2.1.103 [ECMA-262-1999] Section, Date.UTC (year, month [, date [, hours [, minutes [, seconds [, ms ] ] ] ] ] )


The changes in the following algorithm specify JScript 5.x's behavior when this function is called with fewer than two arguments.

  1. __If year is supplied use__ #Call# ToNumber(year) __; else use 0__.

  2. __If month is supplied use__ #Call# ToNumber(month) __; else use 0__.

  3. If date is supplied use ToNumber(date); else use 1.

  4. If hours is supplied use ToNumber(hours); else use 0.

  5. If minutes is supplied use ToNumber(minutes); else use 0.

  6. If seconds is supplied use ToNumber(seconds); else use 0.

  7. If ms is supplied use ToNumber(ms); else use 0.

  8. If Result(1) is not NaN and 0 ≤ ToInteger(Result(1)) ≤ 99, Result(8) is 1900+ToInteger(Result(1)); otherwise, Result(8) is Result(1).

  9. Compute MakeDay(Result(8), Result(2), Result(3)).

  10. Compute MakeTime(Result(4), Result(5), Result(6), Result(7)).

  11. Return TimeClip(MakeDate(Result(9), Result(10))).

The length property of the UTC function is 7.