Data points collected during scanning

This article provides a summary of data points that are collected during Movere scanning.

Active Directory data points

The following data points are collected during an Active Directory scan.


Datapoint Name Description
device_FQDN FQDN of the device. For example: 'SQLSERVER1.IO.PRIV'
device_DN The distinguished name of the device. For example: 'CN=DC1,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=io,DC=priv in Active Directory'
device_Domain The Active Directory domain for the device. For example: 'IO.PRIV'
device_dNSHostName Name of the device registered in DNS. For example: 'SQLSERVER1.IO.PRIV'
device_userAccountControl Flags that control the behavior of each device account in Active Directory. For example: Domain Controller = 532480
device_sAMAccountName Devices samAccountName in Active Directory. For example: 'SQLSERVER1'
device_operatingSystem Device operating system registered in Active Directory. For example: Windows Server 2003
device_LogonCount The number of time each device has logged into the queried domain controller. Upper limit of 65535.
device_lastLogon The date/time the device last logged into the domain.
device_pwdLastSet The date/time the device last changed its password in the domain.
device_whenCreated The date/time the device was joined to the domain.
device_Description The devices description in Active Directory.


Name Description
domain_ShortName The Active Directory domain short name. For example: 'io'
domain_LongName The domain long name. For example: 'io.priv'
domain_DN The domain distinguished name in Active Directory. For example: 'DC=IO,DC=PRIV'
domain_maxPwdAge The maximum number of days a password to reset a password for it to remain active in the domain.
domain_whenCreated The date/time the Active Directory domain was created.
domain_whenChanged The date a change last occurred in the domain. For example: when the password with a trusted domain was reset.

System Center Configuration Manager

This information is collected if the environment includes System Center Configuration Manager.

Name Description
SCCM_DN The distinguished name for each Configuration Manager site server in Active Directory. For example: 'CN=SMS-MP-UL1-SCCMMGR.IO.PRIV,CN=System Management,CN=System,DC=io,DC=priv'
SCCM_cn Common name of the Configuration Manager site server in Active Directory.
SCCM_Domain The Active Directory domain for the Configuration Manager site server.
SCCM_dNSHostName The DNS host name in Active Directory for the Configuration Manager site server.
SCCM_whenCreated The date/time the the Configuration Manager site server object was created in Active Directory.
SCCM_mSSMSSiteCode The site code for the Configuration Manager site server. For example: 'UL1'.


Name Description
trust_DN Trusted domain distinguished name in Active Directory. For example: 'CN=US.MOVERE.IO,CN=System,DC=MOVERE,DC=IO'.
trust_cn Trusted domain common name. For example: 'CN=US.MOVERE.IO'.
trust_Direction One-way or two-way direction.
trust_Partner The domain that the selected domain either trustso, r is trusted by. For example: 'MOVERE.IO'.
trust_Type Domain trust type. For example: Transitive.
trust_ShortName Trusted domain short name. For example: 'US'.
trust_whenCreated The date/time when the domain trust was created.
trust_whenChanged The date/time a change last occurred to a domain trust. For example: when the trust password was reset.


By default Movere collects user information. You can indicate that no user information should be collected, by specifying the -nouser command when you run a scan from the command line. Learn more.

Name Description
user_DN User distinguished name. For example: 'CN=Andrew Ireland,CN=user,DC=io,DC=priv in Active Directory'.
user_name User full name in Active Directory. For example: 'Andrew Ireland'.
user_cn User common name in Active Directory. For example: 'Andrew Ireland'.
user_description The user description in Active Directory.
user_displayName The user display name in Active Directory. For example: 'Andrew Ireland'. Standard User = 512.
user_sAMAccountName User logon name in Active Directory. For example: 'aireland'.
user_sn User last name. For example: 'Ireland'.
user_mail user email address. For example: ''.
user_msExchHomeServerName Exchange Server currently housing the user Exchange mailbox.
user_givenName User first name. For example: 'Andrew'.
user_co If used, specifies the user country/region. For example: 'United States'.
user_title If used, represents the user job title. For example: 'Manager'.
user_department If used, specifies the user department. For example: 'Finance'.
user_company If used, represents the user company. For example: 'Movere'.
user_whenCreated The date/time the user was added to the Active Directory domain.
user_accountExpires If used, represents the date the user account will be disabled, and access prohibited to the Active Directory domain.
user_LogonCount The number of times each user object has logged into the queried domain controller. Upper limit of 65535.
user_employeeid If used, represents the user employee ID.
user_employeeNumber If used, represents the user employee number.
user_employeeType If used, represents the user employee type. For example: staff, vendor, contractor, temp, consultant etc.
user_lastlogon The date/time a user last logged into Active Directory. This is a replicated timestamp that's accurate to within a week of the extraction date.
user_pwdlastset The date/time the user last reset their password in the Active Directory domain.
user_domain The Active Directory domain for the user.

Window inventory scanning

The following datapoints are collected when initiating a Windows inventory scan.


The following datapoints are not collected by default. Users need to check the Collect PII flag in the options tab to enable bots to collect these datapoints.

Name Description
crmuser_DataStore Microsoft SQL Server housing the Dynamics CRM database.
crmuser_OrganizationName The Dynamics CRM organization name for which the user is a member.
crmuser_FullName The user's full name as it appears in Dynamics CRM.
crmuser_EmailAddress The user email address as it appears in Dynamics CRM.
crmuser_DomainUser The Dynamics CRM user domain login name.
crmuser_DomainName The Active Directory domain that the Dynamics CRM user is a member of.
crmuser_CreatedOn The date/time the Dynamics CRM user account was created.
crmuser_AccountDisabled Identifies user accounts that have been disabled in Dynamics CRM.
crmuser_AccessLevel Dynamics CRM user access level. For example: Administrative, Read-Only, Read-Write.
crmuser_CALType Dynamics CRM CAL type. For example: Administrative, Basic, Enterprise, Professional, Essential.
crmversion_Version Dynamics CRM Server version.
crmversion_LatestActivityDate The date data was last written to the CRM SQL database.

Exchange Server

The following datapoints are collected when Exchange is scanned.

Name Description
exchange activesync_FirstSyncTime The first time a user's ActiveSync device synchronized with an on-premisesises Exchange Server.
exchange activesync_LastSuccessSync The last time a user's ActiveSync device successfully synchronized with an on-premises Exchange Server.
exchange activesync_DeviceType Type of device used to synchronize with an on-premises Exchange Server.
exchange activesync_DeviceID The ID of the ActiveSync device.
exchange activesync_DeviceUserAgent The ActiveSync device agent. For example: Apple-iPhone.
exchange activesync_DeviceModel The ActiveSync device model. For example: iPhone.
exchange activesync_DeviceFriendlyName The ActiveSync device name. For example: iPhone 6 Plus.
exchange activesync_DeviceOS The ActiveSync device operating system. For example: iOS 10.2.
exchange activesync_Identity The ActiveSync device Exchange identity. For example: io. priv/user/Andrew Ireland/ExchangeActiveSyncDevices/iPhone.
exchange activesync_DevicePolicyApplied The Exchange ActiveSync policy applied to the ActiveSync device.
exchange activesync_MailboxGuid The Exchange mailbox GUID to which the ActiveSync device connects.
exchange activesyncpolicy_DeviceEncryptionEnabled ActiveSync device encryption policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowStorageCard ActiveSync device storage card policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowCamera ActiveSync device camera policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_RequireDeviceEncryption ActiveSync device encryption requirement policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowUnsignedApplications ActiveSync device unsigned applications policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowUnsignedInstallationPackages ActiveSync device unsigned installation packages policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowWiFi ActiveSync device Wifi policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowTextMessaging ActiveSync device text messaging policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowPOPIMAPEmail ActiveSync device POP-IMAP email policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowIrDA ActiveSync device IrDA policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_RequireManualSyncWhenRoaming ActiveSync device roaming sync policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowDesktopSync ActiveSync device desktop sync policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowBrowser ActiveSync device browser policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowConsumerEmail ActiveSync device consumer email policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowRemoteDesktop ActiveSync device remote desktop policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowInternetSharing ActiveSync device Internet sharing policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_AllowBluetooth ActiveSync device Bluetooth policy setting.
exchange activesyncpolicy_Identity ActiveSync policy ID.
exchange activesyncpolicy_Guid ActiveSync policy GUID.
exchange activesyncpolicy_WhenChanged When the ActiveSync policy was last changed.
exchange activesyncpolicy_WhenCreated When the ActiveSync policy was created.
exchange activesyncpolicy_Name ActiveSync policy name.
exchange activesyncpolicy_IsValid ActiveSync policy validity.
exchange activesyncpolicy_IsDefault ActiveSync policy priority.
exchange activesyncpolicy_IsDefaultPolicy ActiveSync policy global priority.
ExchangeCluster_Name Exchange cluster name.
ExchangeCluster_Servers Exchange cluster members.
ExchangeCluster_WitnessServer Exchange cluster witness server.
ExchangeCluster_Identity Exchange cluster name.
ExchangeCluster_WhenCreated The date that the Exchange cluster was created.
ExchangeDlpPolicy_Name Exchange Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy name.
ExchangeDlpPolicy_State Exchange Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy state. For example: Enabled
ExchangeDlpPolicy_Mode Exchange Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy mode. For example: Audit
ExchangeDlpPolicy_Description Exchange Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy description.
ExchangeDlpPolicy_IsValid Exchange Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy validity.
ExchangeDlpPolicy_WhenChanged Exchange Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy last changed date.
ExchangeServer_Name Exchange Server name.
ExchangeServer_Domain The Active Directory domain in which the Exchange Server resides.
ExchangeServer_Edition Exchange Server edition.
ExchangeServer_Fqdn Exchange Server FQDN.
ExchangeServer_IsHubTransportServer Whether the Exchange Server is a hub transport server.
ExchangeServer_IsClientAccessServer Whether the Exchange Server is a client access server.
ExchangeServer_IsEdgeServer Whether the Exchange Server is an edge server.
ExchangeServer_IsMailboxServer Whether the Exchange Server is a mailbox server.
ExchangeServer_IsUnifiedMessagingServer Whether the Exchange Server is a unified messaging server.
ExchangeServer_Identity The Exchange Server NetBIOS name.
ExchangeServer_IsValid The Exchange Server validity.
ExchangeServer_AdminDisplayVersion The Exchange Server admin console version.
ExchangeServer_WhenCreated When the Exchange Server was created.
ExchangeServer_IsExchangeTrialEdition Whether the Exchange Server is a trial installation.
ExchangeServer_IsExpiredExchangeTrialEdition Whether the Exchange Server trial period expired.
ExchangeServer_RemainingTrialPeriod Number of remaining days left in the Exchange Server trial.
ExchangeJournalRule_Recipient Exchange journal recipient.
ExchangeJournalRule_Scope Exchange journal scope.
ExchangeJournalRule_Enabled Exchange journal rule enabled.
ExchangeJournalRule_Name Exchange journal rule name.
ExchangeJournalRule_IsValid Exchange journal rules validity.
ExchangeJournalRule_WhenChanged Exchange journal rules last change date.
ExchangeMBSearch_Name The name of the mailbox search policy name.
ExchangeMBSearch_CreatedBy User account used to create the mailbox search policy.
ExchangeMBSearch_sourcemailboxes Whether the mailbox is searched to place items on hold.
ExchangeMBSearch_Status Search status. For example: not started.
ExchangeMBSearch_ItemHoldPeriod The period of time search items remain on hold.
ExchangeMBSearch_LastModifiedTime The last time the search policy was changed.
ExchangeMBSearch_IsValid Whether the search policy is valid.
ExchangeMBSearch_InPlaceHoldEnabled Whether in-place hold policy is enabled.
ExchangeMBSearch_InPlaceHoldIdentity The unique ID for the in-place hold policy.
ExchangeMBStatistics_DeletedItemCount The number of deleted items in the mailbox account.
ExchangeMBStatistics_ItemCount The number of items in the mailbox account.
ExchangeMBStatistics_LastLogonTime The last logon to the mailbox.
ExchangeMBStatistics_MailboxGuid The mailbox GUID.
ExchangeMBStatistics_StorageLimitStatus The mailbox storage limit status.
ExchangeMBStatistics_TotalDeletedItemSize The size of the deleted items in the mailbox account.
ExchangeMBStatistics_TotalItemSize The size of the items in the mailbox account.
ExchangeMBStatistics_IsValid Whether the mailbox is valid.
ExchangeRetentionPolicy_Name The retention policy name.
ExchangeRetentionPolicy_Identity The retention policy unique ID.
ExchangeRetentionPolicy_WhenChanged When the retention policy was last changed.
ExchangeRetentionPolicy_WhenCreated When the retention policy was created.
ExchangeRetentionPolicy_IsValid Whether the retention policy is valid.
ExchangeRetentionPolicy_RetentionPolicyTagLinks Retention policy tags. For example: Never Delete
ExchangeRetentionTags_MessageClassDisplayName Message class name. For example: All Mailbox Content
ExchangeRetentionTags_RetentionEnabled Whether the retention policy is enabled.
ExchangeRetentionTags_RetentionAction Retention action setting. For example: DeleteAndAllowRecovery
ExchangeRetentionTags_AgeLimitForRetention Age limit for retention. For example: 30 days
ExchangeRetentionTags_TriggerForRetention Trigger for retention. For example: WhenDelivered
ExchangeRetentionTags_JournalingEnabled Whether journaling is enabled.
ExchangeRetentionTags_RTType Retention type. For example: Personal
ExchangeRetentionTags_Comment Comments applied to the retention tag.
ExchangeRetentionTags_Name Retention tag name. For example: One Month Delete
ExchangeRetentionTags_Identity Retention tag identity. For example: One Month Delete
ExchangeRetentionTags_WhenChanged When the retention tag was last changed.
ExchangeRetentionTags_WhenCreated When the retention tag was created.
ExchangeRetentionTags_IsValid Whether the retention tag is valid.
ExchangeVersion_Version Exchange Server version.
ExchangeVersion_LatestActivityDate The last time activity occurred on the Exchange server.

The following datapoints are not collected by default. Users need to check the Collect PII flag in the options tab to enable bots to collect these datapoints.

Name Description
ExchangeMailbox_Database Exchange Server database name.
ExchangeMailbox_ExchangeGuid Exchange mailbox GUID.
ExchangeMailbox_ExchangeUserAccountControl Exchange mailbox User Account Control value.
ExchangeMailbox_ForwardingAddress Forwarding address(es) assigned to the mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_IsMailboxEnabled Whether the mailbox is enabled.
ExchangeMailbox_IsResource Whether it's a resource mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_IsLinked Whether it's a linked mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_IsShared Whether it's a shared mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_SamAccountName user logon name.
ExchangeMailbox_ServerName The Exchange Server on which the mailbox resides.
ExchangeMailbox_UMEnabled Whether the mailbox is enabled for Unified Messaging.
ExchangeMailbox_HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled Whether the mailbox is hidden from the address list.
ExchangeMailbox_MaxSendSize Maximum size email that can be sent from the mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_MaxReceiveSize Maximum size email that can be received from the mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_ExchangeVersion Version of the Exchange Server on which the mailbox resides.
ExchangeMailbox_RecipientType Mailbox recipient type. For example: user mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_RecipientTypeDetails Mailbox recipient type details.
ExchangeMailbox_WindowsEmailAddress The mailbox email address.
ExchangeMailbox_Identity The mailbox identity. For example: io.priv/user/Andrew Ireland
ExchangeMailbox_Guid The Exchange mailbox GUID.
ExchangeMailbox_WhenCreated The date the mailbox was created.
ExchangeMailbox_IsValid Whether the mailbox is valid.
ExchangeMailbox_ArchiveDatabase The mailbox archive database.
ExchangeMailbox_ArchiveName The mailbox archive name.
ExchangeMailbox_ArchiveStatus The mailbox archive status.
ExchangeMailbox_RetentionPolicy Retention policy applied to the mailbox.
ExchangeMailbox_InPlaceHolds In place holds applied to the mailbox.
CASMailbox_PrimarySmtpAddress User's primary SMTP email address.
CASMailbox_SamAccountName User logon name.
CASMailbox_ServerName Exchange Server currently housing the user Exchange mailbox.
CASMailbox_DisplayName The user display name. For example: Andrew Ireland
CASMailbox_ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy Exchange ActiveSync policy applied to the mailbox.
CASMailbox_ActiveSyncMailboxPolicyIsDefaulted Exchange ActiveSync default policy applied to the mailbox.
CASMailbox_ActiveSyncEnabled Exchange ActiveSync enabled on the mailbox.
CASMailbox_HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership An ActiveSync relationship to the mailbox exists.
CASMailbox_OWAEnabled The mailbox is enabled for Outlook Web Access.
CASMailbox_Identity The mailbox identity. For example: io.priv/user/Andrew Ireland
CASMailbox_IsValid The mailbox validity.
CASMailbox_Guid The Exchange mailbox GUID.
CASMailbox_WhenCreated The date the mailbox was created.

Lync/Skype for Business

Name Description
LyncArchive_Description Lync/Skype archive policy description.
LyncArchive_ArchiveInternal Whether the archive is internal. For example: TRUE
LyncArchive_ArchiveExternal Whether the archive is external. For example: FALSE
LyncArchive_ScopeClass The archive scope. For example: GLOBAL
LyncArchive_Identity The archive identity. For example: GLOBAL
LyncConf_AllowIPAudio Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow IP audio
LyncConf_AllowIPVideo Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow IP video
LyncConf_Description Lync/Skype conference policy description.
LyncConf_AllowParticipantControl Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow participant control
LyncConf_AllowAnnotations Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow annotations
LyncConf_DisablePowerPointAnnotations Lync/Skype conference policy: Disable PowerPoint annotations
LyncConf_AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWithAppSharing Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow user to schedule meetings with application sharing
LyncConf_AllowAnonymoususerToDialOut Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow anonymous user to dial out
LyncConf_AllowAnonymousParticipantsInMeetings Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow anonymous participants in meetings
LyncConf_AllowExternaluserToSaveContent Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow external user to save content
LyncConf_AllowExternalUserControl Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow external user control
LyncConf_AllowExternaluserToRecordMeeting Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow external user to record meeting
LyncConf_AllowPolls Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow polls
LyncConf_EnableDialInConferencing Lync/Skype conference policy: Enable dial in conferencing
LyncConf_EnableAppDesktopSharing Lync/Skype conference policy: Enable application desktop sharing
LyncConf_AllowConferenceRecording Lync/Skype conference policy: Allow conference recording
LyncConf_EnableP2PRecording Lync/Skype conference policy: Enable peer-to-peer recording
LyncConf_EnableFileTransfer Lync/Skype conference policy: Enable file transfer
LyncConf_EnableP2PFileTransfer Lync/Skype conference policy: Enable peer-to-peer file transfer
LyncConf_EnableP2PVideo Lync/Skype conference policy: Enable peer-to-peer video
LyncConf_EnableDataCollaboration Lync/Skype conference policy: Enable data collaboration
LyncConf_MaxVideoConferenceResolution Lync/Skype conference policy: Maximum video conference resolution
LyncConf_MaxMeetingSize Lync/Skype conference policy: Maximum meeting size
LyncConf_AudioBitRateKb Lync/Skype conference policy: Audio bit rate in kilobits
LyncConf_VideoBitRateKb Lync/Skype conference policy: Video bit rate in kilobits
LyncConf_AppSharingBitRateKb Lync/Skype conference policy: Application sharing bit rate in kilobits
LyncConf_FileTransferBitRateKb Lync/Skype conference policy: File transfer bit rate in kilobits
LyncConf_ScopeClass Lync/Skype conference policy scope class. For example: Global
LyncConf_Identity Lync/Skype conference policy: Identity. For example: Global
LyncExternal_Description Lync/Skype external policy description
LyncExternal_EnableFederationAccess Lync/Skype external policy: Enable federation access
LyncExternal_EnablePublicCloudAccess Lync/Skype external policy: Enable public cloud access
LyncExternal_EnablePublicCloudAudioVideoAccess Lync/Skype external policy: Enable public cloud audio video access
LyncExternal_EnableOutsideAccess Lync/Skype external policy: Enable outside access
LyncExternal_ScopeClass Lync/Skype external policy scope class. For example: Global
LyncExternal_Identity Lync/Skype external policy: Identity. For example: Global
LyncMobility_Description Lync/Skype mobility policy description
LyncMobility_EnableOutsideVoice Lync/Skype mobility policy: Enable outside voice
LyncMobility_EnableMobility Lync/Skype mobility policy: Enable mobility
LyncMobility_ScopeClass Lync/Skype mobility policy scope class. For example: Global
LyncMobility_Identity Lync/Skype mobility policy: Identity. For example: Global
LyncServer_Site Lync/Skype site name
LyncServer_FQDN Lync/Skype server fully qualified domain name
LyncServer_Identity Lync/Skype server device name
LyncServer_Services Lync/Skype server service(s). For example: Central Management Database
LyncServer_Computers Lync/Skype site servers
LyncVersion_Version Lync/Skype Server version
LyncVersion_LatestActivityDate The last time activity occurred on the Lync/Skype server  
LyncVoice_Identity Lync/Skype voice policy: Identity. For example: Global
LyncVoice_Description Lync/Skype voice policy description
LyncVoice_AllowSimulRing Lync/Skype voice policy: Allow simultaneous ring
LyncVoice_AllowCallForwarding Lync/Skype voice policy: Allow all forwarding
LyncVoice_AllowPSTNReRouting Lync/Skype voice policy: Allow PSTN re-routing
LyncVoice_Name Lync/Skype voice policy name
LyncVoice_DefaultPolicy Lync/Skype voice policy: Is this the default policy?
LyncVoice_EnableDelegation Lync/Skype voice policy: Enable delegation
LyncVoice_EnableTeamCall Lync/Skype voice policy: Enable team all
LyncVoice_EnableCallTransfer Lync/Skype voice policy: Enable call transfer
LyncVoice_EnableCallPark Lync/Skype voice policy: Enable call park
LyncVoice_EnableMaliciousCallTracing Lync/Skype voice policy: Enable malicious call tracing
LyncVoice_EnableBWPolicyOverride Lync/Skype voice policy: Enable bandwidth policy override
LyncVoice_PreventPSTNTollBypass Lync/Skype voice policy: Prevent PSTN toll bypass

The following datapoints are not collected by default. Users need to check the Collect PII flag in the options tab to enable bots to collect these datapoints.

Name Description
LyncUser_SamAccountName Lync/Skype user: samAccountName in Active Directory
LyncUser_UserPrincipalName Lync/Skype user email address
LyncUser_AudioVideoDisabled Lync/Skype user: Audio video disabled
LyncUser_IPPBXSoftPhoneRoutingEnabled Lync/Skype user: IP PBX soft phone routing enabled
LyncUser_RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled Lync/Skype user: Remote call control telephony enabled
LyncUser_HostedVoiceMail Lync/Skype user: Hosted voicemail
LyncUser_EnabledForFederation Lync/Skype user: Enabled for federation
LyncUser_EnabledForInternetAccess Lync/Skype user: Enabled for Internet access
LyncUser_PublicNetworkEnabled Lync/Skype user: Public network enabled
LyncUser_EnterpriseVoiceEnabled Lync/Skype user: Enterprise voice enabled
LyncUser_EnabledForRichPresence Lync/Skype user: Enabled for rich presence
LyncUser_SipAddress Lync/Skype user: Sip address
LyncUser_Enabled Lync/Skype user: State
LyncUser_TargetRegistrarPool Lync/Skype user: Target registrar pool
LyncUser_VoicePolicy Lync/Skype user: Voice policy assigned
LyncUser_MobilityPolicy Lync/Skype user: Mobility policy assigned
LyncUser_ConferencingPolicy Lync/Skype user: Conferencing policy assigned
LyncUser_RegistrarPool Lync/Skype user: Registrar pool
LyncUser_ArchivingPolicy Lync/Skype user: Archiving policy assigned
LyncUser_ExternalAccessPolicy Lync/Skype user: External access policy assigned
LyncUser_Guid Lync/Skype user: GUID
LyncUser_WhenCreated Lync/Skype user: When created
LyncUser_IsValid Lync/Skype user: Is the account valid?
LyncUserLastLogon_Guid Lync/Skype user: GUID
LyncUserLastLogon_LastNewRegisterTime Lync/Skype user: Last logon timestamp

SharePoint Server information

Name Description
SharePointFarm_ConfigD SQL Server in which SharePoint farm data is stored.
SharePointFarm_MaxOSVersion The highest operating system version on which the SharePoint farm runs on. For example: 2012
SharePointFarm_MaxSPVersion The highest SharePoint version in the SharePoint farm. For example: 2016
SharePointFarm_MaxSPEdition The highest SharePoint edition in the SharePoint farm. For example: Enterprise
SharePointFarmPS_ConfigDB SQL Server in which Project Server data is stored.
SharePointFarmPS_MaxOSVersion The highest operating system version on which the Project Server runs. For example: 2012
SharePointFarmPS_MaxSPVersion The highest SharePoint version on which the Project Server runs. For example: 2016
SharePointFarmPS_MaxSPEdition The SharePoint edition on which the Project Server is running. For example: Enterprise Project Server only runs on SharePoint Enterprise
SharePointFeatures_SiteId The SharePoint site Site ID.
SharePointFeatures_WebId The SharePoint site Web ID.
SharePointFeatures_FeatureId Are SharePoint Enterprise features enabled?
SharePointFeatures_TimeActivated The date SharePoint Enterprise features were enabled on the site.
SharePointSites_WebId The SharePoint sites web ID.
SharePointSites_SiteId The SharePoint sites site ID.
SharePointSites_ParentId The SharePoint sites parent ID.
SharePointSites_Edition Are SharePoint Enterprise features enabled?
SharePointSites_Members Does the SharePoint site has its own members list?
SharePointSites_FullURL The full URL address for the SharePoint site. For example: http://sharepoint/sites/IO
SharePointSites_WebTitle The SharePoint site display name. For example: IO SharePoint
SharePointSites_TimeCreated The date that the SharePoint site was created.
SharePointSites_RequestAccessEmail The user email contact to request access to the SharePoint site.
SharePointSites_bEntByParenting Is there an Enterprise feature enabled child site utilizing this sites membership list?
SharePointSiteVersions_SiteId The SharePoint Server Site ID.
SharePointSiteVersions_VersionId The SharePoint Server version ID.
SharePointSiteVersions_Version The SharePoint Server version. For example:
SharePointSiteVersions_MOSS/WSS The SharePoint Server feature set i.e. full install versus foundation only
SharePointVersion_Version The SharePoint Server version. For example:
SharePointVersion_LatestActivityDate The date of the last activity in the SharePoint Servers SQL configuration database.

The following datapoints are not collected by default. Users need to check the Collect PII flag in the options tab to enable bots to collect these datapoints.

Name Description
SharePointUserList_tp_SiteId The SharePoint site Site ID.
SharePointUserList_tp_Id The SharePoint user site specific ID.
SharePointUserList_tp_Login The SharePoint user login name.
SharePointUserList_tp_Type The SharePoint user connection type.
SharePointUserList_tp_Domain The SharePoint user domain.
SharePointUserList_tp_Title The SharePoint user display name.
SharePointUserList_Last_Accessed The date the user last accessed the SharePoint site.
SharePointMembers_WebId The SharePoint sites Web ID.
SharePointMembers_UserId The SharePoint user site specific ID.
SharePointMembers_SiteId The SharePoint site Site ID.
SharePointMembers_tp_Login The SharePoint user login name.
SharePointMembers_tp_Type he SharePoint user connection type.
SharePointMembers_tp_Domain The domain of the SharePoint user.
SharePointMembers_tp_Title The SharePoint user display name.

Software Asset Management (SAM)

Name Description
SAMWinHotFix_Caption Windows hotfix title. For example: KB3200970
SAMWinHotFix_Description Web link to the Windows hotfix. For example:
SAMWinHotFix_HotFix ID Windows hotfix type. For example: Security Update
SAMWinFeatures_ID Windows feature identifier.
SAMWinFeatures_Parent ID Windows feature parent identifier.
SAMWinFeatures_Caption Windows feature title. For example: IIS Management Console
SAMWinProcess_Process Name Windows process name. For example: CcmExec
SAMWinProcess_File Path Windows process path. For example: C:\Windows\CCM\CcmExec.exe
SAMWinProcess_Product Name Windows product name. For example: System Center Configuration Manager
SAMWinProcess_Product Version Windows product version. For example: 5.00.8412.1000
SAMWinProcess_Company Name Products publisher. For example: Microsoft Corporation
SAMWinProcess_File Description Processes description. For example: Host Process for Microsoft Configuration Manager
SAMWinProcess_Legal Copyright Copyright details. For example: Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
SAMWinProcess_Legal Trademarks Trademarks. For example: SAMWinProcess_Comments - Process comments. For example: Citrix XenServer Windows Guest Agent
SAMIISSites_Site Name IIS site name. For example: Movere.Qlik.Api
SAMIISSites_Bindings Bindings details. For example: [https] *:443:
SAMIISSites_Auto Start Auto start enabled.
SAMIISSites_State Site state. For example: Started
SAMIISSites_App Path IIS app path. For example: /SMS_MP
SAMIISSites_App Pool Name IIS app pool name. For example: SMS Management Point Pool
SAMIISSites_App Virtual Path IIS app virtual path. For example: /_wpresources
SAMIISSites_App Physical Path IIS app physical path. For example: C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\SMS_MP
SAMIISSites_Web Config Found IIS app configuration found. SAMIISAppPools_App Pool Name - IIS app pool name. For example: MSExchangeMapiMailboxAppPool
SAMIISAppPools_Managed Runtime Version Version. For example: v4.0
SAMIISAppPools_Managed Pipeline Mode Pipeline mode. For example: Integrated
SAMIISAppPools_State IIS app pool state. For example: Started
SAMIISAppPools_Enable 32 Bit Is 32 bit enabled.
SAMIISAppPools_Identity App pool identity. For example: LocalSystem
SAMIISAppPools_Worker Process IDs Process identifier.
SAMDotNetComponents_File Path Component file path. For example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn
SAMDotNetComponents_File Name Component file name. For example: ISServerExec.exe
SAMDotNetComponents_File Version Component file version. For example: 12.0.2000.8 ((SQL14_RTM).140220-1752)
SAMDotNetComponents_Product Name Product that component is part of. For example: Microsoft SQL Server
SAMDotNetComponents_Product Version Product version. For example: 12.0.2000.8
SAMDotNetComponents_Copyright Copyright details. For example: Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
SAMDotNetComponents_Company Products publisher. For example: Microsoft Corporation
SAMDotNetComponents_Description Component description. For example: SSIS Execution Process
SAMDotNetComponents_Date Modified Date modified.
SAMDotNetConfigFiles_File Path Component configuration file path. For example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn
SAMDotNetConfigFiles_File Name Component configuration file name. For example: MsDtsSrvr.exe.config
SAMDotNetConfigFiles_App Setings Key Count Key Count
SAMDotNetConfigFiles_App Settings Secrets Found Secrets Found
SAMDotNetConfigFiles_App Settings Key Names Key Names
SAMDotNetConfigFiles_Dot Net Version .Net version. For example: 4.6.2 
SAMDotNetConnectionStrings_File Path .Net connection string. For example: C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\EnrollmentPoint
SAMDotNetConnectionStrings_Connection String Name .Net connection string name. For example: Default
SAMDotNetConnectionStrings_Server Name Connection server. For example:
SAMDotNetConnectionStrings_Database Name Database name. For example: CM_UL1
SAMDotNetConnectionStrings_Provider Name Provider name. For example: System.Data.SqlClient
SAMDotNetConnectionStrings_Is Secure Connection is secure
SAMDatabase_DataSource The frontend Windows Server a SQL Server DSN record was found on
SAMDatabase_DBServer The SQL Server the DSN record is pointing to
SAMDatabase_DBName The database housing the technology the DSN record is pointing to
SAMDatabase_DBType The technology the DSN record relates to. For example: SCCM
SAMDatabase_Version The version of technology the DSN SAMGeo_City - The name of the city the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_Country The name of the country the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_CountryCode The country code the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_Latitude The latitude the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_Longitude The longitude the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMHDD_PhysicalDrive The devices physical storage drive type. For example: SCSI Disk Device
SAMHDD_LogicalDriveLetter The devices logical drive letter
SAMHDD_LogicalDriveName The devices logical drive name
SAMHDD_FileSystem The devices storage file system. For example: NTFS
SAMHDD_TotalSize The total size of the devices drive
SAMHDD_FreeSize The remaining space on the devices drive
SAMMSAppsFound_MSAppType Microsoft product(s) installed on the device
SAMMSAppsFound_Edition The edition of the Microsoft product(s) installed
SAMMSAppsFound_ProductVer The version of the Microsoft product(s) installed
SAMNetwork_MACAddress The MAC address for each network card installed in the device
SAMNetwork_IPAddress The IP address for each network card installed in the device
SAMNetwork_SubnetMask The subnet mask for each network card installed in the device
SAMOSActivation_ActivationString How and if the devices Windows operating system was activated
SAMServices_Name The name of the services (and processes) installed on Windows Server and (Linux) devices
SAMServices_State The state of each service when scanned
SAMServices_CreationDate The date each service was created on the device
SAMServices_SvcPath The services install path
SAMSoftware_RegistryKey The installed product's registry key
SAMSoftware_InstallDate The installed product's installation date
SAMSoftware_Version The installed product's version
SAMSoftware_Publisher The installed product's publisher
SAMSoftware_DisplayName The installed products display name
SAMSoftware_LastRunDate The date the installed product was last run
SAMSQLAG_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQLAG_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQLAG_Database The SQL database the availability group setting applies toSAMSQLAG_SyncState - The database's synchronization state. For example: SYNCHRONIZED
SAMSQLAG_AvailabilityGroup The SQL availably group name
SAMSQLAG_PrimaryReplica The primary replica of the SQL database
SAMSQLAG_PrimaryRecoveryHealth The state of the primary replica. For example: ONLINE
SAMSQLAG_Role The SQL Servers role in the availability group. For example: PRIMARY
SAMSQLAG_SyncHealth The availably groups synchronization health. For example: HEALTHY
SAMSQLAG_PrimaryAllowConn Does the primary replica allow connections. For example: YES
SAMSQLAG_SecondaryAllowConn Do the secondary replicas all connections. For example: READ_ONLY
SAMSQL-Alias_Alias The SQL Servers alias if one has been specified
SAMSQL-Alias_Actual The SQL Servers FQDN and the port number SQL is using. For example: SCCMSQL.IO.PRIV,1433
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Version The full SQL Server version. For example: 11.3.6020.0
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Edition The SQL instance edition. For example: Enterprise
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Features The SQL business intelligence features installed in the instance. For example: Analysis_Server_Full=3
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Component The SQL business intelligence component installed in the instance. For example: AS
SAMSQL-CPU_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-CPU_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-CPU_LogicalCPUs The number of logical CPUs visible to the SQL Server
SAMSQL-CPU_HTRatio The hyper threading ratio. For example: 1
SAMSQL-CPU_SQLCPU The number of CPUs visible to the SQL Server
SAMSQL-DB_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-DB_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-DB_Database The SQL database name
SAMSQLServerDatabases_SystemDB Is the SQL database a system database
SAMSQL-DB_State The SQL database state. For example: ONLINE
SAMSQL-DB_Date The date the SQL database was created
SAMSQL-DB_DbSize The SQL database data size
SAMSQL-DB_LogSize The SQL database log size
SQLDBsReceived_Database The name of the SQL database queried by Movere. For example: vCenter
SQLDBsReceived_LatestActivityDate The date of the last activity to occur in the SQL database
SAMSQL-Hist_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-Hist_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-Hist_AvgReads The total number of reads performed since last reboot divided by the number of days since last reboot
SAMSQL-Hist_AvgWrites The total number of writes performed since last reboot divided by the number of days since last reboot
SAMSQL-Hist_AvgConnections The total number of connections to the SQL Server since last reboot divided by the number of days since last reboot
SAMSQL-Hist_UptimeDays The number of days since the SQL Server was last rebooted
SAMSQL-LS_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-LS_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-LS_PrimaryServer The primary SQL Server in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-LS_PrimaryDatabase The primary database in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-LS_SecondaryServer The secondary SQL Server in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-LS_SecondaryDatabase The secondary database in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-MR_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-MR_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-MR_Database The SQL database being mirrored
SAMSQL-MR_State The state of the synchronization. For example: SYNCHRONIZED
SAMSQL-MR_Role The SQL Servers role in a mirrored configuration. For example: PRINCIPAL
SAMSQL-MR_Partner The SQL Servers partner in the mirrored configuration
SAMSQL-MR_Witness The SQL Server witness in the mirrored configuration
SAMSQLServerInstances_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQLServerInstances_Port The port number the SQL instance is using. For example: 1433
SAMSQLServerInstances_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQLServerInstances_AllNodes If clustered, the SQL nodes in the cluster
SAMSQLServerInstances_ActiveNode If clustered, the active SQL node in the cluster
SAMSQLServerInstances_Version The SQL Server instance version. For example: 2016
SAMSQLServerInstances_FullVersion The SQL Server instance full version. For example: 13.0.1601.5
SAMSQLServerInstances_Edition The SQL instance edition. For example: Enterprise
SAMSQLServerInstances_DBCount The number of databases in the SQL instance
SAMSQLServerInstances_LogShipping In the SQL instance participating in a log shipping configuration
SAMSQLServerInstances_Mirroring In the SQL instance participating in a mirroring configuration
SAMSQLServerInstances_AVGroup In the SQL instance participating in a SQL availability group configuration
SAMSQLServerServices_Instance The SQL service instance name
SAMSQLServerServices_Type The SQL service type. For example: Reporting Service
SAMSQLServerServices_State The SQL service state. For example: Running
SAMSQLServerServices_CreationDate The date the SQL service was created on the device
SAMSQLServerServices_Path The path the SQL service was created in
SAMSQL-Ver_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-Ver_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-Ver_Version The full SQL Server version. For example: 11.3.6020.0
SAMSQL-Ver_Edition The SQL instance edition. For example: Enterprise
SAMSQL-Ver_Port The port number the SQL instance is using. For example: 1433
SAMSQL-Ver_ActiveNode If clustered, the active SQL node in the cluster
SAMSQL-Ver_AllNodes If clustered, the SQL nodes in the cluster
SAMSystem_FQDN The devices fully qualified domain name
SAMSystem_OS The devices operating system
SAMSystem_NetBIOS The devices NetBIOS name
SAMSystem_PID The devices operating system product ID
SAMSystem_OSActivationMethod How and if the devices Windows operating system was activated
SAMSystem_SerialNo The devices serial number
SAMSystem_UUID The devices Universally Unique Identifier
SAMSystem_RegOrg The organization the device is registered to
SAMSystem_Make The devices make. For example: Hewlett-Packard
SAMSystem_Model The devices model. For example: HP Pavilion dv5
SAMSystem_Domain he Active Directory domain the device resides in
SAMSystem_TotalRAM The total amount of RAM installed in the device
SAMSystem_AvailableRAM The amount of unused RAM installed in the device when it was last inventoried
SAMSystem_CPUModel The devices CPU model. For example: Intel Core2 Duo T9400 @ 2.53GHz
SAMSystem_CPUCount The number of processors installed in the device
SAMSystem_CPUCores The number of cores installed in the device
SAMSystem_Is 64 Bit Systems processor architecture
SAMSystem_Service Pack Windows service pack installed on the system (if applicable)
SAMSystem_Boot Time Last time the Windows system was started
SAMSystem_ScanDate The date the device was last inventoried
SAMSystem_SWLines The number of software title entries retrieved from the device when last inventoried
SAMSystem_SWFlags Product titles found on the device that require follow up. For example: Exchange
SAMSystem_PrefUser The primary user of the device based upon the highest number of login per user
SAMSystem_PrefUserDomain The domain the primary user of the device is a member of
SAMSystem_OriginalCPUModel The raw CPU model returned including legal symbols and additional spacing. For example: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9400 @ 2.53GHz
SAMVersion_LatestActivityDate The last time the device was successfully inventoried

The following datapoints are not collected by default. Users need to check the Collect PII flag in the options tab to enable bots to collect these datapoints.

Name Description
SAMSoftwareLastUse_Caption The name of the Microsoft product
SAMSoftwareLastUse_Version The version of the Microsoft product
SAMSoftwareLastUse_LastUse The date the Microsoft product or component was last used
SAMSoftwareLastUse_InstallState The Microsoft product's installation state
SAMSoftwareLastUse_IsInstalled Is the Microsoft product installed
SAMSoftwareLastUse_User The login name of the last user of the device
SAMSoftwareLastUse_UserDomain The domain the last user of the device is a member of
SAMUser_UserName User names connected to the device
SAMUser_UserDomain The domain the user(s) who have connected to the device are a member of
SAMUser_ConnectionMethod The type of connect each user has made to the device. For example: Interactive
SAMUser_LogonDateTime The date/time the connection was made
SAMUser_TotalMins The total number of minutes connected
SAMUser_TotalLogons The total number of logons
SAMSystem_RegUser The user the device is registered to
SAMSystem_LastUser The last user of the device before it was last inventoried
SAMSystem_LastUserDomain The domain the last user of the device belongs to

System Center DPM

Name Description
SysCntDPMManaged_FQDN The fully qualified domain name of the device being backed up by DPM
SysCntDPMManaged_BackupState The state of the last backup performed. For example: Succeeded
SysCntDPMManaged_CompletionDate The date the last backup was performed
SysCntDPMVersion_Version The DPM Servers version. For example:
SysCntDPMVersion_LatestActivityDate The date of the last activity to occur in the DPM SQL database
SysCntOMManaged_FQDN The fully qualified domain name of the device being monitored by SCOM
SysCntOMManaged_GroupName The group the device belongs to in SCOM. For example: All Windows Computers
SysCntOMManaged_IsDeleted_OM Has the device been deleted from SCOM
SysCntOMManaged_LastModified When were the SCOM configuration applied to the device last modified
SysCntOMVersion_Version The SCOM Servers version. For example: 7.2.11719.0
SysCntOMVersion_LatestActivityDate The date of the last activity to occur in the SCOM SQL database

Oracle information

Name Description
Oracle_Instance This is the DB_UNIQUE_NAME for the oracle instance.
Oracle_Version Version of the oracle instance.
Oracle_Path The oracle instance is saved in this location.
Oracle_AutoStart If set to Y, the oracle instance will start automatically when the system boots up.

Windows (actual resource consumption scan)

The following datapoints are collected when a user performs a Windows actual resource consumption scan.

SQL information

The SQL information is collected during actual resource consumption scan only if a user configures to do so in the console or the config file.

Name Description
arcsqlcpuhour_CpuIdlePercent Percentage of the CPU that is arcsqlcpuhour_CpuOtherPercent

Percentage of the CPU that being utilized by services other than SQL Server
arcsqlcpuhour_EventDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected
arcsqlcpuio_CpuTimeMs CPU time used by SQL in millisecond intervals
arcsqlcpuio_CpuPercent The percentage of the CPU being consumed by SQL
arcsqlcpuio_TotalIoMb Total SQL related I/O in Mb
arcsqlcpuio_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected
arcsqldbconnections_ClientAddress The IP address of the device connecting to the SQL database NOTE: Not considered External PII because this IP address is specific to servers not workstations.
arcsqldbconnections_ProgramName The program being used to connect to the SQL database
arcsqldbconnections_HostName The name of the device connecting to the SQL database
arcsqldbconnections_LoginName The user/service account being used to connect to the SQL database
arcsqldbconnections_ConnectionCount The number of connections the program connecting to the SQL database is creating
arcsqldbconnections_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected
arcsqldbstats_SizeOnDiskMb The SQL database size on disk in Mb
arcsqldbstats_UsedMb The amount of space the SQL database is actually using versus its size on disk in Mb
arcsqldbstats_IsData The amount of the SQL database that is data versus log
arcsqldbstats_ReadMb The quantity of SQL database reads that have occurred since last reboot in Mb
arcsqldbstats_WrittenMb The quantity of SQL database writes that have occurred since last reboot in Mb
arcsqldbstats_NumberOfReads The total number of SQL database reads that have occurred since last reboot
arcsqldbstats_NumberOfWrites The total number of SQL database writes that have occurred since last reboot
arcsqldbstats_IoStallReadMs SQL IO stall reads in milliseconds
arcsqldbstats_IoStallWriteMs SQL IO stall writes in milliseconds
arcsqldbstats_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected
arcsqldrivestats_Drive The SQL drive letter
arcsqldrivestats_VolumeMountPoint The SQL mount point
arcsqldrivestats_FileSystemType The SQL file system type
arcsqldrivestats_LogicalVolumeName The SQL logical volume name
arcsqldrivestats_TotalSizeGb The total drive size in Gb
arcsqldrivestats_UsedSizeGb The amount of the drive used in Gb
arcsqldrivestats_ReadLatencyMs SQL read latency in milliseconds
arcsqldrivestats_WriteLatencyMs SQL write latency in milliseconds
arcsqldrivestats_OverallLatencyMs SQL overall latency in milliseconds
arcsqldrivestats_AverageBytesPerRead SQL average bytes per read
arcsqldrivestats_AverageBytesPerWrite SQL average bytes per write
arcsqldrivestats_AverageBytesPerTransfer SQL average bytes per transfer
arcsqldrivestats_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected

The following datapoints are not collected by default. Users need to check the Collect PII flag in the options tab to enable bots to collect these datapoints.

Name Description
arcsqldbconnections_LoginName The user/service account being used to connect to the SQL database.

Windows disk information

Name Description
arcwindisk_DiskQueueLength Disk queue length when the scan was performed.
arcwindisk_AvgDiskQueueLength Average disk queue length when the scan was performed.
arcwindisk_ReadMbPerSec Disk reads in Mb per second.
arcwindisk_WriteMbPerSec Disk writes in Mb per second.
arcwindisk_ReadDiskLatency The disks read latency.
arcwindisk_WriteDiskLatency The disks write latency.
arcwindisk_KbPerTransfer The size of the data moved to disk in Kb per transfer.
arcwindisk_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected.

Windows event log information

The following datapoints are not collected by default. Users need to check the Collect PII flag in the options tab to enable bots to collect these datapoints.

Name Description
arcwineventlog_LogName Name of the log that event data is being collected from.
arcwineventlog_Category The event task category.
arcwineventlog_Source The logs source.
arcwineventlog_EventId The event ID.
arcwineventlog_EventDate The date the event occurred.
arcwineventlog_UserName The user/service name corresponding to the event.
arcwineventlog_Message The events detailed message.
arcwineventlog_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected.

Windows netstat information

Name Description
arcwinnetstat_LocalAddress The local IP address of the netstat connection NOTE: Not considered External PII because this IP address is specific to servers not workstations.
arcwinnetstat_ForeignAddress The foreign address of the netstat connection NOTE: Considered External PII because connections will include both servers and workstations.
arcwinnetstat_ForeignPort The port number the foreign address is using
arcwinnetstat_State The state of the connection when the scan was performed
arcwinnetstat_ProcessName The name of the process being connected to and its install path
arcwinnetstat_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected

Windows network information

Name Description
arcwinnetwork_SendMbPerSec The amount of data sent from the device in Mb per second since the previous scan
arcwinnetwork_ReceiveMbPerSec he amount of data received by the device in Mb per second since the previous scan
arcwinnetwork_TotalMbSent The total amount of data sent from the device in Mb
arcwinnetwork_TotalMbReceived The total amount of data received by the device in Mb
arcwinnetwork_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected

Windows process information

Name Description
arcwinprocess_ProcessName The name of the process consuming CPU and memory resources
arcwinprocess_ProcessPath The install path of the process consuming CPU and memory resources
arcwinprocess_ProcessVersion The version of the process consuming CPU and memory resources
arcwinprocess_MemoryMb The amount of memory being consumed by the process in Mb
arcwinprocess_CpuPercent The percentage of the CPU being consumed by the process
arcwinprocess_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected

Microsoft 365/M365 scanning

The M365 scan or M365 scan collects user information, information about Office products in a subscription, mailboxes, equivalent of exchange online, and information about mobile devices connected to Exchange online.

Name Description
M365Mailboxes_Guid Microsoft 365 subscription ID
M365Mailboxes_ExchangeGuid Microsoft 365 Exchange mailbox GUID
M365Mailboxes_DisplayName Microsoft 365 mailbox: Display name
M365Mailboxes_DeliverToMailboxAndForward Microsoft 365 mailbox: The deliver to mailbox address, and forwarding address if used
M365Mailboxes_LitigationHoldEnabled Microsoft 365 mailbox: Litigation hold enabled
M365Mailboxes_LitigationHoldDate Microsoft 365 mailbox: Litigation hold start date
M365Mailboxes_LitigationHoldDuration Microsoft 365 mailbox: Litigation hold duration
M365Mailboxes_RetentionPolicy Microsoft 365 mailbox: Retention policy applied to the mailbox
M365Mailboxes_RetentionHoldEnabled Microsoft 365 mailbox: Retention hold enabled
M365Mailboxes_ExchangeUserAccountControl Microsoft 365 mailbox: Exchange mailbox user account control
M365Mailboxes_IsMailboxEnabled Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the mailbox enabled
M365Mailboxes_Languages Microsoft 365 mailbox: Language
M365Mailboxes_IsResource Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is resource mailbox
M365Mailboxes_IsLinked Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is a linked mailbox
M365Mailboxes_IsShared Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is a shared mailbox
M365Mailboxes_IsRootPublicFolderMailbox Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is a root public folder mailbox
M365Mailboxes_ResetPasswordOnNextLogon Microsoft 365 mailbox: Password must be reset at next logon
M365Mailboxes_ResourceType Microsoft 365 mailbox: Resource type
M365Mailboxes_RoomMailboxAccountEnabled Microsoft 365 mailbox: Room account enabled
M365Mailboxes_UserPrincipalName Microsoft 365 mailbox: User principal name
M365Mailboxes_UMEnabled Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the mailbox enabled for Unified Messaging
M365Mailboxes_WindowsLiveID Microsoft 365 mailbox: Windows Live ID
M365Mailboxes_MicrosoftOnlineServicesID Microsoft 365 mailbox: Microsoft Online Services ID
M365Mailboxes_WhenMailboxCreated Microsoft 365 mailbox: When created
M365Mailboxes_UsageLocation Microsoft 365 mailbox: Usage location
M365Mailboxes_IsInactiveMailbox Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is inactive
M365Mailboxes_AccountDisabled Microsoft 365 mailbox: Account is disabled
M365Mailboxes_IsDirSynced Microsoft 365 mailbox: Account is synchronized with a on-premises Active Directory domain
M365Mailboxes_Alias Microsoft 365 mailbox: Account alias
M365Mailboxes_GrantSendOnBehalfTo Microsoft 365 mailbox: user with right to send messages from the mailbox on behalf of the owner
M365Mailboxes_HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the mailbox hidden from address list
M365Mailboxes_PrimarySmtpAddress Microsoft 365 mailbox: user primary SMTP email address
M365Mailboxes_RecipientTypeDetails Microsoft 365 mailbox: Mailbox recipient type. For example: user mailbox
M365Mailboxes_WindowsEmailAddress Microsoft 365 mailbox: Windows email address
M365Mailboxes_Identity Microsoft 365 mailbox: User identity
M365Mailboxes_IsValid Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the mailbox valid
M365Mailboxes_Name Microsoft 365 mailbox user name
M365Mailboxes_WhenChangedUTC Microsoft 365 mailbox: When last changed
M365Mailboxes_WhenCreatedUTC Microsoft 365 mailbox: When created
M365Mailboxes_Id Microsoft 365 mailbox: user ID
M365MailboxStatistics_OwnerADGuid Microsoft 365 subscription ID
M365MailboxStatistics_MailboxGuid Microsoft 365 mailbox: The mailbox GUID
M365MailboxStatistics_DisplayName Microsoft 365 mailbox: Display name
M365MailboxStatistics_ItemCount Microsoft 365 mailbox: The number of items in the mailbox account
M365MailboxStatistics_DeletedItemCount Microsoft 365 mailbox: The number of deleted items in the mailbox account
M365MailboxStatistics_TotalItemSize Microsoft 365 mailbox: The size of the items in the mailbox account
M365MailboxStatistics_TotalDeletedItemSize Microsoft 365 mailbox: The size of the deleted items in the mailbox account
M365MailboxStatistics_LastLogoffTime Microsoft 365 mailbox: The last time the mailbox was logged off
M365MailboxStatistics_LastLogonTime Microsoft 365 mailbox: The last time the mailbox was logged into
M365MailboxStatistics_MailboxType Microsoft 365 mailbox: Mailbox type. For example: user mailbox
M365MailboxStatistics_MailboxTypeDetail Microsoft 365 mailbox: Mailbox type details
M365MailboxStatistics_IsDatabaseCopyActive Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the database copy active
M365MailboxStatistics_IsQuarantined Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the mailbox quarantined
M365MailboxStatistics_IsArchiveMailbox Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the mailbox archived
M365MailboxStatistics_IsMoveDestination Microsoft 365 mailbox: Move destination
M365MailboxStatistics_IsValid Microsoft 365 mailbox: Is the mailbox valid?
M365MobileDevices_Guid Microsoft 365 mobile device: The Microsoft 365 Exchange mailbox GUID that the ActiveSync device connects to
M365MobileDevices_DisplayName Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices name. For example: iPhone 6 Plus
M365MobileDevices_Identity Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices Microsoft 365 identity. For example: Andrew Ireland\ExchangeActiveSyncDevices\iPhone
M365MobileDevices_DeviceId Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices ID
M365MobileDevices_DeviceType Microsoft 365 mobile device: Type of device used to synchronize with M365 Exchange Server
M365MobileDevices_FriendlyName Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices name. For example: iPhone 6 Plus
M365MobileDevices_DeviceModel Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices model. For example: iPhone
M365MobileDevices_DeviceUserAgent Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices agent. For example: Apple-iPhone
M365MobileDevices_DeviceOS Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices operating system. For example: iOS 10.2
M365MobileDevices_DeviceOSLanguage Microsoft 365 mobile device: The ActiveSync devices operating system language. For example: en-US
M365MobileDevices_IsManaged Microsoft 365 mobile device: Is the device managed by Exchange
M365MobileDevices_DeviceAccessState Microsoft 365 mobile device: Is the device allowed to synchronize with the mailbox
M365MobileDevices_IsCompliant Microsoft 365 mobile device: Is the device compliant with the M365 ActiveSync policies
M365MobileDevices_IsDisabled Microsoft 365 mobile device: Has the ActiveSync relationship been disabled
M365MobileDevices_FirstSyncTime Microsoft 365 mobile device: The first time a user ActiveSync device synchronized with Microsoft 365 Exchange Server
M365MobileDevices_ClientType Microsoft 365 mobile device: The protocol the device uses to connect to M365. For example: EAS
M365MobileDevices_IsValid Microsoft 365 mobile device: Is the device valid?
M365user_Uid The user ID in Microsoft 365
M365user_DisplayName The user display name. For example: Andrew Ireland
M365user_FirstName The user first name. For example: Andrew
M365user_LastName The user last name. For example: Ireland
M365user_SignInName The email address with which the user signs into Microsoft 365.
M365user_UserPrincipalName The user principal name, typically the same as their sign in name
M365user_PreferredLanguage The user preferred language
M365user_Licenses The M365 subscription(s) assigned to the user
M365user_Title The user job title
M365user_Department If used, specifies the user department. For example: Finance
M365user_Company The user company
M365user_City The user city
M365user_State The user state
M365user_Country The user country/region as selected in Microsoft 365
M365user_UserType The type of user account. For example: member
M365user_SoftDeletionTimestamp If present, represents the date the account was marked for deletion
M365user_StrongPasswordRequired Does the account require a strong password
M365user_UsageLocation The user country/region of usage. For example: US
M365user_LastPasswordChangeTimestamp The date the user last reset their password
M365user_PasswordNeverExpires If true then the user password is set to never expire
M365user_PasswordResetNotRequiredDuringActivate If set then the user password is not required when activating a subscription
M365user_IsLicensed Has the user been assigned a license to access M365
M365user_ValidationStatus The account validation state. For example: Healthy
M365user_WhenCreated The date the user account was created

Windows vCenter Server/vCenter Server Appliance

The following datapoints are collected when a user initiates a Windows vCenter Server scan or vCenter Server Appliance scan. These data points are also collected when we run an inventory scan on a Hyper-V Server, System Center VMM server, or on a XenServer.

VM configuration (cluster/host/guest)

Name Description
VirtualGuest_ClusterName The physical host cluster the virtual guest resides in
VirtualGuest_HostName The physical host the virtual guest currently resides on
VirtualGuest_GuestUUID The virtual guests Universally Unique Identifier
VirtualGuest_GuestUUID_Link The virtual guests serial number
VirtualGuest_GuestName The virtual guests display name
VirtualGuest_GuestDNS Name of the virtual guest as registered in DNS
VirtualGuest_State The virtual guests current state. For example: Powered On
VirtualGuest_Memory The amount of memory currently assigned to the virtual guest
VirtualGuest_VirtualCPU The number of virtual CPUs currently assigned to the virtual guest
VirtualGuest_GuestOS The virtual guests operating system as selected on the physical host
VirtualGuest_Description The virtual guests description as entered on the physical host
VirtualGuest_HostCount The number of physical hosts the virtual guest has run on within the past 30 days
VirtualHost_HostName The physical hypervisor hosts name
VirtualHost_ClusterName The cluster the physical hypervisor host resides in
VirtualHost_CPUModel The physical hypervisor hosts CPU model. For example: Intel Xeon X5675 @ 3.07GHz
VirtualHost_CPUs The number of processors installed in the physical hypervisor host
VirtualHost_TotalCores The number of cores installed in the physical hypervisor host
VirtualHost_TotalThreads The total number of processing threads available on the physical host
VirtualHost_HyperThreading Has hyper threading been enabled on the physical host
VirtualHost_VmotionEnabled Does the physical hypervisor host vmotion enabled
VirtualHost_SupportsLiveMigration Does the physical hypervisor host support live migrations
VirtualHost_OperatingSystem The physical hypervisor hosts operating system. For example: VMware ESXi 6.0.0 build-3620759
VirtualHost_ClusterNodeStatus The current status of the node in the cluster
VirtualHost_Memory he total amount of memory installed in the physical hypervisor host
VirtualMovement_GuestName The virtual guests display name
VirtualMovement_DNSName Name of the virtual guest as registered in DNS
VirtualMovement_ClusterName The physical host cluster the virtual guest resides in
VirtualMovement_GuestUUID The virtual guests Universally Unique Identifier
VirtualMovement_CurrentHost The physical host the virtual guest moved from
VirtualMovement_TargetHost The physical host the virtual guest moved to
VirtualMovement_MigrationCompleted The date/time the virtual guest moved from the source host to the target host
VirtualMovement_EventType The migration event type. For example: vim.event.VmMigratedEvent
VirtualMovement_CmdletName The cmdlet triggering the migration event. For example: Move-SCVirtualMachine
VirtualNetwork_ClusterName The physical host cluster the virtual guest resides in
VirtualNetwork_HostName The physical host the virtual guest currently resides on
VirtualNetwork_GuestName The virtual guests display name
VirtualNetwork_GuestUUID The virtual guests Universally Unique Identifier
VirtualNetwork_MACAddress The virtual guests MAC address
VirtualNetwork_IPAddress The virtual guests IP address(es) NOTE: Not considered External PII because this IP address is specific to servers not workstations.
VirtualNetwork_IPSubnet The virtual guests IP subnet
VirtualPowerEvent_EventTimestamp The date/time the virtual guest was powered on / off
VirtualPowerEvent_PowerDate The date/time the virtual guest was powered on / off
VirtualPowerEvent_GuestName The virtual guests display name
VirtualPowerEvent_GuestUUID The virtual guests Universally Unique Identifier
VirtualPowerEvent_HostName The physical host the virtual guest was on when the power on/off event occurred
VirtualPowerEvent_Event The type of event. For example: vim.event.DrsVmPoweredOnEvent
VirtualPowerEvent_CmdletName The cmdlet triggering the powered on/off event. For example: Start-SCVirtualMachine
VirtualPowerEvent_ClusterName The physical host cluster the virtual guest resides in
VirtualVersion_Version The version of the hypervisor technology managing the virtual guest. For example: VirtualCenter Database 6.0
VirtualVersion_LatestActivityDate The date of the last activity to occur in the hypervisor management database

Linux inventory scan

The following datapoints are collected when a user initiates a Linux inventory scan.

Software Asset Management (SAM)

Name Description
SAMDatabase_DataSource The frontend Windows Server a SQL Server DSN record was found on
SAMDatabase_DBServer The SQL Server the DSN record is pointing to
SAMDatabase_DBName The database housing the technology the DSN record is pointing to
SAMDatabase_DBType The technology the DSN record relates to. For example: SCCM
SAMDatabase_Version The version of technology the DSN SAMGeo_City - The name of the city the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_Country The name of the country the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_CountryCode The country code the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_Latitude The latitude the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMGeo_Longitude The longitude the ISP provider returned for the device
SAMHDD_PhysicalDrive The devices physical storage drive type. For example: SCSI Disk Device
SAMHDD_LogicalDriveLetter The devices logical drive letter
SAMHDD_LogicalDriveName The devices logical drive name
SAMHDD_FileSystem The devices storage file system. For example: NTFS
SAMHDD_TotalSize The total size of the devices drive
SAMHDD_FreeSize The remaining space on the devices drive
SAMMSAppsFound_MSAppType Microsoft product(s) installed on the device
SAMMSAppsFound_Edition The edition of the Microsoft product(s) installed
SAMMSAppsFound_ProductVer The version of the Microsoft product(s) installed
SAMNetwork_MACAddress The MAC address for each network card installed in the device
SAMNetwork_IPAddress The IP address for each network card installed in the device
SAMNetwork_SubnetMask The subnet mask for each network card installed in the device
SAMOSActivation_ActivationString How and if the devices Windows operating system was activated
SAMServices_Name The name of the services (and processes) installed on Windows Server and (Linux) devices
SAMServices_State The state of each service when scanned
SAMServices_CreationDate The date each service was created on the device
SAMServices_SvcPath The services install path
SAMSoftware_RegistryKey The installed product's registry key
SAMSoftware_InstallDate The installed product's installation date
SAMSoftware_Version The installed product's version
SAMSoftware_Publisher The installed product's publisher
SAMSoftware_DisplayName The installed products display name
SAMSoftware_LastRunDate The date the installed product was last run
SAMSoftwareLastUse_Caption The name of the Microsoft product
SAMSoftwareLastUse_Version The version of the Microsoft product
SAMSoftwareLastUse_LastUse The date the Microsoft product or component was last used
SAMSoftwareLastUse_InstallState The Microsoft product's installation state
SAMSoftwareLastUse_IsInstalled Is the Microsoft product installed
SAMSoftwareLastUse_User The login name of the last user of the device
SAMSoftwareLastUse_UserDomain The domain the last user of the device is a member of
SAMSQLAG_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQLAG_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQLAG_Database The SQL database the availability group setting applies toSAMSQLAG_SyncState - The database's synchronization state. For example: SYNCHRONIZED
SAMSQLAG_AvailabilityGroup The SQL availably group name
SAMSQLAG_PrimaryReplica The primary replica of the SQL database
SAMSQLAG_PrimaryRecoveryHealth The state of the primary replica. For example: ONLINE
SAMSQLAG_Role The SQL Servers role in the availability group. For example: PRIMARY
SAMSQLAG_SyncHealth The availably groups synchronization health. For example: HEALTHY
SAMSQLAG_PrimaryAllowConn Does the primary replica allow connections. For example: YES
SAMSQLAG_SecondaryAllowConn Do the secondary replicas all connections. For example: READ_ONLY
SAMSQL-Alias_Alias The SQL Servers alias if one has been specified
SAMSQL-Alias_Actual The SQL Servers FQDN and the port number SQL is using. For example: SCCMSQL.IO.PRIV,1433
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Version The full SQL Server version. For example: 11.3.6020.0
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Edition The SQL instance edition. For example: Enterprise
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Features The SQL business intelligence features installed in the instance. For example: Analysis_Server_Full=3
SAMSQL-BIFeatures_Component The SQL business intelligence component installed in the instance. For example: AS
SAMSQL-CPU_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-CPU_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-CPU_LogicalCPUs The number of logical CPUs visible to the SQL Server
SAMSQL-CPU_HTRatio The hyper threading ratio. For example: 1
SAMSQL-CPU_SQLCPU The number of CPUs visible to the SQL Server
SAMSQL-DB_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-DB_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-DB_Database The SQL database name
SAMSQLServerDatabases_SystemDB Is the SQL database a system database
SAMSQL-DB_State The SQL database state. For example: ONLINE
SAMSQL-DB_Date The date the SQL database was created
SAMSQL-DB_DbSize The SQL database data size
SAMSQL-DB_LogSize The SQL database log size
SQLDBsReceived_Database The name of the SQL database queried by Movere. For example: vCenter
SQLDBsReceived_LatestActivityDate The date of the last activity to occur in the SQL database
SAMSQL-Hist_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-Hist_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-Hist_AvgReads The total number of reads performed since last reboot divided by the number of days since last reboot
SAMSQL-Hist_AvgWrites The total number of writes performed since last reboot divided by the number of days since last reboot
SAMSQL-Hist_AvgConnections The total number of connections to the SQL Server since last reboot divided by the number of days since last reboot
SAMSQL-Hist_UptimeDays The number of days since the SQL Server was last rebooted
SAMSQL-LS_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-LS_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-LS_PrimaryServer The primary SQL Server in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-LS_PrimaryDatabase The primary database in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-LS_SecondaryServer The secondary SQL Server in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-LS_SecondaryDatabase The secondary database in the log shipping configuration
SAMSQL-MR_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-MR_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-MR_Database The SQL database being mirrored
SAMSQL-MR_State The state of the synchronization. For example: SYNCHRONIZED
SAMSQL-MR_Role The SQL Servers role in a mirrored configuration. For example: PRINCIPAL
SAMSQL-MR_Partner The SQL Servers partner in the mirrored configuration
SAMSQL-MR_Witness The SQL Server witness in the mirrored configuration
SAMSQLServerInstances_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQLServerInstances_Port The port number the SQL instance is using. For example: 1433
SAMSQLServerInstances_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQLServerInstances_AllNodes If clustered, the SQL nodes in the cluster
SAMSQLServerInstances_ActiveNode If clustered, the active SQL node in the cluster
SAMSQLServerInstances_Version The SQL Server instance version. For example: 2016
SAMSQLServerInstances_FullVersion The SQL Server instance full version. For example: 13.0.1601.5
SAMSQLServerInstances_Edition The SQL instance edition. For example: Enterprise
SAMSQLServerInstances_DBCount The number of databases in the SQL instance
SAMSQLServerInstances_LogShipping In the SQL instance participating in a log shipping configuration
SAMSQLServerInstances_Mirroring In the SQL instance participating in a mirroring configuration
SAMSQLServerInstances_AVGroup In the SQL instance participating in a SQL availability group configuration
SAMSQLServerServices_Instance The SQL service instance name
SAMSQLServerServices_Type The SQL service type. For example: Reporting Service
SAMSQLServerServices_State The SQL service state. For example: Running
SAMSQLServerServices_CreationDate The date the SQL service was created on the device
SAMSQLServerServices_Path The path the SQL service was created in
SAMSQL-Ver_Instance The SQL Server instance name
SAMSQL-Ver_Cluster The SQL cluster name if the instance is clustered
SAMSQL-Ver_Version The full SQL Server version. For example: 11.3.6020.0
SAMSQL-Ver_Edition The SQL instance edition. For example: Enterprise
SAMSQL-Ver_Port The port number the SQL instance is using. For example: 1433
SAMSQL-Ver_ActiveNode If clustered, the active SQL node in the cluster
SAMSQL-Ver_AllNodes If clustered, the SQL nodes in the cluster
SAMSystem_FQDN The devices fully qualified domain name
SAMSystem_OS The devices operating system
SAMSystem_NetBIOS The devices NetBIOS name
SAMSystem_PID The devices operating system product ID
SAMSystem_OSActivationMethod How and if the devices Windows operating system was activated
SAMSystem_SerialNo The devices serial number
SAMSystem_UUID The devices Universally Unique Identifier
SAMSystem_RegOrg The organization the device is registered to
SAMSystem_RegUser The user the device is registered to
SAMSystem_Make The devices make. For example: Hewlett-Packard
SAMSystem_Model The devices model. For example: HP Pavilion dv5
SAMSystem_Domain he Active Directory domain the device resides in
SAMSystem_TotalRAM The total amount of RAM installed in the device
SAMSystem_AvailableRAM The amount of unused RAM installed in the device when it was last inventoried
SAMSystem_CPUModel The devices CPU model. For example: Intel Core2 Duo T9400 @ 2.53GHz
SAMSystem_CPUCount The number of processors installed in the device
SAMSystem_CPUCores The number of cores installed in the device
SAMSystem_LastUser The last user of the device before it was last inventoried
SAMSystem_LastUserDomain The domain the last user of the device belongs to
SAMSystem_Is 64 Bit Systems processor architecture
SAMSystem_Service Pack Windows service pack installed on the system (if applicable)
SAMSystem_Boot Time Last time the Windows system was started
SAMSystem_ScanDate The date the device was last inventoried
SAMSystem_SWLines The number of software title entries retrieved from the device when last inventoried
SAMSystem_SWFlags Product titles found on the device that require follow up. For example: Exchange
SAMSystem_PrefUser The primary user of the device based upon the highest number of login per user
SAMSystem_PrefUserDomain The domain the primary user of the device is a member of
SAMSystem_OriginalCPUModel The raw CPU model returned including legal symbols and additional spacing. For example: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9400 @ 2.53GHz
SAMUser_UserName User names connected to the device
SAMUser_UserDomain The domain the user(s) who have connected to the device are a member of
SAMUser_ConnectionMethod The type of connect each user has made to the device. For example: Interactive
SAMUser_LogonDateTime The date/time the connection was made
SAMUser_TotalMins The total number of minutes connected
SAMUser_TotalLogons The total number of logons
SAMVersion_LatestActivityDate The last time the device was successfully inventoried

Linux actual resource consumption scan

The following data is collect when a user performs a Linux actual resource consumption scan.

Linux disk information

Name Description
arclinuxdisk_ReadMbPerSec isk reads in MB per second.
arclinuxdisk_WriteMbPerSec Disk writes in MB per second.
arclinuxdisk_KbPerTransfer The size of the data moved to disk in KB per transfer.
arclinuxdisk_DiskUsePercent Total disk use percentage.
arclinuxdisk_ArcDatetimeUtc he UTC date / time the consumption date was collected.

Linux netstat information

Name Description
arclinuxnetstat_LocalAddress The local IP address of the netstat connection NOTE: Not considered External PII because this IP address is specific to servers not workstations.
arclinuxnetstat_ForeignAddress he foreign address of the netstat connection NOTE: Considered External PII because connections will include both servers and workstations.
arclinuxnetstat_LocalPort The port number the local address is using
arclinuxnetstat_ForeignPort The port number the foreign address is using
arclinuxnetstat_State The state of the connection when the scan was performed
arclinuxnetstat_ProcessName The name of the process being connected to and its install path
arclinuxnetstat_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected.

Linux network information

Name Description
arclinuxnetwork_SendMbPerSec The amount of data sent from the d evice in MB per second since the previous scan.
arclinuxnetwork_ReceiveMbPerSec The amount of data received by the device in MB per second since the previous scan.
arclinuxnetwork_TotalMbSent The total amount of data sent from the device in MB.
arclinuxnetwork_TotalMbReceived The total amount of data received by the device in MB.
arclinuxnetwork_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected.

Linux process information

Name Description
arclinuxprocess_ProcessName The name of the process consuming CPU and memory resources.
arclinuxprocess_ProcessPath he install path of the process consuming CPU and memory resources.
arclinuxprocess_MemoryMb The amount of memory being consumed by the process in MB.
arclinuxprocess_CpuPercent The percentage of the CPU being consumed by the process.
arclinuxprocess_ArcDatetimeUtc The UTC date / time the consumption date was collected.

Next steps

Review resource consumption data views.