2.1.117 [W3C-HTML52] Section 10.3.11. Form controls

V0349: The input, select, option, optgroup, button, textarea and keygen elements do not set text-indent: initial in default styles

The specification states:

 10.3.11 Form controls
     input, select, option, optgroup, button, textarea, keygen {
         text-indent: initial;

EdgeHTML Mode

The input, select, option, optgroup, button, textarea, and keygen elements do not set text-indent: initial in default styles.

V0430: All input controls are set to box-sizing: border-box

The specification states:

 10.3.11 Form controls
     input:matches([type=radio i], [type=checkbox i], [type=reset i], [type=button i],
     [type=submit i], [type=search i]), select, button {
         box-sizing: border-box;

EdgeHTML Mode

All input controls, not just the radio, checkbox, reset, button, and submit controls, are set to box-sizing: border-box.