Get user certificates

Gets the list of certificates that are associated with a specified user. Retired certificates are filtered from the list.


The URLs in this article are relative to the hostname that's chosen during API deployment, such as


Method Request URL
GET /CertificateManagement/api/v1.0/certificates

URL parameters


Request headers

For common request headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Request body



This section describes the response.

Response codes

Code Description
200 OK
204 No content
403 Forbidden
500 Internal Error

Response headers

For common response headers, see HTTP request and response headers in CM REST API service details.

Response body

On success, returns a list of JSON-serialized Microsoft.Clm.Shared.Certificates.X509ClmCertificate objects with the following properties:

Name Description
ArchivedOnCa A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate is archived on the certification authority (CA).
CertificateType The type of the certificate.
IsKeyHistory A Boolean value that indicates if the certificate is a key history certificate.
Issuer The issuer.
NotAfter The date and time after which the certificate is no longer valid.
NotBefore The date and time at which the certificate becomes valid.
RequesterName The account that requested the certificate.
SerialNumber The certificate's serial number.
Status The status of the certificate.
TemplateCommonName The certificate template common name for the certificate.
Thumbprint The certificate's thumbprint.


This section provides an example to get the certificates that are associated with a user.

Example: Request

GET /certificatemanagement/api/v1.0/certificates HTTP/1.1

Example: Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
