Grid Layout


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The Grid is a layout that organizes its children into rows and columns, which can have proportional or absolute sizes. By default, a Grid contains one row and one column. In addition, a Grid can be used as a parent layout that contains other child layouts.

The Grid layout should not be confused with tables, and is not intended to present tabular data. Unlike HTML tables, a Grid is intended for laying out content.

To use the Grid you will need to define its Layout of columns and rows, and its Contents to display.

The layout of the grid is defined using ColumnDefinitions and RowDefinitions to declare the sizes of the columns and rows. The contents of the grid define which controls go in which cells and are wrapped in a <GridCell> component to specify the column, row, column span, and row span.

The properties and syntax for defining a grid's layout and contents changed after Preview 4 (version 0.4.74-preview). Refer to the appropriate section below depending on the version you are using.

Grid syntax for latest versions (Preview 5 and later)

Starting with Preview 5 the syntax for the Grid component has been simplified:

  1. The <Layout> and <Contents> sections from the <Grid> have been removed
  2. The row and column definitions are now defined as comma-separated strings instead of as individual collection items
  3. The <GridCell> components are direct children of the <Grid> component

The follow example shows a grid with three rows and two columns:

<Grid VerticalOptions="LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand" RowDefinitions="Auto, Auto, Auto" ColumnDefinitions="Auto, Auto">
    <GridCell Row="0" Column="0" ColumnSpan="2">
        <Label BackgroundColor="Color.LightBlue" Text="Todo items" FontSize="20" />
    <GridCell Row="1" Column="0">
        <Switch IsToggled="true" />
    <GridCell Row="1" Column="1">
        <Label Text="Use awesome Xamarin.Forms features" FontSize="20" />
    <GridCell Row="2" Column="0">
        <Switch IsToggled="true" />
    <GridCell Row="2" Column="1">
        <Label Text="Delight our customers" FontSize="20" />

Grid syntax for Preview 4 and earlier

In Preview 4 and earlier the Grid component has two child properties:

  1. A Layout child property where you can define the ColumnDefinition and RowDefinition elements
  2. A Contents child property where you can define the contents of the grid's cells

The following example shows a grid with three rows and two columns:

<Grid VerticalOptions="LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand">
        <RowDefinition GridUnitType="GridUnitType.Auto" />
        <RowDefinition GridUnitType="GridUnitType.Auto" />
        <RowDefinition GridUnitType="GridUnitType.Auto" />
        <ColumnDefinition GridUnitType="GridUnitType.Auto" />
        <ColumnDefinition GridUnitType="GridUnitType.Auto" />
        <GridCell Row="0" Column="0" ColumnSpan="2">
            <Label BackgroundColor="Color.LightBlue" Text="Todo items" FontSize="20" />
        <GridCell Row="1" Column="0">
            <Switch IsToggled="true" />
        <GridCell Row="1" Column="1">
            <Label Text="Use awesome Xamarin.Forms features" FontSize="20" />
        <GridCell Row="2" Column="0">
            <Switch IsToggled="true" />
        <GridCell Row="2" Column="1">
            <Label Text="Delight our customers" FontSize="20" />

More information

The Mobile Blazor Bindings Grid component is based on the Xamarin.Forms grid. More information on the Xamarin.Forms grid is available in the Xamarin.Forms Grid topic.