2.1.52 [W3C-HTML52] Section Autofilling form controls: the autocomplete attribute

V0398: The autocomplete values on and off are not supported

The specification states: Autofilling form controls: the autocomplete attribute
     When wearing the autofill expectation mantle, the autocomplete attribute, if 
     specified, must have a value that is an ordered set of space-separated tokens 
     consisting of either a single token that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the 
     string "off", or a single token that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the 
     string "on", or autofill detail tokens. Processing model
     These values are defined as the result of running the following algorithm:
         7. If category is Off, let the element’s autofill field name be the string "off", 
            let its autofill hint set be empty, and let its IDL-exposed autofill value be 
            the string "off". Then, abort these steps.
         8. If category is Automatic, let the element’s autofill field name be the string 
            "on", let its autofill hint set be empty, and let its IDL-exposed autofill 
            value be the string "on". Then, abort these steps.

EdgeHTML Mode

The autocomplete values on and off are not supported.