2.1.28 Section 19 Error Response

The specification states the following:

 This object MUST contain name/value pairs with the names code and message, and it MAY contain 
 name/value pairs with the names target, details and innererror. 

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. Name/value pairs for target and details are not supported.

Section 19 of the specification also states the following:

 The value for the message name/value pair MUST be a human-readable, language-dependent 
 representation of the error. The Content-Language header MUST contain the language code from 
 [RFC5646] corresponding to the language in which the value for message is written.

OData in the specified Microsoft implementations (section 1.3) partially supports this feature. The value for the message name/value pair is a JSON object that contains two name/value pairs: "lang" and "value". The value of the "lang" name/value pair indicates the language code for the message, and the value of the "value" name/value pair is the human-readable message written in that language.