Strengthen your security posture - Investigate and improve

Welcome to Phase 3 of Strengthen your security posture: Investigate and improve.

This article describes capabilities you can use to measure your current security posture and actions you can take to start improving it.

Capability Description Get started
Review Microsoft Secure Score Microsoft Secure Score reports on the current state of an organization's security posture, with a higher number indicating more recommended actions taken.

You'll see recommended actions for the products included in Secure Score you have licenses for. You're given points for taking actions and your score is updated to reflect the actions you take.
Secure Score Overview

Check your score
Take Secure Score recommended actions Review the recommended actions tab for a list of improvement actions you can take to strengthen your posture and improve your score. By default this is sorted by score impact, with the most impactful actions appearing at the top. You can use filters or group by product, status, license, or category to help focus your efforts. Take actions to improve your Secure Score
Security recommendations Defender Vulnerability Management provides security recommendations to address cybersecurity weaknesses identified in your organization.

To start addressing security recommendations, see Address vulnerabilities with Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management.
Security Recommendations

Address vulnerabilities with Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management

Use the Remediation type filter to review security recommendations you can take to improve your organization's security posture by lowering your exposure to these vulnerabilities.

Address software and firmware security recommendations

Keeping your software and firmware up to date can help mitigate known vulnerabilities affecting your devices. To review software and firmware security recommendations:

  1. Go to the Vulnerability management navigation menu in the Microsoft Defender portal and select Recommendations.
  2. Select Filter.
  3. Select the Firmware and Software related remediation types:

security recommendation remediation types 4. Prioritize the software and firmware related recommendations that will lower your exposure score and raise your Secure Score the most.

Address configuration change security recommendations

Minimize attack surface and improve your posture by taking configuration hardening actions to reduce the risk of your devices being compromised and vulnerable to malicious attacks.

  1. Go to the Vulnerability management navigation menu in the Microsoft Defender portal and select Recommendations.
  2. Select Filter.
  3. Select Configuration changes remediation type.
  4. Prioritize the configuration changes related recommendations that will lower your exposure score and raise your Secure Score the most.

For more information on how to request remediation, see request remediation.

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