Viewer.OnLayerChanged event (Visio Viewer)

Occurs when a layer is changed in the document open in Microsoft Visio Viewer.


expression.OnLayerChanged (LayerIndex, Visible, ColorOverride, Color, ColorTrans)

expression An expression that returns a Viewer object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
LayerIndex Required Long The index of the changed layer.
Visible Required Boolean Indicates whether the changed layer is visible in the user interface.
ColorOverride Required Boolean Indicates whether to override the color of shapes on the changed layer.
Color Required OLE_COLOR The color of the changed layer, expressed in RGB values.
ColorTrans Required Double The transparency percentage of the changed layer.


You can change a layer either in the Layer Properties dialog box, or programmatically by using the LayerColor, LayerColorOverride, LayerColorTrans, and LayerVisible properties.


The following code shows how to use the OnLayerChanged event to display the new transparency percentage of the changed layer in the Immediate window.

Private Sub vsoViewer_OnLayerChanged(ByVal LayerIndex As Long, ByVal Visible As Boolean, ByVal ColorOverride As Boolean, ByVal Color As stdole.OLE_COLOR, ByVal ColorTrans As Double)

    Debug.Print "The new transparency percentage is"; ColorTrans

End Sub

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