in the test must have an audience size of at least 1,000,000. ERROR An experiment cannot be created
AB_TEST_PAUSED Pausing this test will pause both campaigns. Your test's end date will not change. WARN
ACCOUNT_ALREADY_RUNNING_BRAND_LIFT_TEST Account provided has a brand lift test with overlapping schedule. A/B test cannot run concurrently with a brand lift test. ERROR An experiment cannot be created
ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND The ad account does not exist. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
ACCOUNT_NOT_SERVABLE System does not allow account to be served. For example, account is canceled. This cannot be reverted by user. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
ACCOUNT_ON_HOLD User does not allow account to be served. For example, account has total budget on hold flag. This can be reverted by user. WARN May result in experiment being put on hold while it runs; experiment may not run for its intended duration
ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_BELOW_AB_TEST_BUDGET The ad account's budget doesn't cover this A/B test. ERROR An experiment cannot be created
ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_ENDS_TOO_SOON The ad account’s total budget ends before the experiment ends. WARN May result in experiment being put on hold while it runs; experiment may not run for its intended duration
BUDGET_AND_CELL_WEIGHT_NOT_PROPORTIONAL The budget allocation of the cells is not proportional to their traffic weight allocation. WARN May result in biased experiment result.
CAMPAIGN_ALREADY_SCHEDULED There is an already existing experiment with overlapping schedule containing same campaign. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated.
CAMPAIGN_AUDIENCE_EXPANSION_ENABLED The campaign has the Audience Expansion feature enabled. A/B testing is currently not supported for the Audience Expansion feature, and this may result in inaccurate statistical results. WARN May result in biased experiment result
CAMPAIGN_AUDIENCE_SIZE_BELOW_RECOMMENDATION While conclusive results are never guaranteed, you can increase the likelihood of a conclusive test result by increasing your test budget to $5,000. WARN
CAMPAIGN_AUDIENCE_SIZE_BELOW_REQUIREMENT Each variant in the test must have an audience size of at least 1,000,000. ERROR An experiment cannot be created.
CAMPAIGN_BID_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_MINIMUM You must set a higher bid price than minimum for this campaign type. ERROR An experiment cannot be created.
CAMPAIGN_DIFFERENT_TARGETING The campaigns referenced in the experiment are targeting different audiences. WARN
CAMPAIGN_FINISHES_TOO_EARLY The campaign is scheduled to end before the experiments scheduled end time. WARN May result in experiment being put on hold while it runs; experiment may not run for its intended duration
CAMPAIGN_GROUP_DYNAMIC_BUDGET_OPTIMIZATION_MUST_BE_DISABLED You should disable Campaign Group Dynamic Budget Optimization for valid A/B test. ERROR An experiment cannot be created.
CAMPAIGN_GROUP_SCHEDULE_ENDS_TOO_SOON Your campaign group's budget ends before the test end date. If you don't update the campaign group budget, then the test may be put on hold before it reaches its end date. WARN
CAMPAIGN_GROUP_TOTAL_BUDGET_BELOW_AB_TEST_BUDGET The campaign group's budget doesn't cover this A/B test. ERROR An experiment cannot be created
CAMPAIGN_GROUPS_DIFFERENT The campaigns in the experiment belong to different campaign groups under the same account. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND The campaign does not exist. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
CAMPAIGN_NOT_SERVABLE System doesn’t allow campaign to be served. For example, campaign is canceled. This cannot be reverted by the user. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
CAMPAIGN_ON_HOLD User does not allow campaign to be served. For example, campaign is paused by user. This can be reverted by user. WARN May result in experiment being put on hold while it runs; experiment may not run for its intended duration
CAMPAIGN_STARTS_TOO_EARLY The campaign is scheduled to run before the experiment starts. WARN May result in biased experiment result
CAMPAIGN_STARTS_TOO_LATE The campaign is scheduled to start after the experiments scheduled start time. WARN May result in experiment being put on hold while it runs; experiment may not run for its intended duration
CAMPAIGNS_FROM_DIFFERENT_ACCOUNT Campaigns referenced in the experiment belong to two separate accounts. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
CREATIVE_NOT_SERVABLE System does not allow any creatives from one of the cells to be served. For example, all creatives are canceled in one campaign. This cannot be reverted by user. ERROR Will result in experiment being marked as canceled before its result is reached
CREATIVE_ON_HOLD User does not allow any creatives from one of cells to be served. For example, all creatives are paused in one campaign. This can be reverted by user. WARN May result in experiment being put on hold while it runs; experiment may not run for its intended duration.
DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS_IN_CELLS Both cells reference the same entity. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_CONFIDENCE_VALUE Experiment’s confidence value must be >= 51 AND <= 99. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_END_TIME Scheduled end time is not valid. It cannot be in the past or more than 180 days in the future. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_KEY_METRIC The campaigns cannot provide information for the experiment's KeyMetric. For example, campaign ad format is not video, but experiment's KeyMetric is CPV. ERROR Experiment cannot be created
INVALID_NO_OF_CELLS The experiment must contain exactly 2 cells. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_SCHEDULE Experiment’s schedule is not valid. Experiment cannot be scheduled to run for more than 90 days. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_START_TIME Scheduled start time is not valid. It has to be positive. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION The user is attempting to make a state change that is not allowed. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_SUM_OF_WEIGHT_OF_CELLS The sum of traffic weight of cells must equal 100. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
INVALID_WEIGHT_OF_CELL A cell has an unexpected traffic weight. Cell weights must be >= 1, and <= 99. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
NO_ACTIVE_CREATIVES At least one variant in your A/B test has no Active creatives. Your A/B test can't run until both variants have at least one Active creative. ERROR
SCHEMA_MISMATCH Input does not match the schema. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
SET_OR_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED The request is attempting to either set or modify a field(s) which is not allowed. ERROR Ad experiment cannot be updated
SOME_CREATIVES_IN_DRAFT At least one creative in your A/B test is in Draft. A creative can't run as part of your A/B test until it is Active. WARN


Valid Rest.li action should always succeed without any exception.

Get Experiment

Experiments can be fetched individually. Use the endpoint below to fetch a single experiment.

GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments/{AdExperimentId}

Sample Response

  "id": 123,
  "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123",
  "name": "Test Experiment",
  "description": "This is a test experiment",
  "scheduledStartAt": 1542148557000,
  "scheduledEndAt": 1544740556000,
  "endedAt": 1544740556000,
  "cells": [
      "name": "Campaign 1",
      "description": "This is campaign 1",
      "trafficWeight": 50,
      "reference": {
        "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123"
      "name": "Campaign 2",
      "description": "This is campaign 2",
      "trafficWeight": 50,
      "reference": {
        "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:345"
  "userIntendedState": "ACTIVE",
  "executionState": "ENDED",
  "autoStop": "AUTO_STOP_AT_END_DATE",
  "confidence": 90,
  "keyMetric": "CPC"


Following are expected exceptions from the Get end point:

Code HTTP Status Message
EXPERIMENT_NOT_FOUND 404 AdExperiment referenced in the request doesn't exist.

Batch Get Experiments

Experiments can be fetched in batch as below.

GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments?ids=List(12685,11111)

Sample Response

  "results": {
    "12685": {
      "keyMetric": "CPM",
      "scheduledStartAt": 1565568000000,
      "scheduledEndAt": 1573171200000,
      "created": {
        "actor": "urn:li:member:123456",
        "time": 1565631108588
      "confidence": 90,
      "executionState": "ON_HOLD",
      "autoStop": "AUTO_STOP_AT_WINNER",
      "userIntendedState": "ACTIVE",
      "cells": [
          "name": "control",
          "reference": {
            "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123456"
          "trafficWeight": 50
          "name": "test",
          "reference": {
            "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:223456"
          "trafficWeight": 50
      "name": "My Test",
      "id": 12685,
      "lastModified": {
        "actor": "urn:li:member:123456",
        "time": 1565631108594
      "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123456"
  "errors": {
    "11111": {
      "code": "EXPERIMENT_NOT_FOUND",
      "exceptionClass": "com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException",
      "message": "AdExperiment referenced in the request doesn't exist",
      "status": 404


Batch get should always expect 200 response code. Each experiment is mapped to an individual response.

Update Experiments

Experiments can be updated before and after the experiment starts.

POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments/{AdExperimentId}

Before the experiment starts, nearly all fields can be updated. The only exception is account which can never be modified.

After the experiment starts, only the following fields can be updated:

  • name
  • description
  • scheduledEndAt
  • autoStop
  • confidence
  • userIntendedState
  • AdExperimentCell.name
  • AdExperimentCell.description

While scheduledEndAt can be updated after the experiment has already started, it cannot be extended so far that scheduledEndAt - scheduledStartAt > 90 days.

All fields not included in the above list are immutable once the experiment starts.

Once the experiment is ended, all fields are immutable.

The user must have one of the following ad account permissions in order to update an experiment.


The endpoint for updating a single experiment is below. The request must include this header: X-RestLi-Method: partial_update.

The patch content in the request body must contain the entire top level field being updated. This is especially important if the field is a complex object. For example, to change the description of an experiment cell, the request must contain the entire body of the cells field, rather than just a single field of a single cell.

Sample Request

POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments/1234
  "patch": {
    "$set": {
      "scheduledEndAt": 1792221412

Sample Request

The following example updates a value within the cells array so the entire cells array must be provided.

POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments/1234
  "patch": {
    "$set": {
      "cells": [
          "name": "Updated Campaign 1",
          "description": "This is campaign 1",
          "trafficWeight": 50,
          "reference": {
            "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123"
          "name": "Campaign 2",
          "description": "This is campaign 2",
          "trafficWeight": 50,
          "reference": {
            "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:345"


Following are expected exceptions from Update end point.

Code Http Status Message Error Detail Type
ACCOUNT_ALREADY_RUNNING_BRAND_LIFT_TEST 422 Account provided has a brand lift test with overlapping schedule. A/B test cannot run concurrently with a brand lift test. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_ALREADY_SCHEDULED 409 There is an already existing experiment with overlapping schedule containing same campaign. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_GROUPS_DIFFERENT 422 The campaigns in the experiment belong to different campaign groups under the same account. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND 422 The campaign does not exist. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGN_NOT_SERVABLE 422 System does not allow campaign to be served. For example, campaign is canceled. This cannot be reverted by the user. AdExperimentValidationDetail
CAMPAIGNS_FROM_DIFFERENT_ACCOUNT 422 The campaigns referenced in the experiment belong to two separate accounts. AdExperimentValidationDetail
DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS_IN_CELLS 422 Both cells reference the same entity. AdExperimentValidationDetail
EXPERIMENT_NOT_FOUND 404 AdExperiment referenced in the request doesn't exist.
FORBIDDEN 403 User has no access.
INVALID_CONFIDENCE_VALUE 422 Experiment’s confidence value must be >= 51 AND <= 99. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_END_TIME 422 Scheduled end time is not valid. It cannot be in the past or more than 180 days in the future. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_NO_OF_CELLS 422 The experiment must contain exactly 2 cells. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_SCHEDULE 422 Experiment’s schedule is not valid. Experiment cannot be scheduled to run for more than 90 days. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_START_TIME 422 Scheduled start time is not valid. It has to be positive. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION 422 The user is attempting to make a state change that is not allowed. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_SUM_OF_WEIGHT_OF_CELLS 422 The sum of traffic weight of cells must equal 100. AdExperimentValidationDetail
INVALID_WEIGHT_OF_CELL 422 A cell has an unexpected traffic weight. It must be >= 1, and <= 99. AdExperimentValidationDetail
MULTIPLE_VALIDATIONS_FAILED 422 Multiple errors occurred during the input validation. Please see errorDetails for more information. AdExperimentErrorDetail
SCHEMA_MISMATCH 422 Input does not match schema. AdExperimentValidationDetail
SET_OR_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED 422 The request is attempting to either set or modify a field(s) which is not allowed. AdExperimentValidationDetail
WRITE_CONFLICT 409 User is trying to modify an entity which is already updated.

Find Experiments

Experiments can be fetched in batch according to certain search criteria.

GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments?q=search&search=({criteria}:(values:List({value_list})))

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Format Required
q Designates the query finder. Must be search for the Experiment Finder. String Yes
search Search criteria, the following enum values are supported:
  • accountCriteria
  • idCriteria
  • campaignCriteria
  • campaignGroupCriteria
  • keyMetricCriteria
  • userIntendedStateCriteria
  • executionStateCriteria
  • String Yes
    sort Optional sort criteria, contains a list of field and order List No
    field supports the following enum values:
  • ID
  • NAME
  • String Yes
    order supports the following enum values:
  • If not provided, it defaults to ASCENDING.
    String No
    Search Criteria Description Value Format Required
    accountCriteria Search by Ad account Account URN No
    campaignCriteria Search by campaign Array of Sponsored Campaign URN No
    campaignGroupCriteria Search by campaign group Campaign Group URN No
    executionStateCriteria Search by executionState of experiment, the following enum values are supported:
    • ON_HOLD
    • ENDED
    String No
    idCriteria Search by experiment id Long No
    keyMetricCriteria Search by key metric of experiment, the following enum values are supported:
    • CPC: Cost per click
    • CPM: Cost per thousand impressions
    • CPV: Cost per video view
    • CPMS: Cost per message sent
    String No
    userIntendedStateCriteria Search by userIntendedState of experiment, the following enum values are supported:
    • ACTIVE
    • DRAFT
    • PAUSED
    String No

    Sample Request

    The following sample request finds all experiments that contain a specific campaign 1234567 as its cell, sorting by name and created timestamp.

    GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments?q=search&search=(campaignCriteria:(values:List(urn%3Ali%3AsponsoredCampaign%3A1234567)))&sort=List((field:NAME),(field:CREATED,order:DESCENDING))

    The following is a complex sample request that involve all search criteria.

    GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments?/adExperiments?q=search&search=(accountCriteria:(values:List(urn%3Ali%3AsponsoredAccount%3A1234567)),campaignCriteria:(values:List(urn%3Ali%3AsponsoredCampaign%3A1234567)),keyMetricCriteria:(values:List(CPC)),userIntendedStateCriteria:(values:List(ACTIVE)),executionStateCriteria:(values:List(PENDING,RUNNING)),campaignGroupCriteria:(values:List(urn%3Ali%3AsponsoredCampaignGroup%3A1234567)))

    Sample Response

      "elements": [
          "keyMetric": "CPC",
          "scheduledStartAt": 1568062327739,
          "scheduledEndAt": 1575162000000,
          "created": {
            "actor": "urn:li:member:1234567",
            "time": 1568063540121
          "confidence": 90,
          "executionState": "RUNNING",
          "autoStop": "AUTO_STOP_DISABLED",
          "userIntendedState": "ACTIVE",
          "cells": [
              "reference": {
                "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:1234567"
              "trafficWeight": 50,
              "name": "test cell"
              "reference": {
                "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:2234567"
              "trafficWeight": 50,
              "name": "control cell"
          "name": "Test blue vs. red",
          "id": 11113,
          "lastModified": {
            "actor": "urn:li:member:1234567",
            "time": 1568063540121
          "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:1234567"
          "keyMetric": "CPC",
          "scheduledStartAt": 1568062327739,
          "scheduledEndAt": 1575162000000,
          "created": {
            "actor": "urn:li:member:1234567",
            "time": 1568062451794
          "confidence": 90,
          "executionState": "ENDED",
          "autoStop": "AUTO_STOP_DISABLED",
          "userIntendedState": "CANCELED",
          "cells": [
              "reference": {
                "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:1234567"
              "trafficWeight": 50,
              "name": "test cell"
              "reference": {
                "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:3234567"
              "trafficWeight": 50,
              "name": "control cell"
          "name": "Test blue vs. purple",
          "id": 11103,
          "lastModified": {
            "actor": "urn:li:member:1234567",
            "time": 1568063172152
          "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:1234567"
      "paging": {
        "total": 2,
        "count": 10,
        "start": 0,
        "links": []


    Finder requests should always succeed without any exception.

    Delete Experiments

    An experiment can be deleted by issuing a DELETE call to the URL below. Experiments can only be deleted individually.

    DELETE https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments/{AdExperimentId}

    The user must have one of the following ad account permissions in order to delete an experiment:


    To delete an experiment, its executionState must be PENDING. If it’s not, then the request will be rejected with an HTTP response code 400.

    Sample Request

    DELETE https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments/1234


    Following are expected Exception from Delete end point.

    Code HTTP Status Message Error Detail Type
    DELETION_NOT_ALLOWED 405 Delete operation is not allowed except for experiments in PENDING execution state.
    EXPERIMENT_NOT_FOUND 404 AdExperiment referenced in the request doesn't exist.
    FORBIDDEN 403 User has no access.

    Get Experiment Results

    Experiment’s result contains details on the cell that won the experiment, as well as the confidence for the experiment result. This is re-evaluated on a daily basis, always folding in the new data collected over the past day. The generatedOn field is the cutoff point at which we stopped considering that new data.

    A single result can be retrieved as below:

    GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperimentResults/{AdExperimentId}

    AdExperimentResult Schema

    Field Type Description
    experimentId long The ID of the experiment.
    generatedOn date The cutoff time for considering data to generate the current experiment result. Always midnight UTC. Of the format (day, month, year).
    pValue double The p value for the analysis result. In the range of [0, 1], with two digits of precision after the decimal point. Empty if no winner is selected. We only report the p value and the winner if (1 - p value) is greater than or equal to the confidence level specified at experiment setup.
    minimumDetectableEffect double The minimum detectable effect is the smallest difference between two cells that the system can detect in an experiment. For example, a minimum detectable effect of 0.08 means that the system can only detect a difference if one cell performs at least 8% better than the other. It can also be used to better understand experiment results. When an experiment comes back as no winner but has a small minimum detectable effect (e.g., 0.02), then there is no practical difference between the two cells. We suggest using a threshold of 0.1 for this purpose.
    winner AdExperimentCell URN The URN of the winning cell, if the system is able to identify a winner of the experiment.
    cellResults Array of AdExperimentCellResults The statistical result of every cell for the key metric defined at experiment setup. Empty when no result has been collected.

    AdExperimentCellResult Schema

    Field Type Description
    cell AdExperimentCell URN The AdExperimentCell URN for which the result is generated. Of the form urn:li:adExperimentCell:(entity_urn,experiment_id) For example: urn:li:adExperimentCell:(urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:1234,567) for campaign ID 1234 in experiment ID 567.
    confidenceInterval ConfidenceInterval The confidence interval of the AdExperimentKeyMetric for this cell, based on the confidence level specified at experiment setup.
    confidenceInterval.lowerBound double The inclusive lower bound of the confidence interval.
    confidenceInterval.upperBound double The inclusive upper bound of the confidence interval.

    Sample Request

    GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperimentResults/123

    Sample Response

      "experimentId": 123,
      "generatedOn": {
        "day": 12,
        "month": 12,
        "year": 2018
      "pValue": 0.05,
      "minimumDetectableEffect": 0.09,
      "winner": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:1234,123)",
      "cellResults": [
          "cell": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:1234,123)",
          "confidenceInterval": {
            "upperBound": 5.62,
            "lowerBound": 4.39
          "cell": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:5678,123)",
          "confidenceInterval": {
            "upperBound": 8.76,
            "lowerBound": 5.23


    Following are expected exceptions from the Delete end point:

    Code HTTP Status Message Error Detail Type
    FORBIDDEN 403 User has no access.
    EXPERIMENT_NOT_FOUND 404 AdExperiment referenced in the request doesn't exist.
    EXPERIMENT_RESULT_NOT_FOUND 404 AdExperiment referenced in the request exists. But corresponding result is not generated yet.

    Find Experiments Results

    Experiment results can be fetched in batch according to certain search criteria.

    GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperimentResults?q=search&criteria=({criteria}:(values:List({value_list})))

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Description Format Required
    q Designates the query finder. Must be search for the Experiment Finder. String Yes
    searchByCriteria Search criteria, the following enum values are supported:
  • experimentIds
  • String Yes
    Search Criteria Description Value Format Required
    experimentIds Search by list of experiment IDs. List No

    Sample Request

    The following sample request finds the experiment results for experiments with id 123 and 234.

    GET https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperimentResults/?q=searchByCriteria&criteria=(experimentIds:List(123,234))

    Sample Response

        "winner": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(5678,123)",
        "generatedOn": {
          "month": 3,
          "year": 2019,
          "day": 22
        "cellResults": [
            "confidenceInterval": {
              "upperBound": 2.5,
              "lowerBound": 1.2
            "cell": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(5678,123)"
            "confidenceInterval": {
              "upperBound": 2.5,
              "lowerBound": 1.2
            "cell": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(6789,123)"
        "pValue": 0.05,
        "minimumDetectableEffect": 0.09,
        "experimentId": 123
        "winner": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(7928534,234",
        "generatedOn": {
          "month": 6,
          "year": 2019,
          "day": 21
        "cellResults": [
            "confidenceInterval": {
              "upperBound": 3.5,
              "lowerBound": 2.2
            "cell": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(9015782,234)"
            "confidenceInterval": {
              "upperBound": 2.7,
              "lowerBound": 1.6
            "cell": "urn:li:adExperimentCell:(7928534,234)"
        "pValue": 0.06,
        "minimumDetectableEffect": 0.12,
        "experimentId": 234


    Finder requests should always succeed without any exception.

    Error in Request Processing

    Error response uses AdExperimentErrorDetail schema. It is similar to Validation Response but does not have level field. Most of the error code have been reused from validation response and few more values are allowed which are specific to exception.

    AdExperimentErrorDetail Schema

    An AdExperimentErrorDetail Schema is used to contain error information whenever there are multiple errors in any REST request. The schema of this is similar to AdExperimentValidationDetail schema with a difference that code contains some additional values that are not expected with validation of a single resource.

    Field Type Description
    details Array of AdExperimentErrorDetailItem An array of error detail item, each item representing one failure.

    AdExperimentErrorDetailItem Schema

    The AdExperimentErrorDetailItem schema is used to contain error information of a single error whenever there are multiple errors in any REST Request.

    Field Type Description
    code AdExperimentErrorDetailCode This is the code of failure.
    message string A human-readable explanation of the error.
    detail AdExperimentValidationDetail This is failure specific information associated with the experiment.

    AdExperimentErrorDetailCode Schema

    The AdExperimentErrorDetailCode shows all the errors that can be expected from the REST end point.

    Code Description
    ACCOUNT_ALREADY_RUNNING_BRAND_LIFT_TEST Account provided has a brand lift test with overlapping schedule. A/B test cannot run concurrently with a brand lift test.
    ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND The ad account does not exist.
    ACCOUNT_NOT_SERVABLE System does not allow account to be served. For example, account is canceled. This cannot be reverted by user.
    BATCH_GET_ENTITY_FROM_DIFFERENT_ACCOUNT Batch Get request is trying to fetch entities from multiple accounts
    CAMPAIGNS_FROM_DIFFERENT_ACCOUNT The campaigns referenced in the experiment belong to two separate accounts.
    CAMPAIGN_ALREADY_SCHEDULED There is an already existing experiment with overlapping schedule containing same campaign.
    CAMPAIGN_BID_MUST_BE_GREATER_THAN_MINIMUM You must set a higher bid price than minimum for this campaign type.
    CAMPAIGN_GROUPS_DIFFERENT The campaigns in the experiment belong to different campaign groups under the same account.
    CAMPAIGN_GROUP_DYNAMIC_BUDGET_OPTIMIZATION_MUST_BE_DISABLED You should disable Campaign Group Dynamic Budget Optimization for valid A/B test.
    CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND The campaign does not exist.
    CREATIVE_NOT_SERVABLE System does not allow any creatives from one of the cells to be served. For example, all creatives are canceled in one campaign. This cannot be reverted by user.
    DELETION_NOT_ALLOWED Delete operation is not allowed except for experiments in PENDING execution state
    DUPLICATE_ELEMENTS_IN_CELLS Both cells reference the same entity.
    EXPERIMENT_NOT_FOUND AdExperiment referenced in the request doesn't exist
    INVALID_CONFIDENCE_VALUE Experiment’s confidence value must be >= 51 AND <= 99.
    INVALID_END_TIME Scheduled end time is not valid. It cannot be in the past or more than 180 days in the future.
    INVALID_KEY_METRIC The campaigns cannot provide information for the experiment's KeyMetric. For example, campaign ad format is not video, but experiment's KeyMetric is CPV.
    INVALID_NO_OF_CELLS The experiment must contain exactly 2 cells.
    INVALID_SCHEDULE Experiment’s schedule is not valid Experiment cannot be scheduled to run for more than 90 days.",
    INVALID_START_TIME Scheduled start time is not valid. It has to be positive.
    INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION The user is attempting to make a state change that is not allowed.
    INVALID_SUM_OF_WEIGHT_OF_CELLS The sum of traffic weight of cells must equal 100.
    INVALID_WEIGHT_OF_CELL A cell has an unexpected traffic weight. It must be >= 1, and <= 99.
    SCHEMA_MISMATCH Input does not match schema
    SET_OR_UPDATE_NOT_ALLOWED The request is attempting to either set or modify a field(s) which is not allowed.
    WRITE_CONFLICT User is trying to modify an entity which is already updated"

    Sample Erroneous Request

    POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/adExperiments
      "name": "Experiment 1",
      "account": "urn:li:sponsoredAccount:123",
      "keyMetric": "CPC",
      "confidence": 90,
      "scheduledEndAt": 156211978530,
      "scheduledStartAt": -1561964400000,
      "userIntendedState": "ACTIVE",
      "autoStop": "AUTO_STOP_DISABLED",
      "cells": [
          "name": "cell1",
          "trafficWeight": 50,
          "reference": {
            "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:123"
          "name": "cell2",
          "trafficWeight": 50,
          "reference": {
            "campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:345"

    Sample Error Response

      "errorDetailType": "com.linkedin.ads.AdExperimentExceptionDetail",
      "errorDetails": {
        "details": [
            "code": "INVALID_START_TIME",
            "detail": {
              "pathErrors": [
                  "input": {
                    "inputPath": {
                      "fieldPath": "/scheduledStartAt"
                    "value": {
                      "decimalValue": "-156111971530"
            "message": "Scheduled start time is not valid."
            "code": "INVALID_END_TIME",
            "detail": {
              "pathErrors": [
                  "input": {
                    "inputPath": {
                      "fieldPath": "/scheduledEndAt"
                    "value": {
                      "decimalValue": "156211978530"
            "message": "Scheduled end time is not valid."
            "code": "INVALID_SCHEDULE",
            "detail": {},
            "message": "Experiment's schedule is not valid. Experiment cannot be scheduled to run for more than 90 days."
      "exceptionClass": "com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException",
      "status": 422

    Experiment Cancellation or On Hold Reasons

    An experiment can be stopped or put on hold at any point during its execution because of one or more of the following reasons:

    Affected Entity Action Impact
    Account Deleted Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    Campaign Group Deleted Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    Paused Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    Total budget exists and it is exhausted No impact on experiment.
    Daily budget is exhausted No impact on experiment.
    Campaign Deleted Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    Paused Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    Total budget exists and it is exhausted Ad experiment would be put on hold and cells would stop serving.
    Campaign is on hold because audience count is too low Ad experiment would be put on hold and cells would stop serving.
    Campaigns end date is reached Ad experiment would be put on hold and cells would stop serving. Would not result in experiment cancellation.
    Campaign start date is not reached yet Ad experiment would be put on hold and cells would stop serving.
    Daily budget is exhausted No impact on experiment.
    Creative Deleted Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled if there are no more creatives under the same campaign which can serve.
    Paused Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    Rejected or Archived or Cancelled Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled if there are no more creatives under the same campaign which can serve.
    In Review Ad experiment would be put on hold and cells would stop serving.
    Ad Form Rejected or Cancelled Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled if there are no more creatives under the same campaign which can serve.
    Deleted Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    In Review Ad experiment would be put on hold and cells would stop serving.
    Sponsored Content Deleted Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.
    Purged by system because referred content in it is deleted Ad experiment would be marked as cancelled.