2.1.160 [ECMA-262-1999] Section B.1.2, String Literals


OctalEscapeSequence ::

OctalDigit [lookahead Ï __OctalDigit __#DecimalDigit #]
ZeroToThree OctalDigit
[lookahead Ï __OctalDigit __#DecimalDigit #]
FourToSeven OctalDigit
ZeroToThree OctalDigit OctalDigit



The CV of EscapeSequence :: OctalEscapeSequence is the CV of the OctalEscapeSequence.

The CV of OctalEscapeSequence :: OctalDigit [lookahead Ï __OctalDigit__ #DecimalDigit#] is the character whose code point value is the MV of the OctalDigit.

The CV of OctalEscapeSequence :: ZeroToThree OctalDigit [lookahead Ï __OctalDigit__ #DecimalDigit#] is the character whose code point value is (8 times the MV of the ZeroToThree) plus the MV of the OctalDigit.