2.2.82 TextRunDataObject

Target namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/onenote/2009/internal/specific

Referenced by: jcidRichTextOENode

The TextRunDataObject structure specifies an ArrayOfUINT32s structure (section 2.2.11) in which each rgUINT32 element references a data object associated with a text run in a paragraph.

Text runs are specified by the TextRunIndex structure. If this property is not set, there are no data objects associated with any text runs. Otherwise, the number of elements in the rgOIDs array MUST be equal to the number of text runs. By default, there are no data objects associated with any text runs

Child Elements:

rgOIDs: An ArrayOfUINT32s structure (section 2.2.11). Each element in the array SHOULD<10> be zero, and the data for these objects SHOULD be ignored. If an rgUINT32 is encountered that is not zero, the value of the element and the object referenced by the element MUST be persisted with the text run.