tns:CreateItemSoapOut Message

The CreateItemSoapOut WSDL message specifies the server response to a CreateItem operation request to create items on the server.

 <wsdl:message name="CreateItemSoapOut">
    <wsdl:part name="CreateItemResult" element="tns:CreateItemResponse"/>
    <wsdl:part name="ServerVersion" element="t:ServerVersionInfo"/>

The CreateItemSoapOut WSDL message is the output message for the SOAP action http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/messages/CreateItem.

The parts of the CreateItemSoapOut WSDL message are listed and described in the following table.

Part name




tns:CreateItemResponse (section

Specifies the SOAP body of a response message.


t:ServerVersionInfo ([MS-OXWSCDATA] section

Specifies a SOAP header that identifies the server version for the response to a CreateItem operation request.

If the request is successful, the CreateItem operation returns a CreateItemResponse element with the ResponseClass attribute of the CreateItemResponseMessage element set to "Success". The ResponseCode element of the CreateItemResponseMessage element is set to "NoError".

If the request is unsuccessful, the CreateItem operation returns a CreateItemResponse element with the ResponseClass attribute of the CreateItemResponseMessage element set to "Error". The ResponseCode element of the CreateItemResponseMessage element is set to a value of the ResponseCodeType simple type, as specified in [MS-OXWSCDATA] section