2.1.22 [ECMA-262/7] Section 16.2 Forbidden Extensions

V0025: Functions created using the bind method are given caller and arguments restricted own properties

The specification states:

 ... Forbidden Extensions
     An implementation must not extend this specification in the following ways:
         • Other than as defined in this specification, ECMAScript Function objects 
         defined using syntactic constructors in strict mode code must not be created with 
         own properties named "caller" or "arguments" other than those that are created by 
         applying the AddRestrictedFunctionProperties abstract operation to the function. 
         Such own properties also must not be created for function objects defined using 
         an ArrowFunction, MethodDefinition, GeneratorDeclaration, GeneratorExpression, 
         ClassDeclaration, or ClassExpression regardless of whether the definition is 
         contained in strict mode code. Built-in functions, strict mode functions created 
         using the Function constructor, generator functions created using the Generator 
         constructor, and functions created using the bind method also must not be created 
         with such own properties.

EdgeHTML Mode

Functions created using the bind method are given caller and arguments restricted own properties.