2.1.10 [ECMA-262/7] Section 12.10.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C)

V0193: The abstract operation InstanceofOperator(O, C) is not implemented

The specification states:

 12.10.4 Runtime Semantics: InstanceofOperator(O, C)
     The abstract operation InstanceofOperator(O, C) implements the generic algorithm for 
     determining if an object O inherits from the inheritance path defined by constructor 
     C. This abstract operation performs the following steps:
         1.  If Type(C) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
         2.  Let instOfHandler be ? GetMethod(C,@@hasInstance).
         3.  If instOfHandler is not undefined, then
             a. Return ToBoolean(? Call(instOfHandler, C, «O»)).
         4.  If IsCallable(C) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
         5.  Return OrdinaryHasInstance(C, O).

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The abstract operation InstanceofOperator(O, C) is not implemented.