Synchronizing an E-Mail with an Electronic Voice Mail Attachment

The following example shows a Sync command response ([MS-ASCMD] section returned by the server to the client that contains one e-mail item with an electronic voice mail attachment. The e-mail item data is contained within an Add element ([MS-ASCMD] section, conveying to the client that the e-mail item (with attachment) needs to be created on the client.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <Sync xmlns="AirSync:" xmlns:email="Email:" xmlns:airsyncbase="AirSyncBase:" xmlns:email2="Email2:">
             <email:To>"Device User" &lt;someone@example.com&gt;</email:To>
             <email:From>"7125550123" &lt;7125550123&gt;</email:From>
             <email:Subject>Voice Mail from 7125550123 (3 seconds)</email:Subject>
             <email:DisplayTo>Device User</email:DisplayTo>
             <email:ThreadTopic>Voice Mail from 7125550123 (3 seconds)</email:ThreadTopic>
                 <airsyncbase:DisplayName>7125550123 (3 seconds) Voice Mail.wma</airsyncbase:DisplayName>