Viewer.ZoomToPoint method (Visio Viewer)

Resizes the drawing that is open in Microsoft Visio Viewer to the specified percentage of its previous size, and places the upper-left corner of the drawing at the specified point in the Visio Viewer window, measured in pixels in the coordinate system of the window.


expression.ZoomToPoint (X, Y, Percentage)

expression An expression that returns a Viewer object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
X Required Long The x-coordinate, in pixels in the coordinate system of the Visio Viewer window, of the point to place the upper-left corner of the drawing.
Y Required Long The y-coordinate, in pixels in the coordinate system of the Visio Viewer window, of the point to place the upper-left corner of the drawing.
Percentage Required Double The percentage of zoom.

Return value



Setting the Percentage parameter to 1 displays the drawing at its original size. Setting it to 2 doubles the length on both sides of the drawing by that factor, thus quadrupling the size of the drawing. Setting it to 0.5 displays the page at one-quarter its original size.

The origin of the coordinate system of the Visio Viewer window is its upper-left corner. The positive x-direction is to the right, and the positive y-direction is down.


The following code displays the drawing at half its previous size, and places the upper-left corner of the drawing at a point 200 pixels to the right and 200 pixels below the upper-left corner of the Visio Viewer window.

vsoViewer.ZoomToPoint 200, 200, 0.5

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