
Used to update individual elements of the web structure of a site.

 MOD-TYPE = "addNewPage"

This creates a new, empty page at the specified location and adds it to the web structure.

 MOD-TYPE =/ "addExistingPage"

This adds an existing page to the web structure.

 MOD-TYPE =/ "move"

This moves the navigation element for a page within the web structure.

 MOD-TYPE =/ "delete"

This deletes the navigation element for a page from the web structure.

 MOD-TYPE =/ "changeLabel"

This changes the label of the navigation element for a page in the web structure.

 MOD-TYPE =/ "changeMetaInfo"

This merges the specified metadata with the existing metadata for the page in the web structure.

 MOD-TYPE =/ "copyPage"

A copy of the specified page is made in the new location and added to the web structure. If the specified page does not exist, a new, empty page is created at the new location.

 MOD-TYPE =/ "changeUrl"

The target of the navigation element link in the web structure is set to the specified location.