2.1.51 [ECMA-262/9:2018] Section Array.prototype.push ( ...items )

V0204: Array.prototype.push does not throw TypeError on length overflow

The specification states: Array.prototype.push ( ...items )
     When the push method is called with zero or more arguments the following steps are 
         1.  Let O be ? ToObject(this value).
         2.  Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")).
         3.  Let items be a List whose elements are, in left to right order, the arguments 
             that were passed to this function invocation.
         4.  Let argCount be the number of elements in items.
         5.  If len + argCount > 2^53-1, throw a TypeError exception.

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The following step is not executed:

    5.  If len + argCount > 2^53-1, throw a TypeError exception.

As a result, Array.prototype.push does not throw TypeError on length overflow.