
Gets a string that represents a collection of activities of each of the users specified by the hashedAddresses parameter.

HRESULT _stdcall GetActivitiesEx([in] SAFEARRAY(BSTR) hashedAddresses, [in] DATE startTime, [out, retval] BSTR *activities);



[in] A structure that specifies an array of hashed SMTP addresses for a set of users.


[in] The time after which activities that are created would be returned.


[out] An XML string that represents the set of activities of the users specified by hashedAddresses on the social network since startTime.


The OSC calls GetActivitiesEx if the OSC provider supports on-demand synchronization of activities. The OSC stores the information returned in activities in memory. For more information about how the OSC uses and updates this information in memory, see Synchronizing Friends and Activities.

Starting in Outlook Social Connector 2013, the OSC supports only on-demand synchronization of activities and calls only GetActivitiesEx to get activities. To support on-demand activities lookup, set cacheActivities as false, and getActivities and dynamicActivitiesLookupEx as true, and the OSC will call GetActivitiesEx.

The returned XML string must comply with the schema definition for activityFeed, as defined in the schema for OSC provider extensibility.

The hashedAddresses sring represents a set of hashed addresses for each user displayed in the People Pane. The hashed SMTP addresses are encrypted by using the hashing function specified by the hashFunction element in the provider's capabilities XML. The user does not have to be a friend of the logged-on user represented by the ISocialSession::LoggedOnUserName property.

The startTime parameter is a Date value in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Local time values must be converted to UTC Date values.

Activities that the GetActivitiesEx method returns must have a creation time value that is greater than startTime and less than or equal to Now. If no changes have occurred between startTime and Now, the provider must return an OSC_E_NO_CHANGES error.

See also