Action parameter support

Applies To:# OData WebApi v7 for aspnet webapi supported Green circle with a checkmark inside it. OData AspNet WebApi V7# OData Webapi for Webapi supported Green circular checkmark icon to indicate a success. OData AspNet WebApi V6

Since Web API OData V5.5-beta, it supports the following types as action parameter:

  1. Primitive
  2. Enum
  3. Complex
  4. Entity
  5. Collection of above

Let's see how to build and use the above types in action.

CLR Model

Re-use the CLR models in function sample.

Build Edm Model

Same as build Edm Model in function sample, but change the helper function as BuildAction().

Primitive and Collection of Primitive parameter


In BuildAction(), we can configure an action with Primitive and collection of Primitive parameters:

var action = builder.EntityType<Customer>().Collection.Action("PrimtiveAction");


In the CustomersController, add the following method:

public IHttpActionResult PrimitiveAction(ODataActionParameters parameters)

Request Samples

We can invoke the action by issuing a Post on ~/odata/Customers/Default.PrimitiveAction with the following request body:


Enum and Collection of Enum parameter


In BuildAction(), we can configure an action with Enum and collection of Enum parameters:

var action = builder.EntityType<Customer>().Collection.Action("EnumAction");
action.Parameter<Color?>("e2"); // nullable
action.CollectionParameter<Color?>("e3"); // Collection of nullable


In the CustomersController, add the following method :

public IHttpActionResult EnumAction(ODataActionParameters parameters)

Request Samples

We can invoke the action by issuing a Post on ~/odata/Customers/Default.EnumAction with the following request body:

  "e3":["Red", null, "Blue"]

Complex and Collection of Complex parameter


In BuildAction(), we can configure an action with Complex and collection of Complex parameters:

var action = builder.EntityType<Customer>().Collection.Action("ComplexAction").Returns<string>();


In the CustomersController, add the following method :

public IHttpActionResult ComplexAction(ODataActionParameters parameters)

Request Samples

We can invoke the action by issuing a Post on ~/odata/Customers/Default.ComplexAction with the following request body:

  "addresses":[{"@odata.type":"#NS.Address","City":"Redmond"},{"@odata.type":"#NS.SubAddress","City":"Shanghai","Street":"Zi Xing Rd"}]

Entity and Collection of Entity parameter


In BuildAction(), we can configure an action with Entity and collection of Entity parameters:

var action = builder.EntityType<Customer>().Collection.Action("EntityAction").Returns<string>();

It's better to call EntityParameter<T> and CollectionEntityParameter<T> to define entity and collection of entity parameter.


In the CustomersController, add the following method :

public IHttpActionResult EntityAction(ODataActionParameters parameters)

Request Samples

We can invoke the action by issuing a Post on ~/odata/Customers/Default.EntityAction with the following request body:

    {\"@odata.type\":\"#NS.Customer\",\"Id\":2, \"Name\":\"Mike\"},
    {\"@odata.type\":\"#NS.SubCustomer\",\"Id\":3,\"Name\":\"Tony\", \"Price\":9.9}

Know issues

  1. It doesn't work if "null" value in the collection of entity in the payload. See detail in #100.

  2. It doesn't work if anything else follows up the collection of entity in the payload. See detail in #65

Null value

If you invoke an action with a 'null' action parameter value, please don't add the parameter (for example, "p1":null) in the payload and leave it un-specified. However, for collection, you should always specify it even the collection is an empty collection (for example, "p1":[]).

For un-typed scenario, please refer to untyped page.