Response Body

The response body is JSON (as specified in [RFC4627]) with the following parameters:



AADUserObjectId: A string value that uniquely identifies an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) user.<82>

AccessTokenExpiry: A long value which is the timestamp of when the access token expires.<83>

AllowEarlyFeatures: A Boolean value. True Indicates the server supports allowing the user to be exposed to early features.<84>

AllowExternalMarketplace: A Boolean value that indicates the WOPI client allows connections to external services referenced in the file (for example, a marketplace of embeddable JavaScript apps).<85> If this value is false, then the WOPI client MUST NOT allow such connections.

AppCatalogUrl: A string value that is the base URL used to create calls to retrieve a catalog of applications.<86>

FolderName: The name of the folder without the path. Used for display in the UI.BreadcrumbBrandIconUrl: A URI to an image that the WOPI client displays to the user as the branding image of the WOPI server.

BreadcrumbBrandName: A string that the WOPI client displays to the user that indicates the brand name of the WOPI server.

BreadcrumbBrandUrl: A URI to a web page that the WOPI client navigates to when the user clicks on the UI that displays BreadcrumbBrandName.

BreadcrumbDocName: A string that the WOPI client displays to the user that indicates the name of the file.

BreadcrumbDocUrl: A string value which MAY specifies a URI to a web page that the WOPI client navigates to when the user clicks on the UI that displays BreadcrumbDocName.<87>

BreadcrumbFolderName: A string that the WOPI client displays to the user that indicates the name of the folder that contains the file.

BreadcrumbFolderUrl: A URI to a web page that the WOPI client navigates to when the user clicks on the UI that displays BreadcrumbFolderName.

ClientUrl: A user-accessible URI directly to the folder intended for opening the file through a client. Can be a DAV URL ([RFC5323]), but MAY be any URL that can be handled by a client that can open a file of the given type.

CloseButtonClosesWindow: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client SHOULD close the browser window containing the output of the WOPI client when the user calls the close UI.

ClosePostMessage: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client SHOULD notify the WOPI server in the event that the user closes the rendering or editing client currently using this file.<88>

CloseURL: A URI to a web page that the implementer deems useful to a user in the event that the user closes the rendering or editing client currently using this folder.

DirectInvokeDAVUrl: A string value that indicates the URL used when document could not be opened in client.<89>

DisablePrint: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client MUST disable any print functionality under its control.<90>

EditNotificationPostMessage: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client SHOULD notify the WOPI server in the event that the user attempts to edit the file.<91>

FileSharingPostMessage: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client SHOULD notify the WOPI server in the event that the user attempts to share the file.<92>

FileSharingURL: A URI to a location that allows the user to share the file.

FileVersionPostMessage: A Boolean value. True indicates that the WOPI client will notify the WOPI server in the event that the user attempts to navigate to a previous file version.<93>

FileVersionUrl: A string value which is the URL that WOPI client navigate to a previous file version. <94>

HostAuthenticationId: A string that is used by the WOPI server to uniquely identify the user.

HostAuthenticationIdType: A string value that indicates the type of authentication used by the server. <95>

HostEditUrl: A URI to a web page that provides an editing experience for the folder utilizing the WOPI client.

HostEmbeddedEditUrl: A URI to a web page that provides access to an editing experience for the folder that can be embedded in another HTML page. For example, a page that provides an HTML snippet that can be inserted into the HTML of a blog.

HostEmbeddedViewUrl: A URI to a web page that provides access to a viewing experience for the folder that can be embedded in another HTML page. For example, a page that provides an HTML snippet that can be inserted into the HTML of a blog.

HostName: A string that is the name provided by the WOPI server used to identify it for logging and other informational purposes.

HostNotes: A string that is used by the WOPI server to pass arbitrary information to the WOPI client. The WOPI client MAY ignore this string if it does not recognize the contents. A WOPI server MUST NOT require that a WOPI client understand the contents of this string to operate.

HostViewUrl: A URI to a web page that provides a viewing experience for the folder utilizing the WOPI client.

IrmPolicyDescription: A string that the WOPI client SHOULD display to the user indicating the Information Rights Management (IRM) policy for the file.<96> This value SHOULD be combined with IrmPolicyTitle.

IrmPolicyTitle: A string that the WOPI client SHOULD display to the user indicating the IRM policy for the file.<97> This value SHOULD be combined with IrmPolicyDescription.

IsAnonymousUser: A Boolean value. True indicates the user is anonymous. <98>

OpenInClientCommandUrl: A string value which is the URL that WOPI client navigate to a server-controlled opening in client. <99>

OpenInClientPostMessage: A Boolean value. True indicates that the WOPI client will notify the WOPI server in the event that the user attempts to navigate to a server-controlled opening in client.<100>

OwnerId: A string that SHOULD uniquely identify the owner of the file.

PostMessageOrigin: A string that the WOPI client MUST use as the targetOrigin parameter when sending messages as specified in [W3C-HTML5WEBMSG].<101>

PresenceProvider: A string that identifies the provider of information that a WOPI client uses to discover information about the user’s online status (for example, whether a user is available via instant messenger). A WOPI client requires knowledge of specific presence providers to be able to take advantage of this value.

PresenceUserId: A string that identifies the user in the context of the PresenceProvider.

PrivacyUrl: A URI to a webpage that explains the privacy policy of the WOPI server.

ProtectInClient: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client SHOULD take measures to prevent copying and printing of the file.<102> This is intended to help enforce IRM in WOPI clients.

ReportAbusePostMessage: A Boolean value. True indicates that the WOPI client will notify the WOPI server in the event that the user attempts to report abuse. <103>

ReportAbuseUrl: A string value which is the URL to notify server for reporting abuse. <104>

SafeLinksStatus: A string value indicates user's tenant is provisioned for SafeLinks protection. <105>

SignoutUrl: A URI that will sign the current user out of the WOPI server supported authentication system.

SupportsFileUserValue: A Boolean value. True indicates the server supports GetFileUserValue (section and SetFileUserValue (section operations.<106>

SupportsSecureStore: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI server supports calls to a secure data store utilizing credentials stored in the file.

TenantId: A string that is used by the WOPI server to uniquely identify the tenant.

TermsOfUseUrl: A URI to a webpage that explains the terms of use policy of the WOPI server.

UserCanReview: A Boolean value. True indicates the user has permissions to review the file. <107>

UserCanWrite: Indicates that the user has permissions to alter the folder.

UserFriendlyName: A string that is the name of the user. If blank, the WOPI client MAY be configured to use a placeholder string in some scenarios, or to show no name at all.

UserId: A string that is used by the WOPI server to uniquely identify the user.

UserPrincipalName: A string value which is the user principal name. <108>

WebEditingDisabled: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client MUST NOT allow the user to use the WOPI client’s editing functionality to operate on the file. This does not mean that the user doesn’t have rights to edit the file.

WorkflowPostMessage: A Boolean value that indicates that the WOPI client SHOULD notify the WOPI server in the event that the user attempts to trigger a workflow on the file.<109>

WorkflowType: An array of strings representing the workflow types that are available for the file.<110>

WorkflowUrl: A string representing the current version of the file based on the WOPI server’s file versioning schema. This value MUST change when the file content changes, and version values MUST never repeat for a given file.<111>