2.1.119 [CSS-Level2-2009] Section 17.6.3, Border styles


The specification states:

 Some of the values of the 'border-style' have different meanings in tables than for 
 other elements. In the list below they are marked with an asterisk.
 No border. 
 Same as 'none', but in the collapsing border model, also inhibits any other border 
 (see the section on border conflicts). 
 In the separated borders model, the border makes the entire box look as though it 
 were embedded in the canvas. In the collapsing border model, same as 'ridge'. 
 In the separated borders model, the border makes the entire box look as though it 
 were coming out of the canvas. In the collapsing border model, same as 'groove'.

Quirks Mode and IE7 Mode (All Versions)

The following clarifications apply:

  • In the collapsing border model, hidden behaves the same as none.

  • In the collapsing border model, inset and outset behave the same as in the separated borders model.