Word Custom Patterns

This topic describes the custom UI Automation patterns provided in Microsoft Word for Windows. These patterns can be queried and used from the provider node which has a text pattern.

For experimentation purposes, we have created special PowerShell scripts in the PowerShell Gallery that exercise each Word custom pattern. These are called out explicitly with each pattern, or you can search for CustomPatternClient_Word to see all of the Word scripts. These scripts can be run in a PowerShell window against a running instance of Word on Windows 11 to see what output the custom patterns produce. The scripts are self documented with comment based help.

The main goal of these patterns is to provide additional information related to Word content and perform actions which can't be achieved through existing UI Automation interfaces. Custom patterns can be applied to any element present in the accessibility hierarchy. There can be single or multiple custom patterns associated with an element which can be identified by their own GUID.

Operands common to all methods

There are 3 fixed input operands for every custom pattern method call.

Operand Type Description
0 ConnectBoundObject Pattern Object
1 GUID The method GUID
2 Int32 Total number of input and output arguments

Return values

Every method described here returns an HRESULT for the CallExtension to indicate success or failure. A successful operation returns S_OK, and a failed operation will yield UIA_E_INVALIDOPERATON.



Guid: {93514122-FF04-4B2C-A4AD-4AB04587C129}

This is a pattern for text ranges and applied on those Word nodes in the accessibility hierarchy which has a text pattern set. ITextRangeCustomProvider provides an additional set of methods which are applicable to text ranges. Clients can query for GetEnlcosingElement for a text range and use the custom pattern GUID to check if the element supports the custom pattern.

PowerShell Script




Guid: {081ACA91-32F2-46F0-9FB9-017038BC45F8}

Returns values of custom attributes for a text range like line number, column number, section number, page number, and bookmark. It is similar to GetAttributeValue API for ITextRange and returns a VARIANT holding either integer or string values for currently supported custom attributes. Both input parameters and return values are packed in IInspectable.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input ITextRangeProvider Input text range
4 Input Int32 Input attribute identifier
5 Output Int32 or String Return value of custom attribute

Currently Word supports the following set of custom attribute identifiers:

Attribute Identifier Input Value Return Type
Line Number 0 Int32
Page Number 1 Int32
Column Number 2 Int32
Section Number 3 Int32
Bookmark Name 4 String


Guid: {F39655AC-133A-435B-A318-C197F0D3D203}

Like Move API of ITextRangeProvider, it moves the text range forward or backward by the specified number of sentence units.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input/Output ITextRangeProvider Input and Output text range
4 Input Int32 Input unit counts to move
5 Output Int32 Return value of actual units moved


Guid: {368E89A2-1BC2-4402-8C58-33C63ECFFA3B}

Like MoveEndpoint API of ITextRangeProvider, it moves one endpoint of the text range the specified number of sentence units within the document range.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input/Output ITextRangeProvider Input and Output text range
4 Input Int32 Endpoint to move
5 Input Int32 Input unit counts to move
6 Output Int32 Return value of actual units moved

Endpoint values are same as TextPatternRangeEndpoint enum.


Guid: {98FE8B34-F317-459A-9627-21123EA95BEA}

Like ExpandToEnclosingUnit API of ITextRangeProvider, the range is expanded if it is smaller than the sentence unit or shortened if it is longer than the sentence unit.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input/Output ITextRangeProvider Input and Output text range


Guid: {380198E5-A51F-4618-A78D-57E9568A3862}

For the text ranges which are of Math type and have annotation as “Mathematics”, this API will support different Math text formats such as MathML. Word currently only supports MathML format. This API is similar to GetText of ITextRangeProvider without any length argument and returns full text of math zone.

Operand Role Type Description
3 Input ITextRangeProvider Input text range
4 Input Int32 Math Format Type
5 Output String Math text for given format
Math Format Type Input Value (Int32) Return Type
MathML 0 String


Microsoft 365 Version 2112 (Build 14725.xxxxx)

See also


Custom Properties, Events, and Control Patterns

Implementing Custom Control Patterns

Word Custom Pattern Client Scripts