Windows.Arrange method (Word)

Arranges all open document windows in the application workspace.


expression. Arrange( _ArrangeStyle_ )

expression A variable that represents a 'Windows' collection.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
ArrangeStyle Optional Variant The window arrangement. Can be either of the following WdArrangeStyle constants: wdIcons or wdTiled.


Because Microsoft Word uses a Single Document Interface (SDI), this method no longer has any effect.


This example arranges all open windows so that they don't overlap.

Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=wdTiled

This example minimizes all open windows and then arranges the minimized windows.

Dim windowLoop As Window 
For Each windowLoop In Windows 
 With windowLoop 
 .WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize 
 End With 
Next windowLoop 
Windows.Arrange ArrangeStyle:=wdIcons

See also

Windows Collection Object

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