SharedWorkspaceTask members (Office)

The SharedWorkspaceTask object represents a task in a shared document workspace. Member of the SharedWorkspaceTasks collection.


Name Description
Delete Deletes the current SharedWorkspaceTask object.
Save Uploads changes made programmatically to a shared server.


Name Description
Application Gets an Application object that represents the container application for the SharedWorkspaceTask object (you can use this property with an Automation object to return that object's container application). Read-only.
AssignedTo Gets or sets a value containing the name of the one assigned to the task represented by the SharedWorkspaceTask object. Read/write.
CreatedBy Gets the display name of the member who created the shared workspace object. Read-only.
CreatedDate Gets the date and time when the shared workspace object was created. Read-only.
Creator Gets a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which the SharedWorkspaceTask object was created. Read-only.
Description Gets or sets a descriptive String value for the specified SharedWorkspaceLink or SharedWorkspaceTask object. Read/write.
DueDate Gets or sets the optional due date and time of a SharedWorkspaceTask object. Read/write.
ModifiedBy Gets the name of the user who last modified the object. Read-only.
ModifiedDate Gets the date and time when the SharedWorkspaceTask object was last modified. Read-only.
Parent Gets the Parent object for the SharedWorkspaceTask object. Read-only.
Priority Gets or sets the status of the specified shared workspace task. Read/write.
Status Gets or sets the status of the specified shared workspace task. Read/write .
Title Gets or sets the title of a SharedWorkspaceTask object. Read/write.

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