2.1.39 [ECMA-ES2017] Section 21.2.1 Patterns

V0078: If the contents of the braces in \u{...} is not a hexadecimal number, \u{...} is treated as a regular string

The specification states:

 21.2.1 Patterns
     The RegExp constructor applies the following grammar to the input pattern String. An 
     error occurs if the grammar cannot interpret the String as an expansion of Pattern.
         RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence[U] ::
             [+U] u LeadSurrogate \u TrailSurrogate
             [+U] u LeadSurrogate
             [+U] u TrailSurrogate
             [+U] u NonSurrogate
             [~U] u Hex4Digits
             [+U] u{ HexDigits }

EdgeHTML Mode

If the contents of the braces in \u{...} is not a hexadecimal number, \u{...} is treated as a regular string, rather than a Unicode code point. For example, the following returns true but should throw a SyntaxError exception:
