Application information for iPlanner Pro Office 365

Publisher Attestation: The information on this page is based on a self-assessment report provided by the app developer on the security, compliance, and data handling practices followed by this app. Microsoft makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the information.

Last updated by the developer on: June 22, 2021

General information

Information provided by iGlobe to Microsoft:

Information Response
App name iPlanner Pro Office 365
ID 17859280.iplannerpro
Partner company name iGlobe
URL of partner website
URL of Privacy Policy
URL of Terms of Use


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How the app handles data

This information has been provided by iGlobe about how this app collects and stores organizational data and the control that your organization will have over the data the app collects.

Data access using Microsoft Graph

List any Microsoft Graph permissions this app requires.

Permission Type of permission (Delegated/Application) Is data collected? Justification for collecting it? Is data stored? Justification for storing it? Microsoft Entra App ID
Calendars.ReadWrite delegated No data is stored in application databases. To get the planner task and add new tasks update the bucket and swim line for the specific user a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
Contacts.ReadWrite delegated No data is stored in application databases. to create an Appointment in the users calendar on the tasks due date a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
Directory.AccessAsUser.All delegated No data is stored in application databases. Allows the app to have the same access to information in the directory as the signed-in user. a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
Files.Read delegated No data is stored in application databases. To access file as attachment and upload files to a task a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
Files.ReadWrite.All delegated No data is stored in application databases. Get the mail subject from the selected mail. Allows the app to get information from the selected email allowing to copy the description field into the task description and allowing to save attachments from the mail or the mail itself to the task. a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
Group.Read.All delegated No data is stored in application databases. to get the planner task and add new tasks update the bucket and swim line for the specific user a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
User.Read delegated No data is stored in application databases. To get the planner task and add new tasks update the bucket and swim line for the specific user a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
User.ReadBasic.All delegated No data is stored in application databases. Check for permission and to get the planner task and add new tasks update the bucket and swim line for the specific user a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b
profile delegated No data is stored in application databases. To get the planner task and add new tasks update the bucket and swim line for the specific user a6f5c2f4-0bc2-48bf-8afe-6c93583a152b

Data access using other Microsoft APIs

Apps and add-ins built on Microsoft 365 may use additional Microsoft APIs other than Microsoft Graph to collect or process organizational identifiable information (OII). List any Microsoft APIs other than Microsoft Graph this app uses.

API Is OII collected? What OII is Collected? Justification for collecting OII? Is OII stored? Justification for storing OII?
Exchange - EWS.AccessAsUser.All No
Exchange - Mail.Read.All No
SharePoint - AllSites.Manage No
SharePoint - AllSites.Read No
SharePoint - AllSites.Write No
SharePoint - MyFiles.Read No
SharePoint - MyFiles.Write No

Non-Microsoft services used

If the app transfers or shares organizational data with non-Microsoft service, list the non-Microsoft service the app uses, what data is transferred, and include a justification for why the app needs to transfer this information.

Non-Microsoft services are not used.

Telemetry data

Does any organizational identifiable information (OII) or end-user identifiable information (EUII) appear in this application's telemetry or logs? If yes, describe what data is stored and what are the retention and removal policies?

iGlobe collects data to operate effectively and provide you the best experiences with our products and service. For licensing: Data collected to administer your organization’s licensing account, such as when you deploy a Free Add-ins, create a trial subscription or purchase a subscription. Following information are collected.

  • For financial purpose: Company name and address
  • Subscribed users: username and email

Organizational controls for data stored by partner

Describe how organization's administrators can control their information in partner systems? e.g. deletion, retention, auditing, archiving, end-user policy, etc.

All data is on the customer's own tenant. No application data is stored. A modern add-in runs in a sandboxed browser, “out of process”. It interacts with users data by using Microsoft services. The add-in may only access the data with which the user is working.

Human review of organizational information

Are humans involved in reviewing or analyzing any organizational identifiable information (OII) data that is collected or stored by this app?



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Information from the Microsoft Cloud App Security catalog appears below.

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Identity information

This information has been provided by iGlobe about how this app handles authentication, authorization, application registration best practices, and other Identity criteria.

Information Response
Do you integrate with Microsoft Identify Platform (Microsoft Entra ID)? Yes
Have you reviewed and complied with all applicable best practices outlined in the Microsoft identity platform integration checklist? Yes
Does your app use MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) for authentication? No
Does your app support Conditional Access policies? Yes
List the types of policies supported Security defaults and any other of the common policies like Block legacy authentication* Require MFA for administrators* Require MFA for Azure management* Require MFA for all users*
Does your app request least privilege permissions for your scenario? Yes
Does your app's statically registered permissions accurately reflect the permissions your app will request dynamically and incrementally? Yes
Does your app support multi-tenancy? Yes
Does your app have a confidential client? Yes
Do you own all of the redirect Unified Resource Identifier (URI) registered for your app? Yes
Does your app expose any web APIs? No
Does your app use preview APIs? No
Does your app use deprecated APIs? No


Questions or updates to any of the information you see here? Contact us!