2.2.12 [HTML5:2014] Section 4.4.7 The li element

C0016: The minimum value of the value attribute is -2,147,483,648

The specification states:

 4.4.7 The li element
     The value attribute, if present, must be a valid integer giving the ordinal value of 
     the list item.

All document modes (All versions)

The minimum value of the value attribute is -2,147,483,648. Any li element values that are smaller are set to this minimum.

C0015: The maximum value of the value attribute is 2,147,483,647

The specification states:

 4.4.7 The li element
     The value attribute, if present, must be a valid integer giving the ordinal value of 
     the list item.

All document modes (All versions)

The maximum value of the value attribute is 2,147,483,647. Any li element values that are larger are set to this maximum.