3.2 HTML 4.01 Test: rowspan attribute for TD and TH

Test case: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Test/HTML401/current/tests/11_2_6-BF-01.html

The specification states:

 rowspan = number [CN] 
 This attribute specifies the number of rows spanned by the current cell. The 
 default value of this attribute is one ("1"). The value zero ("0") means that the 
 cell spans all rows from the current row to the last row of the table section 
 (THEAD, TBODY, or TFOOT) in which the cell is defined.

The test case states:

Verify the functionality of the rowspan attribute for TD and TH.

Table code:

<table border="1">

<tr><td>row 1</td><td>default</td><td rowspan="0">zero</td>

       <td rowspan="1">one</td><td rowspan="2">two</td>

       <td rowspan="3">three</td></tr>

<tr><td>row 2</td></tr>

<tr><td>row 3</td></tr>


<table border="1">

<tr><th>row 1</th><th>default</th><th rowspan="0">zero</th>

       <th rowspan="1">one</th><th rowspan="2">two</th>

       <th rowspan="3">three</th></tr>

<tr><th>row 2</th></tr>

<tr><th>row 3</th></tr>


Expected results:

The third column (<td rowspan="0">zero</td>, <th rowspan="0">zero</th>) should span all three rows.

Actual results for all document modes (all versions):

The third column spans only one row.


The value of the rowspan attribute for the table cell is set to 0 (zero). A value of 0 implies that the table cell (TD or TH) should span all rows.

Based on the actual results, Internet Explorer fails this test case for all document modes (all versions).

See Also

Section 2.1.17