Sync.OpenVersion method (Office)

Opens a different version of the shared document alongside the currently open local version.


Beginning with Microsoft Office 2010, this object or member has been deprecated and should not be used.


expression.OpenVersion (SyncVersionType)

expression A variable that represents a Sync object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
SyncVersionType Required MsoSyncVersionType Represents the type of version.


Use the OpenVersion method to open the last version viewed (msoSyncVersionLastViewed) or the server copy (msoSyncVersionServer) of the shared document alongside the currently open local version.

The msoSyncVersionLastViewed option displays the copy of the document that is created whenever the user overwrites the local copy with the server copy. For example, if you call the ResolveConflict method with the msoSyncConflictServerWins option, your local changes are saved and can be viewed by calling OpenVersion (msoSyncVersionLastViewed).

Not all document synchronization problems raise trappable run-time errors. After performing an operation by using the Sync object, it's a good idea to check the Status property; if the Status property is msoSyncStatusError, check the ErrorType property for additional information about the type of error that has occurred.


The following example prompts the user to open the server copy of the shared document alongside the currently open local version.

    Dim objSync As Office.Sync 
    Dim lngChoice As VbMsgBoxResult 
    Set objSync = ActiveDocument.Sync 
    lngChoice = MsgBox("View server copy?", _ 
        vbQuestion + vbOKCancel, "Open Server Version?") 
    If lngChoice = vbOK Then 
        objSync.OpenVersion msoSyncVersionServer 
    End If 
    Set objSync = Nothing 

See also

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