Proposing a New Time

Along with the response, whether Accept, Tentatively Accept, or Decline, the attendee or a delegate of the attendee can request that the organizer change the meeting date and/or time. The client MUST NOT allow the attendee or delegate of the attendee to propose a new date or time in the following cases:

  • The attendee is the organizer.

  • The value of the PidLidAppointmentNotAllowPropose property (section on the Meeting Request object is set to TRUE.

  • The Meeting Request object represents a recurring series. (However, the attendee can propose a new date and/or time for a single instance of a recurring series.)

To propose the new date and/or time, the client sets the following properties on the Meeting Response object:

  • The value of the PidTagSubjectPrefix property ([MS-OXCMSG] section to propose a new date and/or time.

  • The value of the PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal property (section to TRUE.

  • The value of the PidLidAppointmentProposedStartWhole property (section to the proposed new start date and time, in UTC.

  • The value of the PidLidAppointmentProposedEndWhole property (section to the proposed new end date and time, in UTC.

  • The value of the PidLidAppointmentProposedDuration property (section to the proposed new duration, in minutes.

In addition to the previous information, when proposing a new date and/or time, the client MUST NOT set the value of the PidLidIsSilent property (section to TRUE, even if the attendee does not edit the body of the response.