2.1.4 [Webdriver:2018] Section 7.2 Processing Capabilities

V0001: The Accept insecure TLS certificate, Proxy configuration, and Unhandled prompt behavior capabilities are not supported.

The specification states:

 7. Capabilities
     WebDriver capabilities are used to communicate the features supported by a given 
     implementation. The local end may use capabilities to define which features it 
     requires the remote end to satisfy when creating a new session. Likewise, the remote 
     end uses capabilities to describe the full feature set for a session.
     The following table of standard capabilities enumerates the capabilities each 
     implementation MUST support. An implementation MAY define additional extension 
                     |     | Value |
 Capability          | Key | Type  | Description
 ...                 |     |       |
                     | ... |  ...  | Indicates whether untrusted and 
 Accept insecure TLS | ... |  ...  | self-signed TLS certificates are 
 certificates        | ... |  ...  | implicitly trusted on navigation
                     | ... |  ...  | for the duration of the session
 ...                 |     |       |
 Proxy configuration | ... |  ...  | Defines the current session’s 
                     | ... |  ...  | proxy configuration.  
 ...                 |     |       |
 Unhandled prompt    | ... |  ...  | Describes the current session’s 
 behavior            | ... |  ...  | user prompt handler.
 ...                 |     |       |
 7.2 Processing Capabilities
     To process capabilities with argument parameters, the endpoint node must take the 
     following steps:

EdgeHTML Mode

The Accept insecure TLS certificate, Proxy configuration, and Unhandled prompt behavior capabilities are not supported.