
The ConfigurationRequestDetailsType complex type contains a request for details of the policy tips.<13>

   <xs:complexType name="ConfigurationRequestDetailsType">
     <xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
       <xs:any processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"

The ConfigurationRequestDetailsType complex type contains an XML schema any element definition, as specified in [XMLSCHEMA1] section 3.10.2, that MUST contain an element called PolicyNudges. The PolicyNudges element can contain attributes called OutlookVersion and OutlookLocale. Values for the OutlookVersion attribute are ignored by the server. The OutlookVersion attribute can contain the client's version number. The OutlookLocale attribute can contain the client's culture-specific natural language code, as specified in [RFC4646]. The OutlookLocale MUST be set. The response value of the text2 element in the localeType complex type, as specified in section, is localized according to the value of the OutlookLocale attribute value. The PolicyNudges element can contain a PolicyNudgeRules element and a ClassificationItems element. The PolicyNudgeRules element is specified in section The ClassificationItems element contains a ClassificationDefinitions element, as specified in section The ClassificationItems element can have an EngineVersion attribute. The EngineVersion attribute can contain the version number of the client classification library. The value of the EngineVersion attribute is ignored by the server.

If the ConfigurationRequestDetailsType complex type is empty, no OutlookVersion or EngineVersion attributes will be present, the OutlookLocale attribute will be set to "en-US", and the PolicyNudgeRule and ClassificationDefinition elements will not be present.