2.1.11 [W3C-HTML51] Section 4.2.2 The title element

V0025: The text attribute of the title element does not remove leading and trailing white space from the returned string.

The specification states:

 4.2.2 The title element
     The IDL attribute text must return ...

EdgeHTML Mode

The text attribute of the title element does not remove leading and trailing white space from the returned string.

V0024: The directionality set in the title element does not affect the title used in the window tab

The specification states:

 4.2.2 The title element
     User agents should use the document's title when referring to the document in their 
     user interface. When the contents of a title element are used in this way, the 
     directionality of that title element should be used to set the directionality of the 
     document's title in the user interface.

EdgeHTML Mode

The directionality set in the title element does not affect the title used in the window tab.