List.ApplyListTemplateWithLevel method (Word)

Applies a set of list-formatting characteristics, optionally for a specified level.


expression. ApplyListTemplateWithLevel( _ListTemplate_ , _ContinuePreviousList_ , _DefaultListBehavior_ , _ApplyLevel_ )

expression A variable that represents a 'List' object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
ListTemplate Required ListTemplate The list template to be applied.
ContinuePreviousList Optional Variant True to continue the numbering from the previous list; False to start a new list.
DefaultListBehavior Optional Variant Sets a value that specifies whether Microsoft Word uses new Web-oriented formatting for better list display. Can be either of the following WdDefaultListBehavior constants: wdWord8ListBehavior (use formatting compatible with Microsoft Word 97) or wdWord9ListBehavior (use Web-oriented formatting). For compatibility reasons, the default constant is wdWord8ListBehavior, but in new procedures you should use wdWord9ListBehavior to take advantage of improved Web-oriented formatting for indenting and multiple-level lists.
ApplyLevel Optional Variant The level to which the list template is to be applied.


The following example sets the variable myRange to a range in the active document, and then it verifies whether the range has list formatting. If no list formatting has been applied, the fourth outline-numbered list template is applied to the range.

Set myDoc = ActiveDocument 
Set myRange = myDoc.Range( _ 
 Start:= myDoc.Paragraphs(3).Range.Start, _ 
If myRange.ListFormat.ListType = wdListNoNumbering Then 
 myRange.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate _ 
 ListTemplate:=ListGalleries(wdOutlineNumberGallery) _ 
End If

See also

List Object

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