interface ICoreWebView2Experimental7


This reference is no longer being maintained. For the latest API reference, see WebView2 API Reference.


This an experimental API that is shipped with our prerelease SDK. See WebView2 release notes.

interface ICoreWebView2Experimental7
  : public IUnknown

This interface is an extension of the ICoreWebView2.


Members Descriptions
PrintToPdf Print the current page to PDF asynchronously with the provided settings.

An object implementing the ICoreWebView2Experimental7 interface will also implement ICoreWebView2.

Applies to

Product Introduced
WebView2 Win32 N/A
WebView2 Win32 Prerelease 1.0.1010



Print the current page to PDF asynchronously with the provided settings.

public HRESULT PrintToPdf(LPCWSTR resultFilePath, ICoreWebView2ExperimentalPrintSettings * printSettings, ICoreWebView2ExperimentalPrintToPdfCompletedHandler * handler)

See ICoreWebView2ExperimentalPrintSettings for description of settings. Passing nullptr for printSettings results in default print settings used.

Use resultFilePath to specify the path to the PDF file. The host should provide an absolute path, including file name. If the path points to an existing file, the file will be overwritten. If the path is not valid, the method fails with E_INVALIDARG.

The async PrintToPdf operation completes when the data has been written to the PDF file. At this time the ICoreWebView2ExperimentalPrintToPdfCompletedHandler is invoked. If the application exits before printing is complete, the file is not saved. Only one PrintToPdf operation can be in progress at a time. If PrintToPdf is called while a print to PDF job is in progress, the completed handler is immediately invoked with isSuccessful set to FALSE.

// Shows the user a file selection dialog, then uses the selected path when
// printing to PDF. If `enableLandscape` is true, the page is printed
// in landscape mode, otherwise the page is printed in portrait mode.
void FileComponent::PrintToPdf(bool enableLandscape)
    WCHAR defaultName[MAX_PATH] = L"WebView2_PrintedPdf.pdf";
    OPENFILENAME openFileName = CreateOpenFileName(defaultName, L"PDF File\0*.pdf\0");
    if (GetSaveFileName(&openFileName))
        wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2ExperimentalPrintSettings> printSettings = nullptr;
        if (enableLandscape)
            wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2ExperimentalEnvironment7> webviewEnvironment7;
            if (webviewEnvironment7)

        wil::com_ptr<ICoreWebView2Experimental7> webviewExperimental7;
        if (webviewExperimental7)
            m_printToPdfInProgress = true;
                openFileName.lpstrFile, printSettings.get(),
                    [this](HRESULT errorCode, BOOL isSuccessful) -> HRESULT {
                        m_printToPdfInProgress = false;
                        auto showDialog = [isSuccessful] {
                                (isSuccessful) ? L"Print to PDF succeeded"
                                               : L"Print to PDF failed",
                                L"Print to PDF Completed", MB_OK);
                        m_appWindow->RunAsync([showDialog]() { showDialog(); });
                        return S_OK;