Data Model for endpointConfiguration provisionGroup

The endpointConfiguration provisionGroup is as follows.<112>

 provisionGroup (name=’endpointConfiguration’)
 |-- ShowRecentContacts
 |-- ShowManagePrivacyRelationships
 |-- MaxPhotoSizeKB
 |-- DisableMusicOnHold
 |-- AttendantSafeTransfer
 |-- MusicOnHoldAudioFile
 |-- CustomLinkInErrorMessages
 |-- CustomStateUrl
 |-- DisablePoorDeviceWarnings
 |-- DisablePoorNetworkWarnings
 |-- BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts
 |-- CalendarStatePublicationInterval
 |-- EnableCallLogAutoArchiving
 |-- EnableAppearOffline
 |-- EnableConversationWindowTabs
 |-- EnableEventLogging
 |-- EnableFullScreenVideoPreviewDisabled
 |-- EnableSQMData
 |-- EnableTracing
 |-- EnableURL
 |-- EnableIMAutoArchiving
 |-- DisableEmailComparisonCheck
 |-- DisableCalendarPresence
 |-- DisableEmoticons
 |-- DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName
 |-- DisableFreeBusyInfo
 |-- DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine
 |-- DisableHtmlIm
 |-- DisableInkIM
 |-- DisableRTFIM
 |-- DisableSavingIM
 |-- DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation
 |-- DisableOneNote12Integration
 |-- DisableOnlineContextualSearch
 |-- DisablePhonePresence
 |-- DisablePICPromptDisplayName
 |-- DisablePresenceNote
 |-- PhotoUsage
 |-- AbsUsage
 |-- AllowUnencryptedFileTransfer
 |-- AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval
 |-- ConferenceIMIdleTimeout
 |-- DGRefreshInterval
 |-- ExcludedContactFolders
 |-- IMWarning
 |-- MapiPollInterval
 |-- MaximumNumberOfContacts
 |-- NotificationForNewSubscribers
 |-- PlayAbbrDialTone
 |-- SearchPrefixFlags
 |-- TabURL
 |-- WebServicePollInterval
 |-- DisableFeedsTab
 |-- EnableEnterpriseCustomizedHelp
 |-- CustomizedHelpUrl
 |-- DisableContactCardOrganizationTab
 |-- EnableHotdesking
 |-- HotdeskingTimeout
 |-- SPSearchInternalUrl
 |-- SPSearchExternalUrl
 |-- SPSearchCenterInternalUrl
 |-- SPSearchCenterExternalUrl
 |-- EnableExchangeDelegateSyncUp
 |-- EnableContactSync
 |-- ShowSharepointPhotoEditLink
 |-- EnableVOIPCallDefault
 |-- MaximumDGsAllowedInContactList
 |-- ImLatencySpinnerDelay
 |-- ImLatencyErrorThreshold
 |-- EnableMediaRedirection
 |-- P2PAppSharingEncryption
 |-- HelpEnvironment
 |-- RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback 
 |-- RateMyCallDisplayPercentage 
 |-- imLatencySpinnerDelay 
 |-- imLatencyErrorThreshold 
 |-- EnableHighPerformanceP2PAppSharing 
 |-- EnableHighPerformanceConferencingAppSharing
 |-- TracingLevel
 |-- EnableServerConversationHistory
 |-- EnableSkypeUI
 |-- CallViaWorkEnabled 
 |-- UseAdminCallbackNumber 
 |-- AdminCallbackNumber
 |-- OnlineFeedbackURL
 |-- BITSServerAddressInternal
 |-- BITSServerAddressExternal
 |-- EnableSendFeedback
 |-- EnableIssueReports
 |-- EnableBugFiling
 |-- EnableBackgroundDataCollection
 |-- PrivacyStatementURL
 |-- SendFeedbackURL

The following XSD schema fragment defines the requirements to which an endpointConfiguration provisionGroup element XML document SHOULD conform.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
 <xs:schema xmlns:tns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/sip/provisiongrouplist-notification" targetNamespace="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2006/09/sip/provisiongrouplist-notification" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
     <xs:complexType name="propertyEntryType">
         <xs:extension base="xs:string">
           <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required" />
     <xs:complexType name="propertyEntryListType">
         <xs:element name="property" type="tns:propertyEntryType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     <xs:element name="propertyEntryList" type="tns:propertyEntryListType" />

ShowRecentContacts: Ignored.

AbsUsage: Specifies whether the user MAY use an Address Book Service (as specified in [MS-ABS]) web query, download a file, or either one for accessing an address book. Values include "WebSearchAndFileDownload", "WebSearchOnly", or "FileDownloadOnly".

AllowUnencryptedFileTransfer: Allows unencrypted files to be transferred.

MusicOnHoldAudioFile: Optional, ignored.

DisableMusicOnHold: Optional, ignored.

AttendantSafeTransfer: Optional, ignored.

AutoDiscoveryRetryInterval: How frequently to retry autodiscovery if it fails.

BlockConversationFromFederatedContacts: This policy prevents external contacts from inviting users to IM or Audio-Video conversations unless they are in the user’s High Presence level. High Presence means that they are in the ALLOW access control list (ACL) of the user. In addition, it blocks messages that are not part of a session from reaching the user.

CalendarStatePublicationInterval: How frequently data loaded from the calendar is published, in seconds.

ConferenceIMIdleTimeout: Amount of time a user MAY sit in an IM-only conference without sending or receiving an IM. When the timeout occurs, the user automatically leaves the IM conference.

CustomizedHelpUrl: Determines the root URL to be used when passing help parameters to the customized Help system of the enterprise.

CustomLinkInErrorMessages: Custom link pointing users to an enterprise-hosted extranet site from the error messages.

CustomStateUrl: URL to an XML file containing custom Presence states.

DGRefreshInterval: Timing period, in seconds, for refreshing the Distribution Group.

DisableCalendarPresence: Disables loading Free/Busy data from Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) or web services. Also disables publication of free/busy data.

DisableContactCardOrganizationTab: Removes the contact card organization tab from the UI.

DisableEmailComparisonCheck: Disables the e-mail comparison check; normally, if the e-mail client profile’s email-id does not match the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address received from the e-mail server<113>, any personal information management (PIM) integration<114> is disabled. This policy is disabled by default.

DisableEmoticons: Prevents emoticons being shown in instant messages.

DisableFederatedPromptDisplayName: The display name of federated, non-public IM connectivity, contacts in the notification dialog.

DisableFeedsTab: Indicates whether the feed environment is shown in the UI. If this setting is enabled, the feed environment and the feed tab are removed from the UI.

DisableFreeBusyInfo: Indicates whether free/busy information is published. If this setting is enabled, free/busy information is not published.

DisableHandsetOnLockedMachine: When the PC is locked, this setting does not allow calls to or from the handset.

DisableHtmlIm: Disables HTML instant messages.

DisableInkIM: Ignored.

DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation: Indicates whether the meeting subject and location information is published.

DisableOneNote12Integration: Specifies whether planning and note-taking software integration with the instant-messaging client is enabled.<115>

DisableOnlineContextualSearch: Disables online searches for related conversations. This disables both the automatic population of previous logs, and the ability to start a contextual search for conversation related to emails. This only affects users who are using an e-mail client<116> in online mode.

DisablePhonePresence: When this policy is enabled, phone call states are not published as part of the presence information.

DisablePICPromptDisplayName: The display name of public IM connectivity contacts in the notification dialog.

DisablePoorDeviceWarnings: Disables poor device warnings that appear during the first run, in the tuning wizard, in the main UI, and in the conversation window at the endpoint.

DisablePoorNetworkWarnings: Disables poor network warnings that appear during the conversation at the endpoint.

DisablePreCallNetworkDiagnostics: Disables poor network warnings that appear during the conversation at the endpoint.

DisablePresenceNote: Disables the loading of the OOF (out of office) message from MAPI or web services. Also disables the publication of OOF messages.

DisableRTFIM: Indicates that rich text MUST NOT be allowed for IM.

DisableSavingIM: Prevents users from saving instant messages.

EnableAppearOffline: Controls the appear offline entry points on the client. The value MUST be "true" or "false".

EnableCallLogAutoArchiving: When enabled, the client archives call logs. When disabled, the client never archives call logs.

EnableConversationWindowTabs: Enables the web browser in the conversation window.

EnableEnterpriseCustomizedHelp: Determines whether the enterprise wants the default online help system or uses a completely customized help system.

EnableEventLogging: Turns on UCCP event logging for the client.

EnableExchangeDelegateSyncUp: When this is enabled, the delegate’s information is retrieved from the calendar, with author and editor rights on the boss's calendar.

EnableFullScreenVideoPreviewDisabled: Enables full screen video with the correct aspect ratio and disables video preview for all client video calls.

EnableHotdesking: Specifies whether hotdesking is enabled for a common area phone. Only phones with the common area phone device type make use of this setting.

EnableIMAutoArchiving: When this policy is enabled, the client archives IM conversations. When it is disabled, the client never archives IM conversations. When this policy is not set, the user controls archiving of IM conversations.

EnableSQMData: Enables collection of software quality metrics.

EnableTracing: Turns on tracing for the client; primarily for use by customer support and the OC team to assist customer problem solving.

EnableURL: Allows hyperlinks in instant messages.

ExcludedContactFolders: This policy is used for excluding contact folders from being imported into the client search results.

HotdeskingTimeout: The common area phone operating in hotdesking mode uses this setting to determine when to log the user out and revert to common area mode if the user has been inactive for the hotdeskingTimeout period. This setting is only made use of by phones with the common area device type and the enableHotdesking setting set to "true".

IMWarning: Allows the administrator to configure the initial text that appears in the instant messaging area when a conversation window is opened.

MapiPollInterval: The frequency, in minutes, of loading calendar data from the MAPI provider.

MaximumNumberOfContacts: Maximum number of contacts users are allowed to have.

MaxPhotoSizeKB: Maximum size of an individual photo that a client MAY download.

NotificationForNewSubscribers: Notifications are shown unless the user has selected otherwise in the options dialog.

PhotoUsage: Whether client endpoints display photos of each type. Valid values are "NoPhoto", "PhotosFromADOnly", and "AllPhotos".

PlayAbbrDialTone: Changes the length of the dial tone from a 30-second dial tone to a fading, 3-second dial tone.

SearchPrefixFlags: A DWORD value whose bits represent the decision of which address book attribute to index into the prefix search tree. These bits are as follows (from low to high):

  • Bit 0: Primary e-mail.

  • Bit 1: Alias.

  • Bit 2: All emails.

  • Bit 3: Company.

  • Bit 4: Display name.

  • Bit 5: First name.

  • Bit 6: Last name.

    ShowManagePrivacyRelationships: Controls whether the "view by" menu in the contact list shows or hides "manage privacy relationships" (previously known as access level management view).Valid values are "true" and "false".

    SPSearchCenterExternalUrl: The site search center external URL is used to enable the site link in the expert search results. This URL represents the search center outside the enterprise network of the search service specified in the ExpertSearchExternalURL. If this setting is blank, there is no link to the site server at the bottom of the search results.

    SPSearchCenterInternalUrl: The site search center internal URL is used to enable the site link in the expert search results. This URL represents the search center within the enterprise network of the search service specified in the ExpertSearchInternalURL. If this setting is blank, there is no link to the site server at the bottom of the search results.

    SPSearchExternalUrl: The site external URL is used to enable expert search capabilities If the client is connected to the server outside of the enterprise network. If the URL is blank or invalid, none of the expert search capabilities and UI are enabled.

    SPSearchInternalUrl: The site internal URL is used to enable expert search capabilities if the client is connected to the server inside of the enterprise network. If the URL is blank or invalid, none of the expert search capabilities and UI are enabled.

    TabURL: URL for the XML file from which the tab definitions are loaded.

    WebServicePollInterval: The frequency, in minutes, of loading calendar data from a web services provider.

    EnableContactSync: Determines whether the client synchronizes contacts into the e-mail server contacts store.<117> The value MUST be "true" or "false".

    ShowSharepointPhotoEditLink: Determines whether the client shows the site link to edit their photo. The value MUST be "true" or "false".

    EnableVOIPCallDefault: Determines whether the client chooses Voice over IP (VoIP) call as the default calling method instead of a PSTN call when click to call is used. The value MUST be "true" or "false".

    MaximumDGsAllowedInContactList: Determines the number of distribution groups allowed in the contact list of the client. The type for this is unsigned integer.

    EnableMediaRedirection: Enables an enterprise-grade audio/video experience.<118>

    HelpEnvironment: Specifies the help documentation that the client shows to the user.

    P2PAppSharingEncryption: An integer value that specifies the encryption mode for application sharing sessions between clients.

  • 0 : Supported

  • 1 : Enforced

  • 2 : Not Supported

    TracingLevel:<119> Controls the tracing level on the client. This with EnableTracing controls tracing, if EnableTracing is not set then this attribute controls the level of tracing and the user can change the tracing level, if EnableTracing is set then the user cannot change the tracing level and the tracing level is determined by the value of this attribute. This string attribute MUST have one of the following values.

  • Off

  • Light

  • Full

    RateMyCallAllowCustomUserFeedback: <120> Whether the call rating dialog will include a free form text field, where user can provide custom feedback (value set to "true"), or not ("false").

    RateMyCallDisplayPercentage: <121> An integer percentage value between 0 and 100 that indicates the percentage of calls for which call rating information is requested from the user at the end of a call. A value of 0 specifies to never request call rating information. A value of 100 specifies requesting call rating information at the end of every call. The default value is 10, specifying requesting call rating information for 1 call out of every 10 calls.

    ImLatencySpinnerDelay: <122>  The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before showing the spinner in the client when IM delivery is delayed.

    ImLatencyErrorThreshold: <123> An integer value in milliseconds. If the IM latency is above this threshold the client will submit a CER.

    EnableServerConversationHistory: <124> Whether to allow the IM server to record the conversation history for this user.

    EnableHighPerformanceP2PAppSharing: <125> Whether to enable high frame rate application sharing in a two-party conversation. To enable the best experience, this setting SHOULD be enabled on both the sharer and viewer. When this setting is enabled, the actual frame rate is determined by the AppSharingBitRate setting. If the AppSharingBitRate is less than or equal to 2000, then the frame rate is calculated as 2.5 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is between 2000 and 4000, the frame rate is calculated as 4 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is between 4000 and 8000, then the frame rate is calculated as 6 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is between 8000 and 12000, then the frame rate is calculated as 8 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is greater than 12000, then the frame rate is calculated as 10 frames per second. The default is "false",  indicating a default frame rate of 2.5 frames per second.

    EnableHighPerformanceConferencingAppSharing: <126> Whether to enable high frame rate application sharing in a multi-party (conference) conversation. Note that when enabled, this could have a performance impact on the application sharing conference server, possibly resulting in degraded performance if the server is heavily loaded. To enable the best experience, the setting SHOULD be enabled on both the sharer and viewer. When this setting is enabled, the actual frame rate is determined by the AppSharingBitRate setting. If the AppSharingBitRate is less than or equal to 2000, then the frame rate is calculated as 2.5 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is between 2000 and 4000, the frame rate is calculated as 4 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is between 4000 and 8000, then the frame rate is calculated as 6 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is between 8000 and 12000, then the frame rate is calculated as 8 frames per second. If the AppSharingBitRate is greater than 12000, then the frame rate is calculated as 10 frames per second. The default is "false", indicating a default frame rate of 2.5 frames per second

    EnableSkypeUI: <127>  Whether the client will display a Lync-style or Skype-style user interface. When set to "true", the client will display a Skype-style interface; when set to "false", the client will display a Lync-style interface. If this setting is absent, the client can choose in an implementation-specific manner.

    CallViaWorkEnabled: <128>  Whether to enable or disable a user for CallViaWork functionality.

    AdminCallBackNumber: <129>  An administrator-specified callback phone number for a specific user.

    UseAdminCallbackNumber: <130> Whether to force the user to use their AdminCallbackNumber as their callback phone number. When set to "true", the AdminCallbackNumber MUST be configured. When set to "false", user has the ability to specify their own callback phone number in addition to the administrator-specified AdminCallbackNumber.


OnlineFeedbackURL: Controls whether to show an icon and Help menu UI for providing feedback. The URL value for this parameter is what is launched (in the user’s default browser) when the user selects the icon or menu option (Help > Report a problem).

BITSServerAddressInternal: The internal URL is used to hold the URL of the server to upload the logs or feedback into.

BITSServerAddressExternal: The external URL is used to hold the URL of the server to upload the logs or feedback into.

EnableSendFeedback: Determines whether sending feedback is enabled.

EnableIssueReports: Determines whether issue reporting or log collection is allowed.

EnableBugFiling: Whether the bug filing is enabled.

EnableBackgroundDataCollection: Whether sending background metrics is enabled.

PrivacyStatementURL: Provisions the directed feedback and privacy URLs.

SendFeedbackURL: The URL to specify issue reporting server address.

For a detailed example, see section 4.2.2.