2.1.27 [ECMA-262/7] Section Function.prototype.bind ( thisArg, ...args)

V0200: The bound function name accessor calls the target function's counterpart

The specification states: Function.prototype.bind ( thisArg , ...args)
     When the bind method is called with argument thisArg and zero or more args, it 
     performs the following steps:
         1.  Let Target be the this value.
         9.  Let targetName be ? Get(Target, "name").
         10. If Type(targetName) is not String, let targetName be the empty string.
         11. Perform SetFunctionName(F, targetName, "bound").
         12. Return F.

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Steps 9 to 11 are replaced by:

    9.  Let getName(Target) be a new dynamic function that does following:

        a. Let targetName be ? Get(Target, "name").

        b. Return "bound"+targetName.

    10. Set (F, "name", getName).

Because of this, the bound function name accessor calls the target function's counterpart. Note that steps 10 and 11 are deleted.