
The GetPhoneCallInformationSoapOut WSDL message specifies the GetPhoneCallInformation operation response.

 <wsdl:message name="GetPhoneCallInformationSoapOut">
     <wsdl:part name="GetPhoneCallInformationResult" element="tns:GetPhoneCallInformationResponse"/>
     <wsdl:part name="ServerVersion" element="t:ServerVersionInfo"/>

The GetPhoneCallInformationSoapOut WSDL message is the output message for the SOAP action http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/messages/GetPhoneCallInformation.

The parts of the GetPhoneCallInformationSoapOut message are listed in the following table.

Part name




tns:GetPhoneCallInformationResponse (section

Specifies the SOAP body of the response.


t:ServerVersionInfo ([MS-OXWSCDATA] section

Specifies the SOAP header that identifies the server version for the response.

A successful GetPhoneCallInformation operation response has a text value of "Success" for the ResponseClass attribute of the GetPhoneCallInformationResponse XML instance element. The ResponseCode child element of the GetPhoneCallInformationResponse XML instance element MUST have a text value of "NoError".

A GetPhoneCallInformation operation error response caused by an invalid phone call identifier MUST have a text value of "Error" for the ResponseClass attribute of the GetPhoneCallInformationResponse XML instance element. The ResponseCode child element of the GetPhoneCallInformationResponse XML instance element MUST have a text value of "ErrorInvalidPhoneCallId". The MessageText child element of the GetPhoneCallInformationResponse XML instance element MUST have a text value of "The phone call ID isn't valid".